
U.S. congressmen proposed to block Chinese companies, but the U.S. not only did not agree, but also frankly said that it was in contact

author:Sweet breeze

Micron's cybersecurity concerns have been the focus of controversy in recent years, and the Chinese government's decision to stop buying the company's products has provoked a huge response. The decision not only sparked outrage from the U.S. Department of Commerce, but also planned to work with its allies to deal with China's alleged "violations" in the chip market.

U.S. congressmen proposed to block Chinese companies, but the U.S. not only did not agree, but also frankly said that it was in contact

Behind this story, there is a colorful series of events and various key characters, whose personal backgrounds, accomplishments, personalities, interests, and quotes all play a key role in this complex cybersecurity turmoil.

U.S. congressmen proposed to block Chinese companies, but the U.S. not only did not agree, but also frankly said that it was in contact

First, let's get to know Micron. Micron is a well-known semiconductor company in the United States, founded in 1978. The company's products cover memory, DRAM chips, solid-state drives, and other semiconductor-related fields. Micron has long been an important player in the semiconductor industry, providing key components for the manufacture of various electronic devices around the world.

U.S. congressmen proposed to block Chinese companies, but the U.S. not only did not agree, but also frankly said that it was in contact

However, over the past few years, Micron's cybersecurity concerns have raised widespread concerns. There have been reports that Micron's products have potential vulnerabilities that could be used by hackers for malicious activities. This issue has caused widespread international controversy, especially between the United States and China.

U.S. congressmen proposed to block Chinese companies, but the U.S. not only did not agree, but also frankly said that it was in contact

The Chinese government's decision to stop buying Micron products reflects its concerns about cybersecurity. However, this decision also angered the US Department of Commerce, which strongly opposed China's position. The Commerce Department plans to work with its allies to take steps to address China's "violations" in the semiconductor market.

U.S. congressmen proposed to block Chinese companies, but the U.S. not only did not agree, but also frankly said that it was in contact

In this controversy, the chairman of the US special committee became a key figure. He called for Chinese semiconductor companies to be blacklisted, a proposal that has caused widespread controversy. At the same time, he also called on Japan and South Korea to limit their support for China's semiconductor sector, which further complicated the entire dispute.

Within the U.S. government, discussions continue about how to respond to Micron's problems. Although the United States has taken some measures, it has not yet implemented so-called "blacking" actions against Chinese companies. Currently, the U.S. government is seeking dialogue with China, and the Commerce Department has engaged with China about Micron's review. The Biden administration has made clear its willingness to engage in dialogue with China, emphasizing the importance of resolving disputes.

At the same time, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng stressed the importance of defending China's interests and enhancing exchanges between China and the United States. He sent a positive signal to the international community that China hopes to resolve disputes through dialogue instead of taking hostile actions.

However, the U.S. accusations against Micron have been questioned in the international community. Some argue that these accusations are baseless and even politically motivated. At the same time, some have pointed out that the United States itself has taken a series of repressive measures against China in the field of science and technology, which has weakened the moral position of the United States to a certain extent.

This controversy reflects the complex realities of international politics. On the one hand, U.S. companies have problems in the global market, and the U.S. government needs to consider its own interests while suppressing China. This double standard calls into question the credibility of the United States in international affairs.

On the surface, the United States seeks to improve relations with China, emphasizing the importance of cooperation and exchange. Behind the scenes, however, they have taken a series of damaging actions that have caused further damage to Sino-US relations. The improvement of Sino-US relations requires sincere cooperation, and China has always stressed that cooperation is the common aspiration of both sides, but cooperation must be based on equality and truthfulness.

Overall, the Micron cybersecurity controversy reveals the complexities and controversies in international politics. All parties have their own positions and concerns on this issue, but they can be resolved only through dialogue and cooperation. The international community expects the United States and China to work together to find a way to resolve the dispute and achieve peace and stability.