
Cheng Lei: Before being arrested, I had a premonition that I would send my child back to Australia, but after I was released from prison, I asked for a job in Australia and was politely refused

author:Laughing Qing Chen

"Mommy is back, and we're finally back together!" Cheng Lei stepped off the plane and saw her son running towards her excitedly, she couldn't control her tears anymore, and she hugged her son tightly. For 3 years, Cheng Lei has been in prison, and her son's smiling face can only appear in dreams, but today, this beautiful picture has finally become a reality.

Cheng Lei: Before being arrested, I had a premonition that I would send my child back to Australia, but after I was released from prison, I asked for a job in Australia and was politely refused

If there is one of the most correct things in Cheng Lei's life, it is to let her mother and son return to Australia before the incident. In March 2020, Cheng Lei vaguely felt that she might be in trouble, so she hurriedly asked her son to go back to Australia to reunite with her grandmother, while she stayed in Beijing to work.

Cheng Lei: Before being arrested, I had a premonition that I would send my child back to Australia, but after I was released from prison, I asked for a job in Australia and was politely refused

Cheng Lei originally planned to return to Australia in August 2021, but was suddenly arrested by the police in February 2021 on suspicion of stealing state secrets. Now that she has been released from prison and returned to China, Cheng Lei just wants to hold her son and cry bitterly, for the 3 years of parting and suffering.

Cheng Lei: Before being arrested, I had a premonition that I would send my child back to Australia, but after I was released from prison, I asked for a job in Australia and was politely refused

Seeing that her mother and son were safe, Cheng Lei was relieved and couldn't help but blame herself. In the past 3 years, Cheng Lei's son was often ridiculed by his classmates as a "traitor's son" at school, and his personality became withdrawn and introverted. Cheng Lei's mother was also worried about what happened to her daughter, and her hair turned a lot grayer. Cheng Lei looked at the white hair on her mother's forehead distressedly, and she couldn't control her tears anymore.

Cheng Lei: Before being arrested, I had a premonition that I would send my child back to Australia, but after I was released from prison, I asked for a job in Australia and was politely refused

Although Cheng Lei returned to Australia, she was not as happy as she imagined. As soon as she landed, the Australian diplomat warmly hugged Cheng Lei, which made her feel very warm. But when Cheng Lei took the initiative to ask the diplomat if she could give her a job, she was politely refused, only to get a reply of "you just have to be happy". Cheng Lei realized that she might just be a chess piece that had exhausted its usefulness.

Cheng Lei: Before being arrested, I had a premonition that I would send my child back to Australia, but after I was released from prison, I asked for a job in Australia and was politely refused

Three years ago, Cheng Lei was a former Australian diplomat in Beijing, where she was responsible for political and economic policy analysis. She is accused of collecting information from within the Chinese government and illegally passing it on to Australia. In August this year, Cheng Lei was repatriated to Australia after being released from prison. For what she did, Cheng Lei has always denied that she is a spy and does not believe that she is guilty of treason.

Cheng Lei: Before being arrested, I had a premonition that I would send my child back to Australia, but after I was released from prison, I asked for a job in Australia and was politely refused

Cheng Lei thought that she would be able to start over when she returned to Australia, and the Australian government would continue to take care of her. After all, what happened to Cheng Lei is closely related to Australia. But when she actually returned to Australia, she found that she had been abandoned. Having lost her career and status in China, Cheng Lei also struggled to gain a foothold in Australia, and could only barely make ends meet on government handouts.

Cheng Lei: Before being arrested, I had a premonition that I would send my child back to Australia, but after I was released from prison, I asked for a job in Australia and was politely refused

Cheng Lei cried that she finally survived her prison life, but she couldn't feel any warmth in Australia. She just wants a job to support herself and her family again, but this small wish also seems difficult to achieve. The diplomat's response was vain and wronged, and Cheng Lei realized that she was just a pawn to be used, and once she lost her value, she would be abandoned.

Cheng Lei: Before being arrested, I had a premonition that I would send my child back to Australia, but after I was released from prison, I asked for a job in Australia and was politely refused

Cheng Lei's experience makes people wonder, what is the fate of an ordinary person in the great power game? Cheng Lei only carried out the instructions of her superiors to obtain information, but in the end, she was accused of treason and imprisoned. And the person who instructed her to do this has long since disappeared. How many ordinary people like Cheng Lei have become cannon fodder in the game of great powers?

Cheng Lei: Before being arrested, I had a premonition that I would send my child back to Australia, but after I was released from prison, I asked for a job in Australia and was politely refused

We can't help but feel sorry for Cheng Lei, an ordinary woman. She just obeyed orders, but in the end she was burdened with a huge price. As ordinary people, we should cherish our existing life and not blindly believe in the grandstanding and rhetoric of power. Only in this way can we avoid falling victim to the struggle for power. We look forward to seeing Cheng Lei regain her confidence and start a new life in Australia."


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