
Ouyang Fenqiang did not attend Chen Xiaoxu's funeral, and many years later he told the secret

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The twists and turns of the story are always hidden behind life, as if quietly played out in a drama. The same is true of this story, whose protagonists are a group of actors who play roles in the classic film and television drama "Dream of Red Mansions", who emerge overnight on the screen, but suffer from choices and tribulations in real life. The story began with a 1987 version of "Dream of Red Mansions", in which Jia Baoyu was played by Ouyang Fenqiang and Lin Daiyu was played by Chen Xiaoxu, and their acting skills made them idols in the hearts of countless people. However, their friendship and life have experienced all kinds of twists and turns, and the story has become more and more confusing as time goes on.

Ouyang Fenqiang did not attend Chen Xiaoxu's funeral, and many years later he told the secret

After the Dream of Red Mansions crew selected actors, Ouyang Fenqiang did not appear for a long time. He was the last actor to enter the second training class, which was personally trained by director Wang Fulin. When they met for the first time, Chen Xiaoxu greeted Ouyang Fenqiang lightly, which opened the prelude to the first relationship between the two. During the meal, Ouyang Fenqiang felt cramped and uneasy, and Chen Xiaoxu resolved the awkward atmosphere through a prank and narrowed the distance between the two.

In order to better play the role of Jia Baoyu, the director gave Ouyang Fenqiang a task to engage in two pranks every day. This was a huge challenge for the newcomer Ouyang Fenqiang, but fortunately, Chen Xiaoxu became his "military advisor", and the two played pranks together, prompting him to gradually integrate into the role and establish a deep friendship.

Ouyang Fenqiang did not attend Chen Xiaoxu's funeral, and many years later he told the secret

The two played, photographed, and read scripts together in between shoots, and the three-year collaboration made them lifelong friends. Although Ouyang Fenqiang returned to Sichuan after the filming ended, while Chen Xiaoxu stayed in Beijing, the friendship between the two remained the same. Ouyang Fenqiang admitted frankly in an interview that Chen Xiaoxu had given him confidence and encouragement, allowing him to embark on a successful path in his acting career.

However, the two also disagree on some ideas. Ouyang Fenqiang once said that he didn't like Lin Daiyu's personality very much, thinking that she was too cautious to understand why she fell in love with Baoyu. Chen Xiaoxu was angry because of this, accusing Ouyang Fenqiang of not being able to appreciate Lin Daiyu's beauty, thinking that he was just an ordinary man. Despite the disputes, they continued to deepen their friendship through constant communication and understanding.

Ouyang Fenqiang did not attend Chen Xiaoxu's funeral, and many years later he told the secret

Many years later, Chen Xiaoxu and Ouyang Fenqiang's lives went to different trajectories. After experiencing a period of time when there was no drama to film, Chen Xiaoxu devoted herself to the advertising industry, founded Shibang Advertising Company, became the chairman, and her career gradually flourished. At the same time, Ouyang Fenqiang went to Shenzhen University for further study, and then returned to Sichuan to work as a director, and his career was also thriving. Although they parted ways in their careers, their friendship remained strong.

In 2003, an event was held for the 20th anniversary of the 87 Red Mansion crew, and Chen Xiaoxu and Ouyang Fenqiang became the finale of the event and were interviewed. This reunion warmed up the friendship between the two again, and even after many years, the bond between them has become closer.

Ouyang Fenqiang did not attend Chen Xiaoxu's funeral, and many years later he told the secret

However, a turning point of fate struck in 2007. Chen Xiaoxu unfortunately suffered from breast cancer and passed away in Shenzhen, which made all fans who love "Dream of Red Mansions" feel deep grief. At her memorial service in Shenzhen, many actors who had starred in the 87 Red Mansion crew came to say goodbye, but Ouyang Fenqiang did not appear. This sparked dissatisfaction and accusations from many fans, who thought he was cold-blooded and ruthless.

However, the truth is hidden behind the scenes. Years later, Ouyang Fenqiang revealed the real reason why he did not attend Chen Xiaoxu's funeral in the first place. When he learned the news of Chen Xiaoxu's death, he was filming in Linyi and was incredulous at this shocking news. He quickly contacted Deng Jie to try to confirm the authenticity of the news. Deng Jie confirmed the unfortunate news and told him that Chen Xiaoxu had left and everyone was preparing

Ouyang Fenqiang did not attend Chen Xiaoxu's funeral, and many years later he told the secret

Go to Shenzhen and give her her her last ride. Ouyang Fenqiang was in a heavy mood, but his work prevented him from rushing back to Shenzhen immediately.

In the days that followed, Ouyang Fenqiang was tightly bound by a serious work arrangement. He was anxious, but he couldn't get out easily. During that time, he felt a deep sense of helplessness and guilt. Every phone rang unnerved him, and every message vibrated his heartache. He is eager to rush back to Shenzhen as soon as possible to bid farewell to Chen Xiaoxu's family and friends.

However, his work did not allow him to do so. In the end, when he couldn't get a vacation, he could only pray and silently remember Chen Xiaoxu from afar, and send her his deepest sorrows.

Chen Xiaoxu's death was a heavy blow to Ouyang Fenqiang, and it was also an irreparable regret. He didn't have the opportunity to say goodbye to his long-time friend in person, he didn't have the opportunity to see her off. It was all painful for him, but he also knew that all he could do at that particular moment was to silently remember and pray.

In the end, Ouyang Fenqiang decided to express his feelings at Chen Xiaoxu's memorial service in the Grand View Garden. He wrote four short and affectionate words: "Xiaoxu, miss you." This sentence not only expresses his longing for his friend, but also a kind of farewell and mourning in his heart.

This story teaches us that friendships and life are often full of twists and turns and unpredictable turns. Although Ouyang Fenqiang and Chen Xiaoxu play different roles in the play, they have established a deep friendship in reality. They grew up together, faced challenges together, laughed and argued together, but in the end, they understood and encouraged each other and became lifelong friends.

The unpredictability of life often prevents us from doing things according to plan, but friendship and genuine affection can transcend all obstacles. Even in the face of difficulties and regrets, true friendship reveals its true power at critical moments.

The story of Chen Xiaoxu and Ouyang Fenqiang also reminds us to cherish the people around us and express our emotions for them in time, because life is short and we never know what will happen in the next moment. Friendship and affection are the most precious treasures in life, and they can add infinite color and warmth to our lives.

The story, which began with a character from a classic TV series, eventually turned into a deep friendship in real life. It tells us that the most precious thing in life is those sincere emotions, and friendship is one of the most important. No matter what happens, friendship can overcome all difficulties and become the most solid support in our lives.

Develop. Therefore, Ouyang Fenqiang had to stay in Linyi, unable to rush to Shenzhen, nor able to attend Chen Xiaoxu's funeral.

This story tells us some important revelations and truths. First of all, relationships are a very important part of life. In the entertainment industry, Ouyang Fenqiang and Chen Xiaoxu established a deep friendship because of their common crew work, and this friendship was fully reflected when Chen Xiaoxu fell ill and passed away. No matter how successful your career is, relationships and friendships can bring real support and comfort.

Secondly, the story also emphasizes that people should cherish and stick to friendship in life. Even though Ouyang Fenqiang was unable to go to Chen Xiaoxu's funeral due to work, his performance at the memorial service and the four words he gave Chen Xiaoxu, "Xiaoxu, miss you", showed that he missed his friend deeply. Friendship is priceless and should not be overlooked for work or other things.

In addition, the prank quest in the story also teaches us a lesson, which is to be optimistic and humorous in the face of adversity. When Ouyang Fenqiang first came to the crew, he felt restrained and uncomfortable, but by carrying out pranks with Chen Xiaoxu, he not only gradually integrated into the role, but also solved his self-confidence problem. This suggests that in life, we should be brave in facing challenges and try to overcome them with humor and optimism.

Finally, the different careers in the story also remind us that people can choose different paths and succeed. Chen Xiaoxu chose to enter the advertising industry, while Ouyang Fenqiang became a director. They have both been successful in their respective fields, which shows that there are many options for people in their careers, and different paths can lead to success.

In conclusion, the story highlights the value of friendship, the importance of relationships, and the importance of staying optimistic and brave in the face of adversity. At the same time, it also tells us that people can choose different career paths and succeed in their respective fields. Most importantly, no matter what path we choose, we should cherish friendships, hold fast to our beliefs, and respect and understand the choices and decisions of others. These values and revelations can guide us to succeed in life and build meaningful relationships.

In this story, we can also see some great insights about human nature and relationships. First and foremost, friendship is an unconditional emotion that is not limited by time, distance, or life choices. Even though Chen Xiaoxu and Ouyang Fenqiang have gone on different paths in their careers, their friendship is still the same. The persistence and depth of this friendship is something we should learn from. It reminds us that true friendship is not bound by material conditions and professional differences.

In addition, the story also reflects the difficulties and choices that people often encounter in life. Ouyang Fenqiang's choice to not be able to go to Chen Xiaoxu's funeral shows a conflict between responsibility and career. This episode has sparked controversy among the public, but it has also made people think that in exceptional circumstances, we may be forced to make difficult decisions and have to put aside personal emotions to fulfill our professional responsibilities. This conflict exists not only in show business, but also in all walks of life. It reminds us that moral and ethical decisions in life are not always simple.

In addition, the humorous elements in the story also convey an important message that humor can dissolve tension and awkwardness and promote harmony in interpersonal relationships. The prank became a medium for the friendship between Ouyang Fenqiang and Chen Xiaoxu, making them more harmonious at work and making the work environment more relaxed and pleasant. This plot teaches us that humor and a light-hearted attitude help improve relationships, not only at work but also in life.

Finally, the different career choices in the story also emphasize the diversity of life and the breadth of opportunities. Both Chen Xiaoxu and Ouyang Fenqiang have achieved success in different fields, which shows that each of us has the opportunity to choose our own area of interest and strive for success. This diversity and opportunity exist to make us understand that the choices in life are multifaceted and that we can decide our career path based on our interests and passions.

Overall, this story teaches us important lessons about camaraderie, work ethic, humor, and diversity in life. It reminds us to cherish friendships in our relationships, to weigh the pros and cons when facing professional and moral conflicts, while maintaining a humorous and light-hearted attitude in life, and ultimately, to actively explore and choose a career path that suits us. These lessons all help us better understand the complexities of relationships and life, as well as how to better adapt and cope with different situations.

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