
No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!

author:Small pets, big worlds

Cats are independent, elegant animals, and in the process of getting along with cats, some behaviors may make cats feel uncomfortable or hurt them. No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!

No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!

First things first: don't force your cat to hold

Cats are free-spirited animals that don't like to be restricted from their movements. If you force your cat to hold, it will make them feel uncomfortable and nervous.

If you want to be close to the cat, you can choose to let the cat take the initiative to approach you, such as sitting next to them when they are relaxed, and let them take the initiative to approach you.

No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!

Second thing: don't disturb the cat to sleep

Cats need plenty of sleep to regain their strength and spirit. If you disturb your cat's sleep, it will make them feel tired and unwell.

If you want to play with cats, you can choose to do it when they are awake and don't let them feel tired.

No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!

Third thing: Don't take pictures of cats with flash

Cats' eyes are very sensitive to light, and if you take pictures of them with a flash, it may cause damage to their eyesight.

If you want to take pictures of cats, you can choose to do it in natural light or use a camera without a flash.

No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!

Fourth thing: Don't let the cat go out alone

Cats are domestic animals by nature, and they need human care and protection. If you let cats go out alone, it may expose them to dangers, such as traffic accidents, wild animal attacks, etc.

Therefore, no matter how busy you are, you should provide adequate care and protection for your cat.

No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!

The fifth thing: don't ignore your cat's social needs

Cats are social animals that need to interact and communicate with other animals and humans. If you ignore your cat's social needs, it may make them feel lonely and anxious.

No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!

Therefore, you can provide enough toys and games for cats to interact and communicate. In the process of interaction, you can also reward the cat with some small snacks, which can increase the fun of interaction and the cat will be happier.

No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!

Sixth thing: Don't give your cat harmful food

Cats should be very cautious in their diet, as some foods can be harmful to their health. For example, foods containing a lot of additives and preservatives, human food, etc. may affect the health of cats.

No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!

Therefore, you should provide cats with nutritionally balanced and healthy cat food that helps maintain cats' physical health, promote development and enhance immunity.

No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!

Seventh thing: Don't ignore the emotional needs of cats

Cats are emotional animals that need human attention and love. If you ignore the emotional needs of cats, they may feel lonely and uneasy.

Therefore, you can provide enough attention and love for your cat, such as playing with them regularly, giving them enough space and a quiet environment.

No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!

Conclusion: Have you done the above things?

You may wish to share beautiful photos of your cat in the comment area~

No matter how much the cat loves you, don't do these seven things!