
Princess Kate fears Meghan's memoir will point the finger at herself, 'speaking out about her new version'
Princess Kate fears Meghan's memoir will point the finger at herself, 'speaking out about her new version'
According to the British "Mirror" local time on October 23, Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, England, has recently been quite anxious, because of Meghan Markle's upcoming memoirs, earlier the media reported that Kate and Meghan had a dispute before Meghan Harry got married, Kate "cried" at the time, and then Meghan said that she cried, and now Kate is worried that Meghan will talk about this again in her memoirs and give her new version.
Princess Kate fears Meghan's memoir will point the finger at herself, 'speaking out about her new version'

Recently, the British media reported that Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, will follow in the footsteps of her husband Prince Harry and publish an explosive book about her royal days. Harry's memoir, Spare, published in January and quickly topped Amazon's best-selling book list, pointing the finger at senior members of the British royal family, including Prince William, Princess Kate, King Charles III and Queen Camilla, even the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Harry's memoirs contributed several days of popular content to the British "Daily Mail", "The Sun", "The Mirror" and other media, and Harry wrote in the book that William beat him at Kensington Palace, which became newspaper gossip.

Princess Kate fears Meghan's memoir will point the finger at herself, 'speaking out about her new version'

Now, a royal expert says that after reports that Meghan made Kate cry, the undeserved Meghan will point the finger at the Princess of Wales in her memoirs, revealing her own version of the story.

The former Hollywood star has already recounted once in Harry's memoir, The Backup, about what happened between her and Kate, who said she was hurt by Kate's actions.

Harry writes in the book that she found Meghan crying on the floor after an argument with Kate over a flower girl dress. At the time, Kate told Meghan that there was a problem with her daughter Princess Charlotte's dress and that all the flower girls' dresses needed to be completely remade. —This hurts Megan, causing her to lie on the floor crying.

Princess Kate fears Meghan's memoir will point the finger at herself, 'speaking out about her new version'

Supposedly, Meghan's version of the story has been told. But royal expert Phil told The Sun that Meghan's memoir is definitely more and more explosive than "Backup", even if there is more to say about this episode between Kate and Meghan.

Phil said the royal family's policy towards Harry and Maygen was to let them "run out of ammunition" and accept them quietly even if they were deeply hurt. Unfortunately, they also left a lot of "ammunition" that could be used in Meghan's memoirs.

And the more ammunition, the more damage it will do to William Kate, and the more money Harry and Meghan can make.

Phil also said the memoir, which is expected to be published, will be "the last straw" and that he believes the relationship between Kate William and Harry Meghan will be permanently damaged and irreparable.

Princess Kate fears Meghan's memoir will point the finger at herself, 'speaking out about her new version'

According to another article in the "Mirror" that day, as a mother of three children, in addition to this deep trouble from Yuya, Princess Kate is also worried about her eldest son Prince George, specifically, she is worried that George will inherit a hobby of her father William.

Prince William, who loved motorcycling, passed his motorcycle exam at the age of 19, spoke of his love of motorcycling, and in 2011 he rode motorcycles in London on the eve of his wedding to Kate Middleton.

Princess Kate fears Meghan's memoir will point the finger at herself, 'speaking out about her new version'

In 2008, Prince William even held a charity motorcycle rally in South Africa with his younger brother Harry.

Princess Kate is of course well aware of her husband's hobby, and when Kate and Prince William visited Scotland in 2015 to attend public events in Dundee, Kate was asked if Prince William was still riding motorcycles. According to Vanity Fair, at the time Kate replied that William was still on a motorcycle and that every time he went out on a motorcycle, Kate was always scared, "I was scared and wished I could keep George off the motorcycle." ”

Princess Kate fears Meghan's memoir will point the finger at herself, 'speaking out about her new version'

The good news is that since becoming a father of three, Prince William seems to have changed his motorcycle hobby to riding electric scooters, and it is reported that William has bought a two-wheeler that can reach speeds of up to 16 km/h, and every time he needs to see King Charles, he will quickly ride his two-wheeler to Windsor Castle - William lives in the Adelaide cottage 3 to 5 kilometers from the castle, and riding a two-wheeler is more convenient than driving a car or walking.

Source: MIRROR

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