
Zhen Huan's biography: No wonder Zhen Huan didn't mention her after Liuzhu's death, to see what secrets she knew?

author:Freedom Apple O9O

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In 2011, a TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan" caused an uproar across the country, and this craze continues to this day, and even gave birth to a new word - "Zhen Xue". However, the success of this hit TV series is not only due to the excellent actors and production team, but also inseparable from the exquisite conception of the original novel "Harem: The Legend of Zhen Huan".

Every character in the novel is portrayed in a lifelike and haunting way. In addition to the protagonist Zhen Huan herself, there is also a small role, she is the maid next to Zhen Huan - Liuzhu. This little person, who is not amazing, occupies a special place in Zhen Huan's heart, so much so that after Zhen Huan's death, she has remained silent.

Zhen Huan's biography: No wonder Zhen Huan didn't mention her after Liuzhu's death, to see what secrets she knew?

So, what kind of deep emotional bond does Liu Zhu have with Zhen Huan? What secrets did she know that Zhen Huan remained silent after her death? Let's delve into this bizarre and profound relationship between the maid and the master.

Wen Shichu's emotions, the first time I saw Zhen Huan

Wen Shichu's feelings for Zhen Huan actually began to breed long before Zhen Huan entered the palace. At that critical moment, Liuzhu became the only witness. When Zhen Huan had not yet entered the palace, she received a letter from Wen Shichu expressing her emotions at home. This letter contains only two short lines, but it is full of affection: "As soon as Houmen entered the deep sea, Xiao Lang was a passer-by from then on. ”

Zhen Huan's biography: No wonder Zhen Huan didn't mention her after Liuzhu's death, to see what secrets she knew?

This love letter was full of deep feelings, but due to the inopportune timing, Zhen Huan could not respond publicly. She urgently summoned the maid Liuzhu and asked her to bring the brazier and light the love letter. This is an important decision for Zhen Huan, she chooses to trust Liuzhu and let her burn this secret with her own hands to ensure that it will never be known by outsiders. At this moment, Liuzhu became the only person who knew Zhen Huan's inner secret, which was the first secret between her and Zhen Huan.

The special emotional bond between Zhen Huan and Liuzhu

Zhen Huan and Liuzhu grew up together, so they know each other very well. When Zhen Huan was about to enter the palace for the draft, her father decided to let her bring two personal maids into the palace to ensure that she had cronies to rely on. At this critical moment, Zhen Huan chose Liuzhu because she knew Liuzhu's wit and intelligence.

Zhen Huan's biography: No wonder Zhen Huan didn't mention her after Liuzhu's death, to see what secrets she knew?

Zhen Huan's understanding of Liuzhu is clearly reflected in the novel: "Liuzhu is clever and decisive, and has the talent to adapt; Huanbi is thoughtful, gentle and considerate. Both of them are my right-hand men, and they have to support me in the harem. This decision not only shows Zhen Huan's trust in Liuzhu, but also shows her wise decision-making.

Before entering the palace, Zhen Huan had some things to inquire, but because she couldn't go out at will, she asked her subordinates to investigate. Liuzhu was not sent to carry out this mission, because this matter was not particularly secret, and Zhen Huan did not want Liuzhu to take risks. This moment once again highlighted Liuzhu's intelligence and wit, as well as Zhen Huan's protective heart.

Zhen Huan's biography: No wonder Zhen Huan didn't mention her after Liuzhu's death, to see what secrets she knew?

Liuzhu's astuteness and Zhen Huan's trust

After Zhen Huan entered the palace, she was worried about the battle in the harem and the waiters, so she tried her best to avoid the waiters. She decided to drink medicine to avoid favor, and asked Imperial Doctor Wen to give herself a small dose of poison to make herself weak and not fatal, and to escape the bed under the pretext of being unwell. In this plan, only Ruju remained present, becoming the only one who knew about the plan.

The key part of this plan is that Liuzhu was the first to learn Zhen Huan's second secret. This deep trust and ability to keep secrets has made Liuzhu an indispensable part of Zhen Huan's life. This dependence and mutual understanding played an important role in Zhen Huan's court life.

Zhen Huan's biography: No wonder Zhen Huan didn't mention her after Liuzhu's death, to see what secrets she knew?

Zhen Huan suffered from the snub and insult of the harem, but she was not unduly unhappy about it. However, what she didn't expect was that her eunuchs and palace maids also began to behave unruly and began to be disrespectful to her. Two eunuchs even switched to other concubines. In the face of this situation, flow

Zhu did not hesitate to stand on Zhen Huan's side and fight for her. She questioned the rebellious eunuchs: "Gonggong Kang, the little lord has always treated you well, but you are so betrayal and ungrateful?" Liu Zhu's voice was full of righteous indignation and dissatisfaction, and she stood up for Zhen Huan, regardless of the consequences, showing firm support for her master.

After the turmoil subsided, Zhen Huan's bedroom gradually returned to calm. However, one day, on a cold winter night, Zhen Huan decided to go for a walk in the plum garden alone, and Liuzhu followed behind her, worried that she would freeze. Zhen Huan jokingly scolded Liuzhu: "Why are you so worried, should you bring my quilt too?" Although she said so, Liuzhu's care and love made Zhen Huan feel warm and comforted.

Zhen Huan's first encounter with the emperor, Liu Zhu as a witness

Zhen Huan's first encounter with the emperor, as well as the time of their first love, are considered to be one of Zhen Huan's happiest moments in the palace, and Liuzhu is a witness to this time.

In the spring, Zhen Huan sat on the swing and let Liuzhu nudge her, and the two laughed and laughed. Suddenly, a man appeared behind them. Zhen Huan thought that Liuzhu was playing tricks on her, but it wasn't until she turned around that she realized that this man was actually a high-ranking official. This is their second encounter with this "prince".

On another occasion, Liuzhu continued to push Zhen Huan's swing, and the emperor's new favorite concubine Yu Niangzi passed by, but her maid rudely blamed Zhen Huan. Liu Zhu did not hesitate to stand by Zhen Huan's side and firmly defended his master, and it was not until the emperor himself appeared that the conflict was resolved. Liuzhu's tenacity and loyalty once again showed that she was Zhen Huan's right-hand man and always stood by her side.

In this special service, Liuzhu became Zhen Huan's confidant, supporter and friend. She not only understands Zhen Huan's inner world, but also stands up at critical moments to protect her interests. This relationship goes beyond the master and servant, and is more like a sister-like emotional bond, making Liuzhu a solid backing for Zhen Huan in the palace.


In the TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan", the relationship between Zhen Huan and the maid Liuzhu is an unforgettable part of the story. Liuzhu is not only Zhen Huan's personal maid, but also her friend and confidant. She plays an important role in Zhen Huan's life, knows many secrets, and provides support and protection for her master.

Liuzhu's shrewdness, loyalty, and steadfastness make her one of Zhen Huan's most trusted people. She witnessed many key moments in Zhen Huan's life, including the first encounter between Zhen Huan and Wen Shichu, and the first love between Zhen Huan and the emperor. Her presence allows Zhen Huan to find a true emotional bond and support system in the court's intrigues.

This special relationship of service not only adds depth and emotional depth to the TV series, but also reflects the interpersonal relationships and emotional entanglements in court life. The friendship and trust between Liuzhu and Zhen Huan is a touching part of this story, and it also allows the audience to understand the inner world of this court woman more deeply.


In the TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Liuzhu is an inconspicuous maid, but she played an important role in Zhen Huan's life and left a deep imprint. This gives us some interesting insights and truths:

Loyalty and Friendship: Liuzhu shows selfless loyalty and deep friendship. She has always supported and protected Zhen Huan, and even dared to defend Zhen Huan when she faced difficulties. This teaches us that camaraderie and loyalty are prized qualities that can build deep relationships in life.

Privacy and trust: Liu Zhu knows Zhen Huan's secrets, but she has never divulged or betrayed Zhen Huan's trust. This underscores the importance of privacy and trust in intimate relationships, as well as the need for friends to respect each other and keep secrets.

Tact & Adaptability: Ryu Zhu has shown tact and flexibility, being able to adapt to different situations and help in critical moments. This teaches us that we need to be resourceful and resilient in life in order to solve problems and overcome challenges.

Family and affection: Zhen Huan chose to take Liuzhu and another maid Huanbi when she entered the palace, which reflects the importance of family affection and family. We should cherish family relationships and support each other in times of difficulty.


Liuzhu in the TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is an inconspicuous maid, but she plays an important role in Zhen Huan's life, showing the qualities of loyalty, friendship, wit and adaptability. She knows and keeps Zhen Huan's secret, and has always supported and protected Zhen Huan. This suggests that we should cherish and respect friendships, family relationships, and privacy and trust in our lives. Liuzhu's story reminds us that sometimes the people around us can be more important than we think, and that true friendship and loyalty are precious treasures. Tact and resilience are also key in the face of challenges and difficulties that can help us cope with a variety of situations. Most importantly, the story between Zhen Huan and Liuzhu shows the beautiful side of human nature, as well as mutual support and care in intimate relationships. These teachings and revelations can guide us in our lives to build more meaningful and abundant relationships, and to be better friends and partners.

In the TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Liuzhu's role is not only the maid next to Zhen Huan, but also represents the depth of loyalty and emotion. This depth is not only reflected in the plot, but also has many applications and revelations in real life.

First of all, the power of loyalty and camaraderie is immeasurable. Liuzhu's loyalty to Zhen Huan is not only manifested in words and deeds, but also deeply rooted in her heart. This loyalty and camaraderie can be a model in our lives. In real life, we should also cherish those friends and loved ones who are loyal to us, and we should also reciprocate their love and support when needed.

Secondly, Liuzhu's wit and adaptability show her wisdom. When dealing with Zhen Huan's privacy issues and other complications, she is always smart enough to find solutions. This shows that in life, we need to be flexible in dealing with various challenges and problems. Wit and resilience are sometimes more important than other qualities, as they help us get through difficult times and find our way out.

Liuzhu's character also emphasizes the value of family and kinship. When Zhen Huan entered the palace, she chose to bring Liu Zhu and Huanbi, because she cherished the time with her family, and at the same time hoped to have relatives in the palace. This reminds us in real life not to forget the importance of affection and family. Family members are the strongest backing in our lives, and they will always be there to support us, no matter what we are facing.

Finally, Liuzhu's story also reflects the kindness and sincerity in human nature. Her care and love for Zhen Huan is selfless, and this pure emotion makes people feel warm. In a complex society, we sometimes overlook the beauty and innocence in human nature, but the character of Liuzhu reminds us that friendship and loyalty can be the most precious treasures, and kindness and sincerity can warm people's hearts.

In short, the character of Liuzhu in the TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is not just a maid, she represents loyalty, friendship, wit and the importance of family. Her story provides us with many helpful insights and truths that can guide us in building deep relationships in real life, cultivating positive qualities, and appreciating the good in our human nature. Through Liuzhu's story, we can better understand the power of human relationships and the depth of emotion.

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