
Surfing the Internet was shocked to see the doctor's boyfriend drugged, and the surveillance exposure made people chill


In real life, love and marriage often expose the ugly side of human nature. Seemingly romantic love often becomes cold and ruthless when facing the trials of marriage. Through two true stories, this article reveals the complexity of human nature and the truth behind marriage. Love and marriage are two different concepts, and we need to recognize that.

Surfing the Internet was shocked to see the doctor's boyfriend drugged, and the surveillance exposure made people chill

More than a year ago, Xiao Wang met a doctor's boyfriend on a blind date website. They develop a relationship, and Xiao Wang becomes pregnant. The boyfriend asked Xiao Wang to miscarry. During a conversation, her boyfriend secretly drugged Xiao Wang's cola, causing Xiao Wang to have a miscarriage. Xiao Wang looked back at the signs in the past and found that her boyfriend had designed a variety of methods to miscarry her.

Surfing the Internet was shocked to see the doctor's boyfriend drugged, and the surveillance exposure made people chill

In another story, a man asks a blogger for help. He claimed that his wife suffered from major depression and wanted her to sign in order to sell a house to pay off the debt. The blogger saw through the man's lies. It turned out that the man was a real estate agent who set up a plot to put his wife in mental distress so that he could obtain the property on his own.

Surfing the Internet was shocked to see the doctor's boyfriend drugged, and the surveillance exposure made people chill

Marriage is a test of realism that reveals the essence of human nature. Love is romanticism, but marriage reveals the selfishness and desires of human nature. The games and considerations in marriage make people see the dark side of human nature. Love pursues the "best", while marriage pursues "better". In marriage, women tend to be more likely to be let down and calculated than men.

Surfing the Internet was shocked to see the doctor's boyfriend drugged, and the surveillance exposure made people chill

In marriage, the unspoken rules of human nature often make people feel confused and hurt. People's pursuit of better material conditions and quality of life often deviates from the original love. The pursuits and interests in marriage make human nature more complex and cold. We can't overestimate marriage or ignore the rules and instincts of human nature.

Surfing the Internet was shocked to see the doctor's boyfriend drugged, and the surveillance exposure made people chill

Love and marriage are two different concepts, and we need to recognize human nature in reality. Love is a momentary impulse, while marriage is a contract. In marriage, we need to think rationally and protect ourselves. Don't let the frenzy of love blind you, and look wisely at the reality of marriage. Finally, let's consider the question: how should we protect our interests and emotions when facing the test of human nature?

Surfing the Internet was shocked to see the doctor's boyfriend drugged, and the surveillance exposure made people chill

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