
I took my son-in-law as a son, and now he promises to take me for the elderly, but he says: paid pension, each takes what he needs

author:Late life

Aunt Liu regarded her son-in-law as her own son, and now the son-in-law promised to take Aunt Liu for the elderly, but the son-in-law said: Paid pension, each takes what he needs, you give me 3,000 a month. Aunt Liu felt very angry after hearing this.

I took my son-in-law as a son, and now he promises to take me for the elderly, but he says: paid pension, each takes what he needs

The flame in Aunt Liu's heart was instantly aroused, she was originally looking forward to enjoying her old age in peace and spending the rest of her life with her in-laws in the year of Huajia, but this sudden request made her feel disappointed and angry. She used to regard her son-in-law as her own and cared for him as if he were a parent, but now she faces this reality.

I took my son-in-law as a son, and now he promises to take me for the elderly, but he says: paid pension, each takes what he needs

The son-in-law's words seemed to pierce Aunt Liu's heart, and she recalled the bits and pieces of the past, full of love and care, but now it has become a cold calculation. The son-in-law in front of her is no longer the gentle and kind person she once knew.

I took my son-in-law as a son, and now he promises to take me for the elderly, but he says: paid pension, each takes what he needs

Aunt Liu couldn't help but sigh that people's hearts are unpredictable, and family affection can sometimes become fragile and fragile. She once thought that her son-in-law's behavior and speech could represent filial piety and respect for her, but now her son-in-law has made her re-examine the authenticity of this marriage and affection.

I took my son-in-law as a son, and now he promises to take me for the elderly, but he says: paid pension, each takes what he needs

However, Aunt Liu did not choose to fall into the quagmire of despair, but calmly faced this reality. She knew that bitterness and disappointment in life could not be avoided, but she decided to face it with a strong attitude.

I took my son-in-law as a son, and now he promises to take me for the elderly, but he says: paid pension, each takes what he needs

Aunt Liu began to think about how she should plan her life for the future. She understands that her aging body needs to be taken care of, but she also does not want to be a burden to others. She decided to regain her independence and self-confidence.

I took my son-in-law as a son, and now he promises to take me for the elderly, but he says: paid pension, each takes what he needs

So, Aunt Liu began to participate in some community activities and met some friends who were her age. They exchange the joys and sorrows of life together, encourage and support each other. Aunt Liu found that although she did not have the promise of her son-in-law, she was not alone.

Aunt Liu also actively participates in some activities of the pension club, learns some health knowledge and exercises. She found that age was not a stumbling block to her active life, but an opportunity to release herself.

I took my son-in-law as a son, and now he promises to take me for the elderly, but he says: paid pension, each takes what he needs

In life, Aunt Liu also learned to self-comfort and regulate emotions. She told herself that everyone has their own lifestyle and choices, and that her son-in-law's choice does not mean that she will be abandoned. She has to believe that she is not incapable of self-care and a happy life.

Gradually, Aunt Liu's mentality began to become positive, and she found the joy of life again. She began to pursue things that interested her, such as reading, traveling, volunteering, and so on. These made her feel happy and satisfied, and she found that her life could be wonderful because of herself.

I took my son-in-law as a son, and now he promises to take me for the elderly, but he says: paid pension, each takes what he needs

Time passed quickly, and Aunt Liu's life became more and more fulfilling. Together with friends, she organized a retirement club and held regular weekly gatherings to share the bits and pieces of life together. This club has become an important support for Aunt Liu to get out of the predicament.

After a period of independent life, Aunt Liu gradually understood a truth: she did not need to rely on others to live her own life. She believes that everyone has the ability to create their own happiness, as long as they are willing to pursue it hard.

I took my son-in-law as a son, and now he promises to take me for the elderly, but he says: paid pension, each takes what he needs

Gradually, the resentment and anger in Aunt Liu's heart gradually faded. She realized that the unsatisfactory situation in life could not be changed, but she could choose how to deal with it. She doesn't want her heart to be eroded by something like this, she wants to keep a kind and tolerant heart.

Aunt Liu's relatives and friends were surprised and admired by her change. They saw a strong and optimistic Aunt Liu, who told everyone with her actions that even if life gave her a blow, she could still laugh at life and try to find her own happiness.

I took my son-in-law as a son, and now he promises to take me for the elderly, but he says: paid pension, each takes what he needs

In the end, the son-in-law's indifference and ruthlessness did not wear down Aunt Liu's strength and optimism, but made her more independent and confident. She learned that every experience in life is a valuable asset, they make people grow and make people more aware of their value.

Aunt Liu knew that she could not change her son-in-law's choice and attitude, but she decided not to bother with it anymore. She chooses tolerance and relief, believing that the love and care she has given will not be in vain, and perhaps one day, her son-in-law will understand the true meaning of it.

I took my son-in-law as a son, and now he promises to take me for the elderly, but he says: paid pension, each takes what he needs

Aunt Liu no longer expects her son-in-law to fulfill her promise, and she has found her way to be happy. She lived her wonderful life, and she became a role model for inspiring others.

Aunt Liu's story tells us that there will be many unsatisfactory and troubled things in life, but we cannot be overwhelmed by them. Instead, we should learn to be strong and optimistic, and face the challenges of life with a positive attitude. Whether it is family affection or friendship, only true tolerance and understanding can make our lives better.

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