
Are the Israelites descended from the Xianbei? No wonder they, like Murong Fu, only have Fuguo in their hearts!

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Israelis: Questioned Jewish ancestry

Are the Israelites descended from the Xianbei? No wonder they, like Murong Fu, only have Fuguo in their hearts!

In today's Israel, people other than the Haredi question whether they are truly Jewish. According to some studies, ancient Jews were part of the Semitic North-Middle Branch race, but since the Roman Emperor Hadrian demolished Jerusalem, Jews have been living in wandering for two thousand years. During this time, they mixed with ethnic groups everywhere, and the descent became complicated.

Are the Israelites descended from the Xianbei? No wonder they, like Murong Fu, only have Fuguo in their hearts!

In contrast, Palestinians and Haredis are considered closer to ancient Jewish ancestry, and they are direct descendants of the Semitic North-Middle Branch race. The ancestry of Jews in Israel is more complex than theirs.

Are the Israelites descended from the Xianbei? No wonder they, like Murong Fu, only have Fuguo in their hearts!

Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry has also been questioned, a point raised by Johns Hopkins University in the sixties of the last century. Through genetic analysis, the researchers found that 90 percent of modern Jews are descendants of Khazarian Turkic peoples. This means that their ancestors were not ancient Jews, but descendants of the Turkic peoples.

Are the Israelites descended from the Xianbei? No wonder they, like Murong Fu, only have Fuguo in their hearts!

In addition to the Khazar Turks, there are other peoples with the same ancestry as the Jews. Both the Rothschilds and the Cui family of Hebei once shared ancestry with Jews. These findings suggest that ancient Jews were not pure in ancestry, but were associated with multiple peoples.

Are the Israelites descended from the Xianbei? No wonder they, like Murong Fu, only have Fuguo in their hearts!

So how did ancient Jewish ancestry end up being complicated? In fact, all this stems from the Xianbei people in China. The Sabir are descendants of the Xianbei who founded the Khazar Turkic Khaganate and converted to Judaism in 740 AD. Nevertheless, over time, the Khazarian Turks gradually dispersed throughout Europe and China, becoming the origin of Jews within Europe and China.

These discoveries had a huge impact on the Israelis. They considered themselves descendants of ancient Jews, but reality told them that their blood was not pure. Palestinians with this are considered closer to ancient Jewish ancestry, which makes Israelis feel bullied.

Still, descent isn't the only factor that defines a nation. Regardless of the ancestry of the Israelites, they had established their nation on this land and were closely connected to it. Their culture, language and history are closely tied to the land, which is an important symbol of who they are Israelis.

Thus, despite the controversy over bloodline, the Israelites remained a true people who had the right to pursue their identity. They should be respected and accepted regardless of their ancestry. The diversity of history and culture is a precious asset of our world, and we should cherish and protect it.

In short, today's Israelis have questions about their Jewish ancestry. Through genetic analysis, the researchers found that their blood from ancient Jews was not pure, and they had deep ties with Turkic, Xianbei and other peoples. In contrast, Palestinians are closer to ancient Jewish ancestry. Descent is not the only factor that defines a people, the Israelites have established their own state on this land and are closely connected to it. They should be respected and accepted regardless of ancestry. We should cherish and protect historical and cultural diversity.

By reading this article, I gained some new insights and reflections on the Jewish ancestry of the Israelis. The ancient Jewish blood was not pure, but deeply linked to multiple peoples. This made me realize that descent is not the only factor that defines a national identity. No matter how complex the lineage of the Israelites, they had established their own nation on this land and were closely linked to it. They have their own unique culture, language and history, which are important symbols of their identity as Israelis.

In addition to this, I also realized that Palestinians were closer to ancient Jews. This can make Israelis feel bullied or lose some sense of superiority. In my view, we should respect the uniqueness of each people and individual and value historical and cultural diversity. Every people has the right to pursue its own identity and should be accepted and respected.

Finally, historical and cultural diversity is a precious asset to our world. We should value and protect them, not try to generalize and simplify them. By understanding the history and culture of different peoples, we can better understand and respect each other and promote harmony and development in the world.

This article gave me a new understanding of Israel's Jewish ancestry and made me think about the impact of descent on a national identity. No matter how complex the bloodline, every ethnic group should be respected and accepted. Historical and cultural diversity is a precious asset of our world, and we should cherish and protect it.

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