
From the original J-20 to the Huawei Mate 60 Pro, Sino-US relations have changed, and Raimondo has written his memoirs

author:Smart Spring Breeze DsN

Raimondo's visit to China has come to an end, but there is still a high degree of attention to the results of her visit to China. Especially at the moment when she is about to leave, Huawei launched the high-profile Mate 60 Pro, which pushed the discussion of Sino-US relations to a climax. Compared with the high-ranking US officials such as Blinken and Yellen who visited China before, Raimondo's weight is heavier. However, she is in the spotlight not because of her personal strength, but because of the position she holds.

From the original J-20 to the Huawei Mate 60 Pro, Sino-US relations have changed, and Raimondo has written his memoirs

As we all know, bilateral economic and trade is the cornerstone of Sino-US relations, and as US Secretary of Commerce, Raimondo has high hopes that she can ensure the normal operation of Sino-US economic and trade relations and even promote their further development. In response to these expectations of the Biden administration, China has expressed its frankness and willingness to establish new communication channels and set up a working group to promote Sino-US economic and trade cooperation. However, we have also responded firmly to what they did not mention but expect us to do.

From the original J-20 to the Huawei Mate 60 Pro, Sino-US relations have changed, and Raimondo has written his memoirs

Just before Raimondo's visit to China ended, Huawei quietly launched the Mate 60 Pro, which directly hit the United States in the face. We all know that from former President Trump to the current Biden administration, the chip blockade imposed by the United States on China has become more and more stringent, trying to suppress us in the semiconductor field. As an industry leader, Huawei shoulders the responsibility of breaking through the US chip blockade. Since the beginning of this year, we have made a series of positive news in the field of chips, and the results of independent research and development have been accelerating, and even remarkable achievements have been made in countering the United States. The release of the Mate 60 Pro once again showed our strength to the United States, just like the first flight of the J-20.

From the original J-20 to the Huawei Mate 60 Pro, Sino-US relations have changed, and Raimondo has written his memoirs

Back on January 11, 2011, during then-U.S. Defense Secretary Bill Gates' visit to China, he was caught off guard by witnessing the successful maiden flight of China's fourth-generation stealth fighter, the J-20. Years later, the incident is still a pimple in his heart. He mentioned in his memoirs that he witnessed the first flight of the Chinese J-20 without knowing it, which was a great insult to him. Now, after the successful maiden flight of the J-20, Raimondo has also followed the old path of Gates.

From the original J-20 to the Huawei Mate 60 Pro, Sino-US relations have changed, and Raimondo has written his memoirs

Yes, history is always strikingly similar. Raimondo's visit to China had warned that if Huawei continued to increase investment in scientific research, it would incur more severe sanctions. However, the sudden appearance of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro left Raimondo speechless. So far, the US media has maintained a very tacit silence on this news.

From the J-20 to the Huawei Mate 60 Pro, we can clearly see the "change and unchanged" of Sino-US relations. The United States has been frequently frustrated while China has fought back with strength. What has changed is that China's counterattack is no longer limited to one area, but is unfolding in all directions.

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