
The pulled stool is "hard in the front, soft in the back", don't ignore it, it may be caused by 3 diseases

author:Funky melon ri6

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Gut health, good health. Everyone has experienced different bowel movements, sometimes dry and hard, sometimes soft and sticky, and the color changes, causing endless curiosity and doubt. Someone quickly felt stomach pain and had to look for a bathroom; Others quickly feel comfortable after eating. What do these phenomena mean and how should they be treated?

The pulled stool is "hard in the front, soft in the back", don't ignore it, it may be caused by 3 diseases

Before we explore these questions, let's recognize the importance of gut health. The gut is not only the "sewage factory" of our body, but also an important organ related to overall health. When there is a problem with the intestines, it can trigger a range of discomforts, sometimes even involving the underlying disease.

The pulled stool is "hard in the front, soft in the back", don't ignore it, it may be caused by 3 diseases

Hard and soft, the secret of the gut

The pulled stool is "hard in the front, soft in the back", don't ignore it, it may be caused by 3 diseases

There is a phenomenon of stool that is "hard in front and soft in the back", and this seemingly small change may reflect something important happening in the intestines. There are three underlying diseases behind this phenomenon.

The pulled stool is "hard in the front, soft in the back", don't ignore it, it may be caused by 3 diseases

First, this hard stool may be a signal of intestinal polyps. Intestinal polyps are protrusions in the intestine that sometimes interfere with normal bowel movements, causing obstruction when stool passes through, making the stool at the front dry and hard and the back soft. Over time, this condition can lead to infection and eventually transform into soft, unformed stools.

The pulled stool is "hard in the front, soft in the back", don't ignore it, it may be caused by 3 diseases

Second, if you feel the urge to poop soon after eating and often experience hard front and back softness, this may be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome. This syndrome can lead to a strong urge to defecate, making the intestines overly sensitive to external stimuli, and even accompanied by cramps and pain. These symptoms can seriously interfere with daily life and work, especially in high-stress situations.

Third, the most serious possible case is related to tumors in the intestine. Normally, the shape of the stool in the intestine is similar, but if two different patterns occur, you may need to suspect abnormal changes. When the tumor occupies the intestine, it will hinder normal absorption, resulting in a part of the stool being loose, while the area not occupied by the tumor remains in a hard state, eventually leading to a soft front and back soft. Diseases in the intestines cannot be ignored, and tumors need to be detected and treated early.

Risk of not having timely bowel movements

Now, let's take a look at what happens if stool stays in the intestines for a long time. Prolonged failure to defecate can trigger a range of health problems.

Take the example of Uncle Chen, who is in his eighties, likes to play mahjong on weekdays, quickly returns to the mahjong table after eating, and immerses himself in it every day. Until one day, he suddenly realized that he had not had a bowel movement for a week, and despite his best efforts, he still could not pass the stool. At this time, his family took him to the hospital for examination, and found that the rectum was full of stool and even necrosis.

Why is this happening? The reason is that the waste of the body is left in the stool, which is held for too long to produce toxins and become harder and harder. In addition, it can breed harmful bacteria, and the hard texture can damage the intestinal mucosa, making bowel movements extremely difficult. Once bowel function is impaired, it is likely to develop into stubborn constipation that is more difficult to correct.

Improve hard stools before and back soft

If you often experience hard and soft stools, don't worry too much because there are some simple ways to improve the situation. First of all, make sure you are well hydrated, especially in winter, drink enough water a day, about 1500ml, in addition to adding liquid drinks such as soup, milk, and weak tea to meet the body's needs.

In addition, try to make the stool softer, reduce the intake of fatty meat and beef, and increase the intake of dietary fiber-rich foods such as peas, corn, eggplant, and shiitake mushrooms. If the back of the stool is still soft and sticky, it may mean that the spleen and stomach are not functioning well, so avoid cold, spicy, and alcohol, and reduce your intake of fatty-rich nuts. In addition, be wary of excessive peristalsis in digestion and avoid eating gas-producing foods.

Finally, stay seven minutes full after each meal and don't overfill yourself, as eating too much food increases gas production and makes you feel uncomfortable. Also, try to avoid delaying bowel movements without a bathroom, as a long delay can cause the stool to be absorbed again, making it drier and harder.

If you notice that your stool is abnormal or doesn't feel right, it's important to see your doctor promptly. This may be a sign of gastrointestinal disorders, obstructive constipation, or inflammation in the intestines, and the problem varies in severity but needs to be taken seriously so that it can be addressed early. In conclusion, gut health is an important part of our overall health, and every time you see poop, don't ignore it, it's actually a reminder of whether your diet is healthy or not. Always pay attention to the health of your gut and don't let it get harmed.

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