
If you run for a year, what will happen to your body? Are you really running the right track?

author:Popular polyhedron

What would happen to your body if you ran every day for a year?

If you run for a year, what will happen to your body? Are you really running the right track?

Some people say that running is an effective exercise for the whole body and weight loss, but what is the truth?

Hello everyone, I'm Lao Duo.

This is the first day you keep running, you set yourself a goal of running for one hour, but in fact you are tired after only half an hour, your legs will be particularly sore, this is because in the process of running, the muscle tissue produces a lot of lactic acid, in addition, the process of running will make your muscles strain, but you don't have to worry, these strains will be repaired by the body later, making you stronger.

If you run for a year, what will happen to your body? Are you really running the right track?

This is the first month of running, you can clearly feel that your leg muscles are more developed, you can now run with ease, and in addition, your mental state will get better and better, because running can promote your brain to secrete dopamine, endorphins, which make you feel happy, making you more positive.

This is the third month of your running routine, and you'll notice that you're in shape because running helps you lose fat and stimulates most of your muscles to become more developed.

If you run for a year, what will happen to your body? Are you really running the right track?

So, what will happen to your body next?

If you run for a year, what will happen to your body?

This is half a year when you insist on running every day, and you will find that your sleep state is much better than before, and scientists in the United States have found that running can improve sleep quality to a certain extent after a year-long tracking and comparison experiment with volunteers. Running makes your lifestyle healthier, and to a certain extent, improves your skin condition, you may become fairer and look younger.

If you run for a year, what will happen to your body? Are you really running the right track?

This is the ninth month of your running, and you may not notice it yourself, but your physical fitness will become better, your cardiorespiratory fitness, bone strength will become stronger, your immunity will also improve, and you will be less likely to get sick than before.

This is the year you have been running, you have completed this challenge, and now you are like two people compared to before, not only has you become more stylish, you are dressed thinly, you are undressed, and your mental state has become more positive and energetic, research has found that people who run for a long time are less likely to suffer from depression than other groups of people, and you have decided to continue to stick to it after a year of running.

If you run for a year, what will happen to your body? Are you really running the right track?

Finally, Lao Duo has another question, remember to like and follow, let's continue to look down.

A woman in Sichuan insisted on running every day for half a year, but she was paralyzed.

This woman was originally an executive of a company in Sichuan, because she sat in the office all the year round, wanted to make her body healthier, and began to insist on running and punching in, but only half a year later, she became difficult to even walk daily, like paralysis, when the doctor examined, it was found that she was overloaded with running and running in the wrong posture, resulting in half of her kneecap being worn off, basically hopeless.

If you run for a year, what will happen to your body? Are you really running the right track?

If we don't want to be like this, we should pay attention to these issues when we run.

First of all, don't run violently at the beginning, which can not help you lose weight, but also bring a burden to your body, the body's energy is divided into normal energy and reserve energy, only the normal energy consumption is almost, the body will consume reserve energy, the final result of running at the beginning is that the normal energy has not been consumed, but you already feel tired and can't run.

In addition, running does not require a daily routine, and proper rest can effectively protect your knees from excessive wear and tear.

If you run for a year, what will happen to your body? Are you really running the right track?

Finally, it is important to maintain the correct posture and maintain an upright position without leaning forward, so that it can be considered an effective and healthy run.

I'm a lot older, and I know a lot more.