
Staying up late hurts your body, where is the injury?

author:Shangguan News

Staying up late, in layman's terms, is not sleeping until late at night, or not sleeping all night, or staying up all night, or staying sleepy late at night. What kind of harm is there if you stay up late often?

Staying up late hurts your body, where is the injury?

Experts introduce that scientific sleep time is age-related, adult sleep time is usually 6~8 hours, children are 10~12 hours, infants are 12~16 hours, elderly people are 8~10 hours. Sufficient sleep time every day can provide sufficient blood and oxygen supply to brain cells and cardiovascular disease, in order to ensure the normal metabolism of the body, and help improve immunity.

The harm of staying up late often should not be underestimated, mainly as follows:

●Affects the growth and development of adolescents: After deep sleep, the secretion of growth hormone will have several peaks; In the non-sleep state, the secretion of growth hormone will be significantly reduced.

●Decreased vision, blurred vision: Prolonged fatigue of the eye muscles can lead to temporary vision loss. If you stay up late for a long time, there may be shadows in the field of vision or changes in the color of the vision.

●Make people anxious and impatient, and reduce immunity: Staying up late often can lead to a variety of symptoms and diseases, such as neurasthenia, colds, stomach upset (and even stomach ulcers), and increase the risk of heart disease. Overwork and staying up late will cause the body's nervous system to malfunction, causing imbalance of major organs and systems, such as arrhythmia, endocrine disorders, infectious diseases, etc., and severe cases can cause systemic stress and even sudden death.

Staying up late hurts your body, where is the injury?

●Memory loss, lack of concentration, slow response: The brain can repair the cells responsible for memory during sleep, and if it does not get enough rest, it will lead to memory loss, lack of concentration, slow response, and even headaches and sleep disorders. If you stay up late for a long time, you will slowly appear insomnia, forgetfulness, irritability, anxiety and other neurological and psychiatric symptoms, and will also affect creative thinking and the ability to deal with things.

●Accelerate skin aging: Lack of sleep can cause skin capillary stasis, obstruction of circulation, endocrine metabolism disorders, and skin water loss.

●Induced stroke: Studies have found that staying up late is another independent risk factor for stroke in addition to risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking, and alcoholism.

Staying up late hurts your body, where is the injury?

Sleep Tips:

●Don't worry too much about the amount of sleep time, pay more attention to the quality of sleep.

●Pay attention to your eating habits.

● Learn to relax yourself and adjust your mentality.

●Don't get into the habit of lying in bed.

● Create a good sleep environment.

● Find a suitable sleeping position.

Editor: Wu Baixin, Li Ling

Source: Human Health Health