
Jiang Shuying's indecent video is still fermenting, and it is useless to post a denial, netizens: It really looks like!

author:Wonderful sesame sauce qDx

Recently, an incident titled "Jiang Shuying Improper Video" caused widespread controversy on the Internet and became a hot topic of discussion. Although Jiang Shuying has clarified the matter, it has not been able to calm the related disturbances. We need to think deeply about how to identify the authenticity of online information, safeguard the privacy rights of public figures, and improve the purification of the online public opinion environment.

Jiang Shuying's indecent video is still fermenting, and it is useless to post a denial, netizens: It really looks like!

Jiang Shuying's experience has made us deeply realize that the advent of the Internet era not only brings us convenience, but also brings us many problems such as privacy leakage and information fraud. To this end, the establishment of laws and regulations on e-government, privacy protection, network security, intellectual property rights, etc., is a necessary means to maintain network ethics and personal privacy. At the same time, enhancing personal network literacy and security awareness is also the key to protecting one's own information security.

Jiang Shuying's indecent video is still fermenting, and it is useless to post a denial, netizens: It really looks like!

In this particular area of the entertainment industry, it is also important to maintain the privacy and reputation of public figures. Stars in the entertainment industry assume specific social roles and influences, and they should enjoy the same privacy and respect as ordinary people. It should be respected and protected by all kinds of media and the public, and should not be used to exaggerate topics through disinformation, fake news or gossip, and not to invade their privacy.

Jiang Shuying's indecent video is still fermenting, and it is useless to post a denial, netizens: It really looks like!

Maintaining the healthy development of online public opinion is a direction that requires active efforts. We need to build a rational, tolerant and harmonious social network environment. Everyone should have a say on the Internet, but at the same time, they need to respect the views and rights of others. Only by strengthening online education and moral guidance, improving the literacy of netizens, and not participating in violent speech and illegal and criminal acts on the Internet, can we jointly create a healthy and positive online environment and maintain the good image of the Internet and the beneficial value it brings.

Jiang Shuying's indecent video is still fermenting, and it is useless to post a denial, netizens: It really looks like!

In short, the development of the Internet has brought convenience and problems, and we should actively respond to and improve. Maintaining online ethics and personal privacy is a gradual process that requires the joint efforts of all parties. Only through multifaceted efforts and improvement can we further promote the development of the mainland's network civilization construction, further give play to the important role of the network, and make positive contributions to the development of mankind.

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