
The final decision of the political commissar, what are the pros and cons? Both the commander and political commissar died, which triggered the Chairman's reflection

author:Article Jun brother

Title: Sacrifice to save comrades and reflection on the decision-making power of political commissars

During the years of the Anti-Japanese War, the Eighth Route Army encountered difficulties in the "May Day Sweep" of the Japanese army. During a difficult battle of Xuezhuang, the units of the Eighth Route Army were surrounded in a Japanese ambush circle. Faced with the order of the political commissar Wang Yuanyin, Commander Chang Deshan could only lead the troops back to the ambush circle of the Japanese army. Behind this decision, there are sacrifices and considerations.

The battle took place on May 1, 1942, when the Japanese army gathered more than 50,000 people to carry out the "May Day Sweep" of the anti-Japanese base area in Hebei. In the early days of the battle, the Eighth Route Army successfully crossed the Fuyang River with resourceful actions, broke the enemy's encirclement and crushed the enemy's conspiracy. With the passage of time, the Japanese offensive gradually weakened, and the 8th Division adopted the tactic of "the enemy retreats and I advance" and actively attacked the enemy's strongholds.

However, the Japanese army was not unprepared. They deliberately left a gap, did not build bunkers and strongholds in the border areas, tried to paralyze the Eighth Route Army, and wiped it out. Commander Chang Deshan was keenly aware of the enemy's conspiracy and decided to withdraw his troops to the border area of Renqiu, Hejian and Ayutthaya in order to preserve the anti-Japanese forces.

However, as the troops marched to the town of Wobei in Suning County, Chang Deshan received an urgent telegram from the military region. The military district decided to let the leading organs of the 8th sub-district and the main regiment be quickly transferred, but asked the 30th regiment of the basic cadre regiment to stay and persist in the long-term struggle. Faced with this decision, Chang Deshan hesitated. He understood the situation of the 30th Regiment, which was pursued by the enemy and fell into the encirclement of the town of Wobei in Suning County.

Political Commissar Wang Yuanyin sensed the urgency of the situation and decided to rescue the encircled 23rd Regiment. However, Chang Deshan believed that the disparity between the forces of the enemy and ours was too great, and returning to the rescue would not only be useless, but would bring greater casualties. As a result, the two had a fierce dispute. According to the regulations, the political commissar has the "final decision" in decision-making, and Chang Deshan must obey the orders of the political commissar.

As a veteran of the battlefield, Chang Deshan calmly thought about the situation, and although it was difficult to give up the soldiers of the 30th Regiment in his heart, he understood that giving up part of it could save most of the anti-Japanese forces. However, emotionally, Wang Yuanyin is more concerned about the safety of his comrades. The dispute was fruitless, and in the end, Chang Deshan had to obey the order of the political commissar and lead the troops back to Xuezhuang to rescue.

This decision came at a heavy cost. Almost all of the 23rd and 30th regiments of the Eighth Route Army were killed, and many officers, including Commander Chang Deshan died heroically. This tragic sacrifice attracted the attention of the PLA General Headquarters and the Central Military Commission, and reflected on the decision-making power of the political commissar.

The new regulations clearly stipulate that military operations in war are decided by the military chief of the troops, and that political commissars cannot interfere arbitrarily. This system changed the "final decision" of political commissars and was intended to prevent erroneous decisions in military command.

However, the commissar still played an important role in military operations. They are the "anchor" of the troops, playing a role in stabilizing morale and providing political guidance. Therefore, the status of the political commissar cannot be ignored.

The Eighth Route Army troops continued to fight after Chang Deshan sacrificed, paying a huge price, but also raised reasonable questions about the decision-making power of the political commissar. In the subsequent battles, this reform of decision-making power was carried out and implemented, providing effective guidance for the normal operation of the army.

Chang Deshan sacrifice became a page in history, and their story also left us with valuable lessons. The reform of the decision-making power of political commissars has provided the military with a more stable and efficient decision-making mechanism. We should draw strength from these stories, remember those warriors who gave their lives for their country, and pass on their spirit. With respect and gratitude, let us continue to work hard to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

The final decision of the political commissar, what are the pros and cons? Both the commander and political commissar died, which triggered the Chairman's reflection
The final decision of the political commissar, what are the pros and cons? Both the commander and political commissar died, which triggered the Chairman's reflection
The final decision of the political commissar, what are the pros and cons? Both the commander and political commissar died, which triggered the Chairman's reflection
The final decision of the political commissar, what are the pros and cons? Both the commander and political commissar died, which triggered the Chairman's reflection
The final decision of the political commissar, what are the pros and cons? Both the commander and political commissar died, which triggered the Chairman's reflection
The final decision of the political commissar, what are the pros and cons? Both the commander and political commissar died, which triggered the Chairman's reflection
The final decision of the political commissar, what are the pros and cons? Both the commander and political commissar died, which triggered the Chairman's reflection
The final decision of the political commissar, what are the pros and cons? Both the commander and political commissar died, which triggered the Chairman's reflection
The final decision of the political commissar, what are the pros and cons? Both the commander and political commissar died, which triggered the Chairman's reflection
The final decision of the political commissar, what are the pros and cons? Both the commander and political commissar died, which triggered the Chairman's reflection
The final decision of the political commissar, what are the pros and cons? Both the commander and political commissar died, which triggered the Chairman's reflection