
Tomorrow's Chongyang Festival, 1 remember not to say happy, 2 remember to eat 4 things, and pray for a long life for your family

author:The wise and erudite lark

Chongyang Festival, as an ancient traditional festival in China, is not only a festival to respect the elderly, but also a special moment full of various customs and food. On this day, people perform rituals, prayers, ascension and chrysanthemum appreciation, as well as a close connection with food.

Tomorrow's Chongyang Festival, 1 remember not to say happy, 2 remember to eat 4 things, and pray for a long life for your family

Chongyang cake is one of the most representative delicacies of the Chongyang Festival. It symbolizes ascending and ascending, symbolizing people's vision for the future. The method of making Chongyang cake varies from region to region, with some using fermented flour or others using a mixture of glutinous rice and red dates. No matter which method is used, Chongyang cake is soft and sticky, sweet but not greasy, and has an endless aftertaste.

Tomorrow's Chongyang Festival, 1 remember not to say happy, 2 remember to eat 4 things, and pray for a long life for your family

In addition to Chongyang cake, noodles are also one of the indispensable delicacies of the Chongyang Festival. The noodles represent longevity and longevity, and symbolize the good wishes of parents for health and longevity. On the day of Chongyang Festival, families will sit together and enjoy a long bowl of noodles together, which symbolizes family reunion and happiness.

Tomorrow's Chongyang Festival, 1 remember not to say happy, 2 remember to eat 4 things, and pray for a long life for your family

Chongyang Festival coincides with the radish season, so radish has also become one of the delicacies of Chongyang Festival. Radish is known as small ginseng and is rich in nutrients that are good for good health. On the day of Chongyang Festival, people will cut radishes into various shapes, such as flowers, birds, etc., to increase the sense of fun and joy.

Tomorrow's Chongyang Festival, 1 remember not to say happy, 2 remember to eat 4 things, and pray for a long life for your family

In addition, peanuts are also one of the indispensable delicacies of the Chung Yeung Festival. Peanuts are called longevity fruits, which symbolize peace and longevity. On the day of the Chung Yeung Festival, people will prepare some fried peanuts for family and friends to taste together. While eating peanuts, it also means that I hope that my family can live safely and healthily, and live a long life.

Tomorrow's Chongyang Festival, 1 remember not to say happy, 2 remember to eat 4 things, and pray for a long life for your family

In general, Chongyang Festival is not only a traditional festival, but also a time of respect for the elderly and reunion. Through activities such as sacrifices, blessings, ascension and chrysanthemum appreciation, people express their respect for their elders and hope for the future. Delicacies such as Chongyang cakes, noodles, radishes and peanuts are the elements that give the festival more color and flavor. Whether it is the method of production or the symbolism, they carry people's good wishes for happiness and health. So, on the day of Chung Yeung Festival, let's taste these delicacies together and share happy and reunion moments with family and friends!

Tomorrow's Chongyang Festival, 1 remember not to say happy, 2 remember to eat 4 things, and pray for a long life for your family

Chung Yeung Festival is a special moment full of traditional customs and food. The article mentions delicacies such as Chongyang cakes, noodles, radishes and peanuts, which not only represent auspicious meanings, but also give the festival more color and flavor.

Tomorrow's Chongyang Festival, 1 remember not to say happy, 2 remember to eat 4 things, and pray for a long life for your family

The first is Chongyang Cake, which symbolizes ascending and ascending step by step, symbolizing people's beautiful vision for the future. No matter which method is used, Chongyang cake has the characteristics of soft and sticky, sweet but not greasy, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

Tomorrow's Chongyang Festival, 1 remember not to say happy, 2 remember to eat 4 things, and pray for a long life for your family

This is followed by noodles, which represent longevity and longevity. On the day of Chung Yeung Festival, families will sit together and enjoy a long bowl of noodles, which symbolizes family reunion and happiness.

Tomorrow's Chongyang Festival, 1 remember not to say happy, 2 remember to eat 4 things, and pray for a long life for your family

There are also radish, radishes that are marketed in this season are called ginseng, which are rich in nutrients and are good for good health. People cut radishes into various shapes to add fun and joy.

Tomorrow's Chongyang Festival, 1 remember not to say happy, 2 remember to eat 4 things, and pray for a long life for your family

Finally, there are peanuts, known as longevity fruits, which symbolize peace and longevity. On the day of Chongyang Festival, people will prepare some fried peanuts to taste with family and friends, and send good wishes for the safety and health of their families.

Tomorrow's Chongyang Festival, 1 remember not to say happy, 2 remember to eat 4 things, and pray for a long life for your family

In general, Chongyang Festival is not only a traditional festival, but also a time of respect for the elderly and reunion. Sacrifices, prayers, ascension and chrysanthemum viewing are used to show respect for elders and hope for the future. Delicacies such as Chongyang cakes, noodles, radishes and peanuts give the festival more color and flavor. They are not only rich in symbolism, but also carry people's good wishes for happiness and health. On the day of Chung Yeung Festival, we can taste these delicacies with family and friends and share moments of happiness and togetherness.

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