
Japan challenges China's bottom line, Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered firmly!

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Japan-China relations have undergone subtle changes. In the face of Japan's repeated provocations in the past few days, Foreign Minister Wang Yi first made his position clear, and then made ugly remarks.

What problems has Japan caused recently?

Japan challenges China's bottom line, Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered firmly!

Japan's China policy

Sino-Japanese relations have always been delicate. For this country that once invaded China, China still maintains a friendly attitude towards Japan for the sake of the overall situation. Although China has always focused on the overall situation, the relationship between the two countries has always been very sensitive.

However, Japan's actions on the Taiwan issue have repeatedly provoked China's bottom line. Japan's repeated intervention in the Taiwan issue poses a major challenge and threat to China's recovery of the Taiwan region.

In response to Japan's move, mainland Foreign Minister Wang Yi made a strong response. At the Beijing-Tokyo Forum, Wang Yi bluntly pointed out Japan's actions in the Taiwan Strait and condemned them. This time, China put ugly words first, and it is also a warning to Japan.

Japan challenges China's bottom line, Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered firmly!

Sino-Japanese relations are inherently sensitive. If Japan provokes the dispute again, there will certainly be no peace between the two countries. After the Kishida administration came to power, Sino-Japanese relations gradually declined. The Kishida government sought to prevent China from achieving reunification.

This is completely intolerable for China. Taiwan is part of China's territory, and resolving the Taiwan issue is very important to China. Such actions by the Kishida government cannot be tolerated.

Japan's war of aggression against China brought countless disasters to the Chinese people on the Chinese land. Chinese people will never forget this humiliating story.

Japan challenges China's bottom line, Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered firmly!

Now that Japan is once again trying to interfere in China's territorial sovereignty issue, how can Chinese people tolerate it? On the Taiwan issue, the mainland's position has always been very tough. What Japan wants to do is their business, but if it threatens China's territorial sovereignty, don't blame China for not saying nasty things first!

Follow in America's footsteps

The reason why Japan has repeatedly intervened in the Taiwan issue is because it has received the support of the United States. Otherwise, if Japan wants to intervene, it must also take into account China's strength. Japan's move this time is undoubtedly supported by the United States.

Japan challenges China's bottom line, Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered firmly!

The United States has been trying to prevent China from recovering Taiwan, trying to split China and using Taiwan to influence China's development. Japan's involvement in the Taiwan issue this time is also to curry favor with the United States. As long as the Taiwan issue is not resolved, the United States will treat China with pride. The threat is growing by the day.

After the Kishida administration came to power, it began to follow in the footsteps of the United States. Japan, together with the United States, has increased defense investment and has followed the development of the United States in several fields, and seeks to improve the development of Japanese digital technology with the help of the United States. Therefore, Japan had to curry favor with the United States and threaten China. Japan's China policy is a very wrong decision. Even if Japan restricts China, it cannot stop China's development. On the contrary, it will make Japan ignore the challenges it faces. All the challenges are concentrated in China.

Japan challenges China's bottom line, Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered firmly!

Japan's move to cooperate with the United States has made Japan's political ideas increasingly confusing. The Kishida administration's chaotic political philosophy makes it unclear what Japan wants to do. If Japan continues to be unclear about its goals, it will face major challenges. will be a bigger problem.

The United States and Japan are now closely connected because Japan is still useful to the United States. If Japan ceases to be useful to the United States, Japan will soon become an outcast of the United States. After all, for the United States, there are only permanent interests, there are no permanent friends.

Japan's dependence on the United States is certainly not a long-term solution. Japan's chaotic political logic has also profoundly affected Sino-Japanese relations.

Japan challenges China's bottom line, Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered firmly!

China's position is tough

China has responded to a series of moves by Japan on the Taiwan issue. However, this warning did not deter Japan. China must be better prepared to deal with possible crises.

China will not make any concessions in dealing with the Taiwan issue. It is hoped that the Kishida government will recognize this and stop taking unnecessary actions. Once China is in a hurry, China will not be vegetarian.

Although China and Japan are now at odds over Taiwan, cooperation in other areas continues. This is also based on the big picture. After all, it is the common interest between countries that matters most.

Japan challenges China's bottom line, Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered firmly!


For the chaotic Kishida administration, we cannot force them to change. We may only communicate with each other on a lawful and reasonable basis. Foreign Minister Wang Yi's statement this time is also to communicate with the other party. Perhaps this phrase has already reached Japan. The taste in the ears has changed.

Japan blindly trusts and curries favor with the United States, but this depends on the strength of the United States. Just like Japan, if you see who is strong, you will curry favor, and it will not get better in the end, so we don't have to worry, good and evil will be rewarded in the end.

If Japan can stop this time and no longer affect China's handling of the Taiwan issue, the two countries will continue to maintain friendly communication in the future. But if Japan challenges China's bottom line again, the result will not be as simple as this warning.

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