
The ratings of "Homecoming" fell, Tan Songyun's state sparked heated discussions, and netizens said that they had been eating baby-faced old books

author:Freedom Apple O9O

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Introduction: Cultural integration and cross-border cooperation are shaping the current film and television industry, and the adaptation of online novels has become an important source in the production of TV dramas. As a leader in the field of novel websites, Jinjiang not only breeds many excellent stories and literary authors, but also cooperates more and more frequently with the film and television drama market in recent years. This cooperation has not only led to the sale of many IP rights, but also the adaptation of many online novels into highly anticipated film and television works. However, as with all creations, every new venture comes with challenges and controversies.

The heroine Tan Songyun, as a high-profile actor, has been showing people with a naïve and cute image since her debut. However, the years never stop because of anyone's appearance. After 90s, she quickly opened up her popularity with a fresh image, but as she grew older, the audience began to question her status. In Homecoming, her performance sparked a discussion among the audience. This time, the character she plays needs to take on more heavy emotions, no longer a sweet girl, but a woman who has experienced ups and downs. This shift is not only about the plot itself, but also about the audience's expectations for the development of her acting career.

The ratings of "Homecoming" fell, Tan Songyun's state sparked heated discussions, and netizens said that they had been eating baby-faced old books

The adaptation of the story sometimes falls short of the audience's expectations. Although "Homecoming" is highly anticipated, it has faced a lot of controversy after it was launched. The way the plot is handled and the characters are created to give rise to different voices. Some viewers appreciated the crew's efforts to restore the plot of the novel, but others were disgusted by the rhythm of the plot. The timeline design of the series, as well as the narrative mode of the male and female protagonists after they are separated and reunited, have aroused different feelings from the audience. The audience has a controversy over the rhythm of the plot and the choice of viewing platform for the series, and even affects their overall evaluation of the show.

In addition to the plot, Tan Songyun has also received widespread attention as the heroine. Her acting skills and image have also become the focus of discussion. From her early sweet roles to her more mature performances, she has tried to expand the different portrayals of a professional woman, but audiences have expressed concern about the singularity of her role choices. For an actor who used to have a sweet image, how to choose a future role is a question that the audience and the industry are thinking about.

The ratings of "Homecoming" fell, Tan Songyun's state sparked heated discussions, and netizens said that they had been eating baby-faced old books

The production of film and television dramas is a complex process, and every detail may affect the audience's recognition of the work. From the adaptation of the script to the interpretation of the characters, every link touches the emotions of the audience. For the highly anticipated production, the challenges it faces may become part of the industry's exploration and innovation, and at the same time, it will also prompt the actors to continue to grow and break through in their careers.

Whether it is the success or controversy of the work, it constitutes a link in the development of culture. Jinjiang's novels and film and television dramas will also continue to play an important role in this cultural change. It is expected that each work can be presented in the best state, bringing visual satisfaction and resonance to the audience.

The ratings of "Homecoming" fell, Tan Songyun's state sparked heated discussions, and netizens said that they had been eating baby-faced old books

1 The above content is to reorganize and express the ideas of the original text in order to show different language styles and narrative styles, and to maintain the central idea and detailed description of the original text as much as possible.


As a literary creation platform, Jinjiang website has successfully exported a series of excellent novels, attracting a large number of readers and successfully integrating into the film and television market in recent years. This development provides an important insight: in the process of transforming literary works into film and television dramas, although the highly anticipated series "Homecoming" brought together many advantages, including a strong team, investment, star cast, and original content, it encountered the problem of polarization of audience evaluation and declining ratings in the actual broadcast.

The ratings of "Homecoming" fell, Tan Songyun's state sparked heated discussions, and netizens said that they had been eating baby-faced old books

This situation teaches us several important lessons. First of all, while a series may have excellent raw materials, when it comes to translating into a film or TV series, the production team must adapt the content precisely to ensure that the plot is coherent, paced, and keeps the audience's attention. Secondly, while the investment and star cast are beneficial to the series, a good script and excellent performance are more important. In addition, the choice of the broadcast platform of the drama series is also an important factor to consider, because different broadcast methods may affect the audience's choice and viewing experience.


As a successful example of a fiction website, Jinjiang proves that excellent literary content can become a valuable resource for film and television dramas. However, a highly anticipated series like Homecoming has suffered from polarized audience ratings and declining ratings after it aired. This situation has sparked discussions about the production of the series and the transformation of actors' roles.

The ratings of "Homecoming" fell, Tan Songyun's state sparked heated discussions, and netizens said that they had been eating baby-faced old books

The problem with this drama is not only in the plot, but also because the production team failed to effectively solve the problems of pacing, narrative structure, and audience experience when translating the content of the novel into a film and television drama. In addition, due to the different broadcast methods of online platforms and satellite TV, it has also had an impact on the performance of the series and audience feedback.

Actor Tan Songyun, as the heroine of the play, also faces the problems of audience aesthetic fatigue and character singleness. She has always shown herself as a young girl, but because she has played the same type of role for a long time, the audience has expressed concern about her transformation into a drama. The audience had doubts about whether she would be able to successfully transition into a professional female role.

Therefore, in this context, drama producers need to pay more attention to the needs of the audience, strengthen the quality and innovation of the script, and better integrate with the original novel. And actors also need to try more in the choice of roles to show more diverse performances and avoid being fixed in a certain type of role. Transitioning to a new type of role, such as a working woman, may be able to break new ground for her.

Overall, the example of "Homecoming" tells us that even highly anticipated dramas with strong resources need more attention and effort to meet the expectations of the audience and the market demand. From the production of the series to the performance of the actors, more innovation and change are needed to adapt to the audience's pursuit of diversity and quality of content.

The above content information is from the Internet, relevant data, and theoretical research on the Internet information, which does not mean that the author of this article agrees with the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information. The author of this article does not assume any direct or indirect legal responsibility for any of the above or related issues.

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