
Frost falls to the solar term, health care is exquisite!

author:Shangguan News

Today's frost is the time of year when the temperature difference between day and night is the largest. Around the time of frost, it is the time when persimmons ripen. Therefore, many regions have the custom of eating persimmons when the frost falls, and the folk also have the saying that "eating tomatoes when the frost falls, will not have a runny nose", and persimmons in many fruit stores have become the "fragrant dumplings" purchased by the public in the past two days.

Frost falls to the solar term, health care is exquisite!

Early this morning, the reporter saw in some fruit stores in the city center that persimmons of various varieties were placed in the most conspicuous places. Persimmons are generally fully ripe before and after frost, at this time persimmons have thin skin, fresh meat, delicious taste, high nutritional value, and their vitamins and sugars are about 1-2 times higher than ordinary fruits.

"Today is the frost and solar term, specially come to buy a few persimmons to eat back, persimmons taste sweet and cool, can clear heat and moisturize the lungs, it is very good for our elderly people." Citizen Grandma Zhang told reporters.

Frost falls to the solar term, health care is exquisite!

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, during the frost season, the public should pay attention to adjusting their work and rest, increasing or decreasing their clothing, not only to prevent cold and keep warm, but also to pay attention not to excessive sweating and depletion of the body's yang.

Frost falls to the solar term, health care is exquisite!

First of all, we must pay attention to the work and rest rules during the frost season. As the weather gradually colder, the yang energy of the human body gradually converges, it is advisable to go to bed early and get up early to ensure adequate sleep, which helps to restore physical strength and adjust the biological clock.

Secondly, we must choose clothing reasonably. During the frost season, the temperature changes greatly, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is obvious, so in the morning and evening or outdoor activities, it is necessary to appropriately increase clothing to keep warm. At the same time, when the indoor temperature is high, it is necessary to adjust the clothes in time to avoid excessive wear, so as not to cause excessive sweating and loss of yang.

In addition, diet conditioning is also important. Warm foods, such as stewed soup, porridge, etc., should be eaten more to supplement the body's energy and keep warm. Appropriately increase the intake of protein, vitamins and minerals to enhance immunity and resistance.

Frost falls to the solar term, health care is exquisite!

In addition, during the frost season, we should also pay attention to reducing the intake of cold food, such as raw and cold food, cold drinks, etc., to prevent the invasion of cold and evil spirits. At the same time, avoid excessive fatigue and staying in a humid and cold environment for a long time to avoid damaging yang and health.

Yuan Lini, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor at the Laoximen Street Community Health Service Center, said, "Late autumn is the most likely to damage the lungs and stomach, and often there are symptoms of dry skin, dry throat, dry mouth, and even dry cough and less phlegm. Once these symptoms occur, you can first adjust from the diet, the diet should be based on the principle of 'dry people moisturize', choose some moisturizing and invigorating, moist and glycic foods, in order to achieve the effect of strengthening the spleen and clearing the lungs. You can eat soft and peaceful foods such as sesame, glutinous rice, japonica rice, dairy products, etc., and increase the intake of beef, chicken, duck, fish and shrimp to achieve the purpose of calming qi and blood. ”

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