
Original Trump really fighted, in order to win the 2024 election, giving a "withdrawal" promise?

author:Sister still has a bit of a letter

As the 2024 US election draws closer, the political storm is once again sweeping the United States. Traditionally, the two major parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, have stepped up their campaigns to win more votes before elections. This time is no exception, especially since the election involves two heavyweight candidates: incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Trump.

Original Trump really fighted, in order to win the 2024 election, giving a "withdrawal" promise?

At a recent campaign event in Iowa, Trump made some of his views on international policy. He noted that the United States invests heavily in military protection and other aspects for allies, but these countries do not give the United States due in trade, especially the treatment of American farmers. He further threatened that if he is re-elected in the 2024 election, countries that are unwilling to give fair treatment to American farmers will lose U.S. military protection. He even mentioned the possible withdrawal of U.S. troops stationed in those countries.

Original Trump really fighted, in order to win the 2024 election, giving a "withdrawal" promise?

Biden quickly reacted to Trump's remarks, criticizing him for ignorance and recklessness in U.S. foreign policy. Biden stressed that American democratic values should not be used as bargaining chips, let alone undermined by personal campaign needs. At the same time, Biden also pointed to his own experience of defeating Trump in the last election, suggesting that he is more qualified to represent the Democratic Party again.

Original Trump really fighted, in order to win the 2024 election, giving a "withdrawal" promise?

Trump's proposal can be seen as a continuation of his "America First" policy. His main argument is that countries that benefit from U.S. military protection should be rewarded with more imports of American products, especially agricultural products. Such a policy, while likely to be supported by some U.S. farmers, could be more divisive on the international stage. Countries with U.S. troops, such as Germany, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, may not want to continue to bear this "protection."

Original Trump really fighted, in order to win the 2024 election, giving a "withdrawal" promise?

Trump's announcement of a massive withdrawal is more of a tactical threat than an actual policy. The US military presence around the world is not only to protect its allies, but also to safeguard its global strategic position and interests. A large-scale withdrawal decision cannot be based solely on whether a particular country buys more American agricultural products. And from past experience, such as the withdrawal of troops in Afghanistan, the United States has paid a huge price for it, both in terms of international reputation and actual losses.


The 2024 U.S. election has once again demonstrated fierce competition and different policy orientations between the two parties. Trump's campaign strategy is clearly an attempt to use "America First" policies to gain the support of voters, especially farmers. Biden, on the other hand, seeks to preserve America's traditional values and international image. In this political battle, voters will face an important choice about the future direction of the United States.

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