
The wife posted a heartwarming moment with her husband, it is fate to walk together, netizens: Where did I lose

author:Fireworks in the world 005

In this complicated earthly world, not just a couple of men and women can grow old together. The generation of love must be based on fate.

People who are destined can also meet thousands of miles away, regardless of appearance and age, but eyes and smell. Many people whose appearance is not on the same level also have a big age gap, because fate has arrived, and they get along very well together.

On October 26, in Yunnan, a woman shared a heartwarming scene with her husband, which caused many netizens to watch and discuss hotly. Some netizens said, I don't know where I lost?

The wife posted a heartwarming moment with her husband, it is fate to walk together, netizens: Where did I lose

In the picture, the woman and her husband are sleeping on the bed, and the husband gently hugs his wife, his face is full of happiness.

The quilt covered by the two is bright red, and it can be seen that the two have not been married for a long time, and the relationship is the strongest time. The wife used her mobile phone to record the two in the same frame, and the husband cooperated with every effort.

Judging from the appearance of the two, the woman is fair-skinned, young and beautiful, especially the skin on her face is like a shelled egg. The appearance is much younger than that of the husband.

The husband looks older and looks casual and sloppy. His face was dull and full of wrinkles, which made his face as rough as tree bark. A smile reveals crooked front teeth that are full of cigarette stains.

In this way, the two are not suitable for both appearance and age. But they came together because of fate. I have to say, fate is really a wonderful thing.

The wife posted a heartwarming moment with her husband, it is fate to walk together, netizens: Where did I lose

It is absolutely impossible to say that a woman is with her husband for money. If the two of them had money, they wouldn't have slept on such an ordinary plank bed. If he is rich, his husband's yellow teeth will definitely be well repaired. The only explanation is that the two are together because of love.

When he stroked his wife's hair, his eyes were brushed. Of course, the wife also enjoys the love of her husband.

The two of them have each other's eyes full of each other, and that says it all. Appearance and age are not worth mentioning in front of true love.

Later, according to the woman, she was married for the second time with a son to the husband of the first marriage.

The husband of the first marriage has good looks, so what, he doesn't know how to hurt people and don't know how to love people. often spends time drinking outside, never returning home at night, and lives with him very well, and finally ends in divorce.

The wife posted a heartwarming moment with her husband, it is fate to walk together, netizens: Where did I lose

Although the current husband is not online in appearance and is much older than himself, he is honest and honest, does not pay attention, and takes care of his family. knows how to love others, knows how to take care of himself, and loves his son like his own child. Isn't marrying just to find a down-to-earth life? Marrying such a husband, he will give you a full sense of security and never worry about him spending time outside.

In this regard, some netizens said that they may not say a lot of love words, but the person who really loves you will definitely express it with actions. The uncle does look very incompatible with his wife on the outside, but he is definitely a good man who loves his wife very much.

Some netizens said, to be honest, before we got married, we all looked at our appearance, and after 12 years of marriage, it feels really painful, good to people, and the man of the Gu family is the most important!

The wife posted a heartwarming moment with her husband, it is fate to walk together, netizens: Where did I lose

However, some netizens believe that if this man didn't have a mine, he wouldn't believe anything. Today's women are more realistic, either for money or for appearance. There is no one who only wants to love anymore!

Some netizens even said, looking at this man, I silently drank a few bottles of beer, I want to ask, my guy in my early thirties can't marry a daughter-in-law, where do I lose?

Author's point of view

Judging from the woman's sharing, this husband can indeed give people a full sense of security. Because, he has no money, no appearance, no money, except for people, he has nothing worth thinking about most women.

Women nowadays are generally realists, either you have money, or you have good looks. In other words, there are very few women like women who only want people.

Of course, life is one's own, no matter what outsiders say, as long as a woman feels comfortable. Because, whether the shoes fit or not, only the feet know. Whether she is happy or unhappy with her husband is known only to the woman. And the smile on her face says it all.

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