
Wang Qi and Shen Teng, the gap between husband and wife is getting bigger and bigger, how far can marriage go?

author:Free Silly Hair

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The marriage of Shen Teng and Wang Qi has always attracted much attention, and recently, they have been on the hot search again, causing many controversies. Many people have expressed their opinions, especially in response to Wang Qi's body changes, and the rhetoric has been fierce, but some have chosen to remain rational, believing that Wang Qi's appearance should not be the target of public attack. However, this is only a superficial phenomenon, and the marriage gap between Shen Teng and Wang Qi has long been not only reflected in their figures, but also in their careers and attitudes towards life. This article will explore their marriage and explore the secrets of a celebrity couple's long-lasting affection.

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In marriage, how to perceive changes in your partner has always been an important issue. For Wang Qi, her marriage with Shen Teng has already had ups and downs, from changes in appearance to differences in career and life attitudes. Although some people criticize her body change and think that she should pay more attention to body management, others believe that she, as an amateur, should not be the target of public attack. Behind this controversy, there is a deeper problem.

Wang Qi and Shen Teng, the gap between husband and wife is getting bigger and bigger, how far can marriage go?

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Wang Qi and Shen Teng's relationship began in college, and they have gone through 12 years together. In the early days, Shen Teng was not as successful as he is today, he was in financial trouble, and Wang Qi has been silently supporting him. But this relationship once fell into a breakup, and Shen Teng's remorse finally allowed him to save the relationship. Then, their marriage went to the wedding, not only because of love, but also because of responsibility.

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However, after marriage, Wang Qi completely gave up his career. Although she has film and television works, she chose to retire for the sake of her family. This is a huge sacrifice for a woman, not only affecting her career, but also leading to a change in figure. At the same time, Shen Teng's career is booming, and his box office is rising. This imbalance can have an impact on the marriage.

Wang Qi and Shen Teng, the gap between husband and wife is getting bigger and bigger, how far can marriage go?

Paragraph 4:

Shen Teng also became fatter and fatter after marriage, but he finally made up his mind to lose weight, not only improving his figure, but also broadening his career field. This positive change may have made their marriage stronger, and Wang's sacrifice has sparked some resentment. Wang Qi's current state does not seem satisfactory from a woman's point of view.

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There are multiple patterns of the secret to happiness for celebrity couples. There are couples who support each other in their careers and are equal to each other. For example, celebrity couples such as Deng Chao and Sun Li, Tang Yan and Luo Jin all fall into this category. However, there are also some celebrity couples whose wives sacrifice on the surface, but in fact they have the initiative in life. Bao Lei and Xie Nan are representatives of this type of couple. Not only are they able to maintain their families, but they are also able to maintain their inner strength and independence. These examples show that the happiness of a marriage depends not only on changes in appearance and career, but more importantly, on mutual understanding and support.

Wang Qi and Shen Teng, the gap between husband and wife is getting bigger and bigger, how far can marriage go?

By rearranging and organizing the ideas in the original text, this article explores the marriage of Shen Teng and Wang Qi in different ways, as well as the secret of happiness for celebrity couples. The changes and sacrifices in marriage, as well as the different modes of conjugal relationships, are highlighted in the article. Ultimately, the article reminds readers that the success of a marriage requires more understanding and support, not just looks and careers.


The article mentions the marriage of Shen Teng and his wife Wang Qi, as well as the gap between their careers and appearance. This has sparked some opinions and discussions, from which we can draw some enlightenment and reasoning.

First and foremost, marriage is a complex relationship that should not be measured solely by appearance or career. Marriage should be based on love, trust, and shared values. A change in the wife's stature should not be a reason for the husband's infidelity, because the marriage should be based on deeper emotions and mutual support.

Wang Qi and Shen Teng, the gap between husband and wife is getting bigger and bigger, how far can marriage go?

Secondly, in marriage, the development and growth of both parties is important. If one partner is getting more motivated and the other is stagnant, it can lead to conflicts and problems. Therefore, couples should maintain communication and support with each other and work together to achieve their respective goals, rather than blaming each other or comparing themselves.

In addition, responsibilities and commitments in marriage are also important. Shen Teng said in the article that he would feel guilty if he did not marry Wang Qi, which shows that the sense of responsibility and commitment in marriage is also one of the factors that maintain the marriage. Marriage is not just based on love, but also on responsibility and commitment.


The marriage of Shen Teng and Wang Qi has sparked many discussions, but we can draw some important revelations and truths from it. Marriage should not be measured solely by physical appearance or career, but should be based on deeper emotions and mutual support. The gap between husband and wife is not only in terms of physical figure, but also in career and attitude towards life. In a marriage, both parties should maintain communication and support, and work together to achieve their respective goals, rather than pointing fingers or comparing themselves to each other. Responsibility and commitment in marriage are also important, not just based on love, but also responsibility and commitment to the other person. Ultimately, the long-term affection of a marriage can take many forms, and the key is understanding, respect, and support from both parties.

Wang Qi and Shen Teng, the gap between husband and wife is getting bigger and bigger, how far can marriage go?

Continuing to delve into the secrets and factors of long-term love in marriage, we can see that successful marriages are often based on multiple factors.

First and foremost, trust is a key element in marriage. Trust is based on mutual loyalty and honesty, and it strengthens the emotional bond between couples. Shen Teng and Wang Qi's marriage may have a gap in appearance and career, but they seem to have established a solid trust between them, which allows their marriage to last. Trust is not only about mutual loyalty, but also about respect and support for each other.

Second, communication in marriage is crucial. Couples should be able to communicate openly and honestly about each other's feelings, needs, and expectations. Good communication helps solve problems and avoid misunderstandings and pent-up emotions. If one partner has a problem or need, the other partner should be willing to listen and understand to find a solution together. In Shen Teng and Wang Qi's marriage, communication seems to play an active role, allowing them to cope with life's challenges together.

In addition, in marriage, shared values and goals are also very important. While couples can differ in some ways, they should have some shared values that help them reach a common understanding on key issues. Shared goals can also strengthen the bond between couples and allow them to work together to achieve their dreams and plans.

Finally, in marriage, mutual support and understanding are the key to maintaining a relationship. Husbands and wives should support each other's careers, interests, and goals, rather than conditioning or criticizing each other. In the case of Shen Teng and Wang Qi, although they have a gap in appearance and career, they seem to support each other's choices, which helps their marriage to remain stable.

In conclusion, the secret of long-lasting love in a marriage is trust, communication, shared values and goals, and mutual support and understanding. Every couple's situation is different, but these factors can serve as a guide to help them build a healthy, stable relationship. Don't just judge the success of a marriage based on external factors, but more importantly, the affection and mutual support between husband and wife, which is where the power of a true marriage lies.

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