
Character | Hundred Refining into a Hole of Steel Zhang (II)

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Zhong Wei

On April 3, 2013, the traditional lunar calendar is the 23rd day of the lunar month of the Year of the Fallen, and the next day is the Qingming Festival.

On the banks of the Nine Eyes Bridge, when the gas station at No. 39 Wangjiang Road in Chengdu was reconstructed, a stone stele appeared in a corner of the ground crack. This place belongs to Sichuan University, facing the Jinjiang River, with its back to the Sichuan Polymer Materials Laboratory and the Liberal Arts Building. Dang Yuewu, then director of the Sichuan University Archives, was ordered to rush to the scene, and Tan Dengfeng, a graduate student of the College of History and Culture of Sichuan University, and Shen Jun, a librarian of the Archives, also went to investigate, and then wrote an investigation report on the "Outline of the Discovery of the Famous Monuments of Sichuan Zunjing Academy".

Character | Hundred Refining into a Hole of Steel Zhang (II)

The old shadow of the Sutra Academy


An important contribution of Wang Minyun

According to the investigation report, "the stele is rectangular in shape, the upper left corner of the stele is damaged, and the damaged mouth is an old mark ... The stele is 226 cm long, 103 cm wide and 7 cm thick, and has a considerable volume. The number of inscriptions is large, and the carvings are more exquisite. The inscription is in block letters, the engraving is unknown, and the arguable characters are 878 words. At the beginning of the first column on the right, it reads 'Sichuan Zunjing Academy Jugong Inscription Monument and Preface', with a total of 9 columns in the preface and 10 columns after the preface. After the person's name, the font size, age, place of origin and other information are clearly recorded. The purpose of the inscription is obvious, that is, to honor these students who have paid tribute, and the stone inscription is also the 'honor list' of the Zunjing Academy. The inscription on the upper left side of the stone stele is faintly interspersed with 84 different kinds of calligraphy, which have been examined by Professor Hu Zhaoxi, an expert in the history of the academy, and this is a remnant of Zhang Zhidong's "Records of the Zunjing Academy of Sichuan Province".

According to Lei Wenjing's article "The Source of Sichuan University: The Chronicle of Sichuan Zunjing Academy", zunjing academy was established in the twelfth year of Tongzhi, and until the twenty-eighth year of Guangxu abolished the imperial examination, stopped the academy, and built the school, it was run for a total of thirty years. When reading the Zun Jing College, not only did not pay tuition fees, but also stipulated that each student received four or two "anointed silver" every month. In addition to this fixed income, those who have good grades in the monthly examinations are also bonuses, and when the two items are added together, some students can get more than ten silver per month. At that time, the average life was very cheap, and this money could not only solve the personal livelihood, but also support a family of six!

The influence of the Zunjing Academy on the Sichuan scholars also lies in the transformation of the academic school. The two main speakers who really influenced the study style of the college were Qian Baotang and Qian Baoxuan. Er qian were both from Zhejiang, and in the winter of the fourth year of Guangxu (1878), "The scholar Tan Zongjun collected volumes such as the three years of teaching art and getting off the bus to watch the wind and chao of the students, and published it as the eight volumes of the Shu Xiu Collection." All the publications are the teachings of the two money, and those who know it are called the Jiangsu and Zhejiang sects. It can be seen that in the early days of the Zunjing Academy, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang schools of learning dominated. This situation did not take a fundamental change until after Wang Minyun took charge. Academically, the change from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang schools to the Huxiang school was an important turn in the study style of zunjing academies.

Character | Hundred Refining into a Hole of Steel Zhang (II)

Sichuan Zunjing Academy Tribute Inscription Monument (Rubbing)

Wang Min (kǎi) Yun, a late Qing Dynasty classicist and literary scholar, was known as Xiang Qi , known as Mr. Xiang Qi. In the second year of Xianfeng (1852), he served as a tutor in Sushun and later entered the shogunate of Zeng Guofan. In 1880, he entered Sichuan and presided over the Chengdu Zunjing Academy. Wang Minyun spent eight years in Sichuan, educating students with scriptures, histories, and dictionaries, and stipulating that students must write down their experiences when reading books every day. Da Ru squanders the golden vertebrae, and the poetry of the purse is between the ceremonies. In order to encourage the students, Wang Minyun also collected the students' excellent papers in the fields of scripture, history, and lexicon into a volume for printing.

Zun Jing College has trained a large number of celebrities who have influenced the political, ideological, economic, cultural and scientific development of Sichuan in modern times. For example, Yang Rui, one of the "Six Gentlemen of Wushu" who sacrificed heroically to change the law and make himself strong; Liao Ping, a master of modern literature and classics who deviated from the scriptures and reformed the system of the ancients; Song Yuren, the core figure of the Sichuan Restoration and Reform Law who advocated new learning; Peng Jiazhen, who sacrificed his life to kill Liangbi and was named a great general by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in order to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and establish the Republic of China; Wu Yuzhang, Zhang Lan, Luo Lun, and Pu Dianjun, the leader of the Xinhai Revolution; the only one in Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty. Luo Chengjun, who was the chief of the Beijing Normal University Hall and the president of sichuan higher education schools, was a member of the school.

Character | Hundred Refining into a Hole of Steel Zhang (II)

Sichuan Zunjing Academy Tribute Inscription Monument (Rubbing, Lower Part)


Cixi was summoned at the Yangxin Hall

Zheng Hong has done his best to thank you. Roll away from hate, and go east. Shear frost wind falls flat. The creek is shaded by mountains, shisha is swaying, and there are several clusters of fishing huts.

The city of Hibiscus is picturesque. Spring with spring travels night to night. Don't know how he is also. The heart is chaotic with the clouds, the eyes are broken with the sky, and the tears are pouring down the Yangtze River.

Song Dynasty Shi Xiaoyou's "Qingyu Case: Zhenghong Passed the Autumn Rong Xie", as if Zhang Zhidong left Shudi. In the second year of Guangxu (1877), Zhang Zhidong, who was then forty years old, returned to Beijing to serve as the school director of Wenyuan Pavilion, responsible for the registration and inspection of the "Four Libraries" of the Cabinet. Three years later, Zhang Zhidong supplemented the Guozi Supervision Division, supplemented the Zhan Shifu Zuo Chunfang Zhongyun, and transferred to the Economic Bureau to wash horses.

Wash (xiǎn) horse, official name. In the Han Dynasty, he also used the "first horse" and "front horse", and was a subordinate official and attendant of the prince, and the leader when the prince traveled. In the subsequent dynasties, although the Qing Dynasty did not have a prince official, it still preserved the name of the official who washed horses, which belonged to the Zhan ShiFu, which was from Wupin, and was actually a springboard for the promotion of Hanlin officials. How does Zhang Zhidong, who is still a small official from Wupin and boasts full of talent, feel about it at the age of forty-three?

Ostrovsky said: "Steel is made in a fiery fire, highly cooled, so it is very strong. "At that time, Zhang Zhidong was still a piece of pig iron. Pig iron is made into rigidity, and it has to be tempered ten million times.

At the first meeting, Cixi didn't like it very much—she wasn't tall, her shoulders were thin (not tall and mighty); her face and nose were big (not handsome at all), and her eyes were particularly radiant. "Eyes like electricity", Cixi remembered that there were often such words in the history of the wild, but the person in front of her had white hair on both sideburns, which was like the tanhua in the second year of Tongzhi. However, in the question and answer, he also appeared to be a social talent, especially in the face of the lofty "traitor" who was making a lot of noise, this person was full of enthusiasm and momentum. Cixi couldn't help but change her opinion.

"Zhang Zhidong, are you a flower in the second year of Tongzhi?"

"Yes. That year, the empress dowager rewarded her subjects with the grace of mountains and seas, which will never be forgotten. ”

"I heard that you are working hard outside the country, and Hubei Sichuan has produced a lot of talents in recent years."

"It is the duty of a subject to the grace of the country and to do his duty for the country."

"You wrote to kill Chonghou?"

"The Empress Dowager is wise! Chonghou has always flattered the enemy, and when Tianjin handled the teaching case, he was a slave to his knees. This time, in front of the Russians, they actually cut off the ancestral land to please the foreigners, and the subject thought that it was not enough to be angry with the people without killing. ”


During the inquiry, Cixi also asked how to change the contract, and Zhang Zhidong also proposed a solution. For sympathizing with the people's livelihood, Zhang Zhidong is also a long opinion, and Cixi praises it. The cause of this summons was the "traitor" of Yan Chonghou. In the second year of Guangxu (1876), the Qing court sent the left capital Yushi To negotiate the return of Ili to Russia because of the Russian occupation of Xinjiang Ili.

Lofty and ignorant, he signed the Treaty of Livadia with Russia. This treaty nominally recovered Ili, but the western and southern borders were slaughtered by Tsarist Russia, and Ili was in a dangerous situation of Russian encirclement. When the news came, public opinion was in an uproar.

Zhang Zhidong wrote "The Folding of the Interests and Interests of the Russian Treaty of Familiar Power" and "The Folding of the Matter of Preparing and Negotiating the Ili Affairs", analyzing that the Russian Covenant is not allowed, insisting that this proposal must be changed, and it is advisable to repair the armed equipment, postpone the conclusion of the treaty, and demand that the crime of reverence be punished. After the upper fold, he was summoned by Cixi and allowed to go to the Prime Minister's Yamen at any time for consultation. Zhang Zhidong, together with Zhang Peilun and Chen Baochen, drafted 19 folds and put forward positive suggestions for raising troops and salaries and preparing for border defense.

The outcome of this matter is that Chonghou is imprisoned and sentenced to be beheaded. But some people interceded, and after spending 300,000 taels of silver, they were demoted and released. Later, the Qing court sent Zeng Jize, the second son of Zeng Guofan, to negotiate with Russia, change the treaty, and regain more than 700 miles of Ili South Road, and slow down the officials in Jiayuguan.

Character | Hundred Refining into a Hole of Steel Zhang (II)

Guangxu Three Years Chengdu Zunjing Academy engraved the "Commentary on the Interpretation of Words" book plate


"Clear stream" is difficult to go down in history

After Yan Chonghou successfully escaped, from the government and the opposition to the yanqi to stop, Zhang Zhidong was indignant and helpless. But from the other side, "chaos is not an abyss." Chaos is the ladder. Zhang Zhidong is from the chaos of the korean situation, a glimpse of a crack, or a kind of light: today's imperial court, need a "clear stream."

What is Clear Stream? Zhang Zhidong once said: "The way for contemptuous people to stand up for the dynasty is that there is no platform and no cabinet, no Xiang and no Huai, no peace and no war." Those who are loyal to the state respect it, those who are evil to the state, those who are loyal to the state help them, and those who harm the state attack it. Neutral and not dependent, humble and easy to do. Stop when you are sick, do not be too much for it, serve the public and do not seek personal gain, and expect to be helpful without seeking fame. This is despicable academic also. ”

In the ninth year of Tongzhi (1870), Zhang Zhidong returned to Beijing from Hubei at the end of his term of suspension, and at that time he was full of spirits, often mixed with Pan Zuyin, Li Ciming, Wang Yirong, Chen Baochen and a group of celebrities in the field of words to chant poems. In the third year of Guangxu (1877), Zhang Zhidong returned to Beijing from the end of his post in Sichuan, and drank with these people to talk about life. However, Zhang Zhidong, who returned to Beijing this time, was very disappointed, and his colleagues who were chanting poems were promoted, but he was still idle from Wupin. From this, he gradually had a cynical heart. Through Chen Baochen, Zhang Zhidong also got to know Zhang Peilun, Huang Tifang, Bao Ting, Deng Chengxiu and other people, who were full of complaints, did not meet with talents, and had the same taste, thus forming a "Qing school".

The reason why the "Qing school" became a political force in the political situation of the late Qing Dynasty, putting aside the gangs and gangs, the background was closely related to the palace struggle at that time.

After the coup d'état of Xin You, Cixi and Prince Gong yixun became central figures in late Qing politics at the same time. Prince Gong, in the name of The Prince of Huizheng, led the outer court and relied on the Xiang army and the Huai army to suppress the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and stabilize the situation. Cixi, on the other hand, was full of wings and wanted to take advantage of the fact that Tongzhi was not yet pro-government. Since Prince Gong presided over the outer court, his prestige has been quite high. In terms of employment administration, he often chiseled the handle with Cixi. The open and secret struggle between the two sides has intensified. In order to exclude Yi Chen, Cixi not only used Yi Zhen the Prince of Alcohol to attack Yi Chen, but also co-opted the Qing school, using YuShi as the eyes and ears, with Han Yuan as the mouthpiece, and often encouraged the impeachment of the Qing liu magnates to monitor and contain Yi Xi and others. Therefore, "Taiwan is full of wind, competing to strike, and the clear stream is very widespread."

At that time, Zhang Zhidong, Bao Ting, Zhang Peilun, and Huang Tifang called the Four Counselors of Hanlin, advocated "vigorously using style and discipline" to oppose corrupt officials and corrupt officials, and dared to expose maladministration. They supported Li Hongzao, the minister of military aircraft and a university scholar, as their leader, and in fact Zhang Zhidong was the leader of the Qing school. During the Sino-Russian negotiations, Zhang Zhidong's political prestige increased and he was appreciated by Cixi.

Even if it was mixed up like this, Zhang Zhidong was not reused by Cixi. Cixi believes that Zhang Zhidong is a scholar, although he has done Hanlin and xuezheng, and has also become a speech official, he is an exaggerated person, and it is difficult to govern one side.

Shortly after Ci'an's death, Cixi decided to broaden her speech and promote benevolent government. Zhang Zhidong saw this as a good opportunity to give Cixi a twist on the grounds of strengthening the southeast coastal defense and northwest border defense forces:

"The southeast coastal defense is heavy on the two rivers, but Liu Kun, the governor of the two rivers and the minister of nanyang, is old and weak for a year and is not competent for the defense of the two rivers." However, Peng Yulin, the commander of the Xiang Army's marine division, was able to fight well, made many military achievements and was full of energy, and was worthy of this task. Zuo Zongtang has always supervised the military affairs of Xinjiang, he is loyal and commendable, but the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, Zeng Guoquan, has been late in his post, and he has recently lost a son and a nephew, so he has no heart for northwest defense." Tan Zhonglin, the governor of Zhejiang, had served as the governor of Shaanxi, and he was familiar with the situation in the northwest, so he could be promoted to the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu. In addition, Zuo Zongtang's general Zhang Yao was also loyal and courageous, and he could be made to assist in the military affairs of the northwest. ”

Judging from this recital, Zhang Zhidong recommended Peng Yulin, Tan Zhonglin, and Zhang Yao, but participated in the impeachment of Liu Kunyi and Zeng Guoquan. Liu and Zeng were the elders of the Imperial Bureau, so why did Zhang Zhidong dare to participate?

It turned out that before Zhang Zhidong was evacuated, Peng Yulin had gone to the shu to impeach Liu Kunyi for "being lazy in pleasure, mentally weak, unable to rectify official affairs", "widely storing concubines, rare guests, and conniving at family members, accepting door bags (red packets)"... Zhang Zhidong sensitively captured Cixi's attitude towards these two elders, so he made a rather deliberate play.

Zhang Zhidong's proposal for the appointment and dismissal of personnel was adopted by Cixi in accordance with the rules. Soon, Cixi summoned Liu Kunyi to Beijing and made Peng Yulin the governor of Liangjiang. Liu Kunyi knew that Peng Yulin had joined him, and also knew that Zhang Zhidong was lighting a fire behind his back, so he was very angry and simply lived in the countryside on the grounds of recuperation, until he came out of the mountain again after nine years.

"Peering through Cixi, catering to the will of the superior, and consolidating his favor", Zhang Zhidong's routine has indeed received miraculous results, laying the groundwork for future promotions.

Around the time of the Sino-French War in the eleventh year of Guangxu (1885), new changes occurred in the internal political struggles of the Qing government, and the "former Qingliu" had lost its significance to Empress Dowager Cixi, thus declaring its collapse. From the end of the 1880s to the eve of the Sino-Japanese War, against the background of Japan's invasion of Korea, some officials and celebrities who resolutely advocated resisting Japanese aggression and opposing the maladministration at that time defected to the Hubu Shoshu Weng tonggong and formed the "Post-Qing Stream". Among them, Wen Tingshi, a scholar of the Imperial Household, Zhirui, a waiter of the Ministry of Rites, and Zhang Jian, a "talented son of Nantong", were the backbones, Sheng Yu, the chief of the Guozi Prison, Shen Zengzhi, the chief of the Punishment Department, and Wang Renkan, Huang Shaoji, Ding Lijun, and Li Wentian, editors of the Hanlin Academy, were among the strong generals. Moreover, Weng Tonggong was the master of the Guangxu Emperor, Zhirui was the elder brother of the Guangxu Emperor's concubine Zhenfei, and Wen Tingshi was the master of the Zhenfei, so the faction was part of the imperial party.

In the later period of the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, with the defeat of the imperial party, the Qing faction figures were either dismissed from their posts, or left Beijing and went south, or disappeared. After the Sino-Japanese War, although there were still people who participated in the restoration and reform of the law as members of the imperial party, the Qing school no longer existed.

Flaunting the wind festival, it is difficult to go down in history. Xu Zhixiang's "Impeachment of the Xinjiang Minister Gu En's Negative Fold" once commented on Zhang Zhidong-

"The subject looks at the life of the governor, seeks the country as if he is loyal, acts like courage, seems to be rigid in disposition, and seems to be far-sighted, but in fact he is ambitious and exaggerated, his strength is small and his task is heavy, his color is strong and inward, and he has a beginning and a rare end." The vain name is as vain as yin hao of Jin, and his stoicism is like that of Yin Hao of Jin, and his stoic self-righteousness, which is like An Shi, the king of Song. The work of the Chinese and foreign ministers in fang and the present is wonderful, and there is no hole that is too zhang; there is no one who is too good at doing things and has a clever mind, and there is no one who is too open to the hole. ”

At this stage, in the cracks of the imperial struggle, Zhang Zhidong completed the transformation from bookish temperament to eight-sided roundness. Someone once used a word to describe the "four famous ministers of Zhongxing" in the late Qing Dynasty, Zuo Zongtang was crazy, Zeng Guofan was clumsy, Li Hongzhang was able, and Zhang Zhidong was slippery. This is what the Japanese novelist Ryunosuke Wasakawa said, "The most intelligent way of dealing with the world is to both cast a blank eye on the world and collude with it." ”

Character | Hundred Refining into a Hole of Steel Zhang (II)

In the thirteenth year of Qing Tongzhi, Chengdu Zunjing Academy engraved the "Classic Interpretation" book plate

【Main References】

"Zhang Zhidong" (Tang Haoming)

The Origin of Sichuan University: The Chronicle of Sichuan Zunjing Academy (Lei Wenjing)

Zhang Wenxiang Gong Annals (Xu Tongxin)

The Complete Works of Tan Si Tong (Tan Si Tong)

"Ice Drinking Room Collection" (Liang Qichao)

Compilation of Old Testament Chapters between China and Foreign Countries (Wang Tieya/ed.)

Guangxu Chaodong Hualu (Volume II)

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