
The 40-year-old Miao Fu, who did not want to fight with Guo Degang, revealed that he would officially retire in 5 years!


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In the crosstalk world, there was no shortage of people who used to have strength to rival Guo Degang, but now, such competition has gradually faded, and the only thing left is Miaofu's Qingqu Society.

Miao Fu's crosstalk is indeed quite powerful, but his choice to cooperate with the mainstream crosstalk circle seems a little unauthentic. After all, comedians are all about supporting themselves, so why should they suppress and exclude each other?

When he first entered the field, Miao Fu was highly anticipated, and his tenacity and hard work earned him a reputation, but as his fame grew, his mind began to deviate from his original dream.

It was thought that the rivalry between Miao Fu and Guo Degang would last a long time, at least a few years or more. However, surprisingly, Miao Fu proposed the idea of retirement.

The 40-year-old Miao Fu, who did not want to fight with Guo Degang, revealed that he would officially retire in 5 years!

In the latest interview, Miao made it clear that he has considered retiring in the next five years, that is, when he is 45 years old, to say goodbye to the crosstalk circle.

He said he would continue to perform if he needed to, but if there was no performance scheduled, he would enjoy drinking tea and spending time with his family. At the same time, he has entrusted the younger generation to handle his former affairs, thinking that he no longer needs to spend much energy.

Although there is a contradiction with Guo Degang, even Guo Degang's fans acknowledge Miao Fu's crosstalk performance skills. It is undeniable that Miao Fu's choice to retire in his prime is both unexpected and reasonable.

The 40-year-old Miao Fu, who did not want to fight with Guo Degang, revealed that he would officially retire in 5 years!

This is because crosstalk performance is not repeatable, even if it is a great work, once it is repeated too much, the audience will feel aesthetic fatigue. The subject matter of crosstalk also has limitations, similar to mineral resources, once exhausted, innovation will become difficult. Guo Degang also had to face the problem of crosstalk innovation.

Therefore, Miaofu's decision was actually wise. His departure may be due to the limited nature of crosstalk, plus a talent may have reached its peak, and it is difficult to innovate. Just like Guo Degang, he understands that he only needs to pay attention to his Peking Opera Club and Drum Music Club, and no longer immerses himself in the field of crosstalk.

However, some Miaofu fans did not understand his retirement decision too well. They may think that the 40s are a mature period of life and that it may be too early to choose retirement.

The 40-year-old Miao Fu, who did not want to fight with Guo Degang, revealed that he would officially retire in 5 years!

Miao Fu and Wang Sheng's crosstalk partner has always had a tacit understanding, just like the tacit understanding between Jia Xuming and Zhang Kang. Once the partner is changed, the performance of the comedian may be affected. This may be one of the reasons why Miao Fu wants to retire.

However, there is no doubt that Miaofu's decision is worthy of respect. He made the decision to retire at his peak, had financial security, and had apprentices to inherit his mantle, which was a wise choice. Many crosstalk teachers have gone all the way when they are in their prime, but it is also a wise decision to choose to retire at the right moment.

Of course, this does not mean that Miaofu's talent will be buried. Perhaps he will be like Jiang Kun, embark on a new path, get guidance from masters, and achieve greater achievements in different fields. After all, understanding that people leave early and make way for the younger generation is also a manifestation of open-mindedness and wisdom.

The 40-year-old Miao Fu, who did not want to fight with Guo Degang, revealed that he would officially retire in 5 years!

Although the road of competition with Guo Degang for many years has come to an end here, this is part of the crosstalk rivers and lakes. Through ups and downs, everyone makes the decision to re-choose at some point in their lives.


Miao Fu's decision has revealed many important truths about the entertainment industry and personal careers. First of all, the show business industry is full of competition, and it takes a lot of effort and talent to stand out at any time. Miao Fu broke out of his own world through unremitting efforts and talent, which is an inspirational story that shows that with determination, people can achieve their dreams.

Secondly, Miaofu's retirement decision reflects the peculiarities of the entertainment industry. Crosstalk is an art that needs constant innovation and renewal because the audience needs freshness. Crosstalk themes and templates are limited, and once exhausted, it is difficult to innovate. This is why Guo Degang and others need to constantly try new elements to attract audiences. Miao Fu understood this, and he probably felt that his talent had reached a bottleneck and it was difficult to innovate, so he decided to retire.

The 40-year-old Miao Fu, who did not want to fight with Guo Degang, revealed that he would officially retire in 5 years!


Miaofu's decision was a deliberate choice that reflected the specificities and competitive realities of the show business industry. While his decision came as a surprise to some, retirement was a logical choice at his age and career stage. The show business industry needs to be constantly innovating, and the limitations of crosstalk make it more difficult to innovate. Miao Fu may want to pass on his talent to the next generation and continue to support this traditional art form behind the scenes. It is also a decision that deserves respect and understanding, as everyone has the right to make the most appropriate choice for their future.

This decision also reminds us of the changes in the show business and the diversity of life. Every actor faces different challenges and opportunities throughout their career. Miaofu's retirement means that he will usher in a new stage of life, a more leisurely and family-oriented time. It also highlights the diversity of life and the pursuit of more inner contentment and peace even later in a successful career.

In addition, Miaofu's decision also echoes the inheritance of the entertainment industry and the cultivation of new talents. He mentioned that some affairs have been entrusted to young people, which shows his concern and sense of responsibility for traditional crosstalk art. This inheritance is an important part of preserving traditional culture and allowing this art form to continue to be passed on.

Finally, Miaofu's decision also sparked some discussion about how to better support retired actors and how the show business can cope with the departure of actors. These questions deserve deep consideration, especially in an industry full of opportunities and challenges. We can learn from Miaofu's retirement to better understand the nature and development of the entertainment industry.

Overall, Miaofu's decision to retire represents a new beginning and an important turning point in his acting career. This decision was deliberate, a tribute to one's career and traditional crosstalk art, and also triggered reflections on the show business and the diversity of life. We should respect his choice and look forward to his continued success in the new phase of his life.

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