
Parents grabbed it, and the 1-year-old baby almost died! This situation must be endured

Parents grabbed it, and the 1-year-old baby almost died! This situation must be endured

This is one

Blackened, swollen index finger

The owner of the index finger -

A child as young as 1 year old

When the disease is at its worst

Treatment in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).

and life-threatening infections

It turned out to be caused by a barb!

Barbs cause accidents

A few days ago, the family found out

1-year-old Tutu (pseudonym)

The index finger of the left hand has a barb

I didn't even think about it

Oddly enough, the next day

A small abscess grew at the barb site

The family found a fine sewing needle

Picked the abscess out

On the same day, Tutu began to have a fever

Soon he developed a red rash

The local hospital prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs

After taking the medicine, the symptoms are still getting worse

Day 3 morning

Tutu's index finger turns black

Hard, swollen, hot

Taking medicine and smearing medicine do not work

In the afternoon, the swelling spreads

Palm, forearm, left upper limb

The back of the hand was swollen like bread, and the skin was even hotter

Body temperature up to 40.5 degrees Celsius

Tutu's mental deterioration and decreased urine output

Urgently go to a local hospital

The doctor suggests: transfer to a higher level hospital as soon as possible!

With all his best efforts to rescue, the child finally turned the corner

On the way to Henan Provincial People's Hospital

Tutu began to get irritable

cyanosis of the lips, vomiting

Complete anuria and critical condition

In the provincial emergency department

Tutu was diagnosed as:

Sepsis, septic shock

Cutaneous cellulitis, renal impairment

Immediately retract to

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

Parents grabbed it, and the 1-year-old baby almost died! This situation must be endured

At check-in, Tutu suffered cardiopulmonary failure

The maximum dose of vasoactive drugs

Nor can blood pressure and tissue perfusion be maintained

Lives are at stake

Parents grabbed it, and the 1-year-old baby almost died! This situation must be endured

The pediatric intensive care team was urgent for him

Hands-on Artificial Heart Lung (ECMO)

ECMO was rescued for 4 consecutive days

After 7 days of ventilator support

Tutu was out of danger

Parents grabbed it, and the 1-year-old baby almost died! This situation must be endured

After further treatment

Blackened fingers

It also gradually returned to its normal color

How can a small barb cause a catastrophe?

Shi Changjin, director of pediatrics of the receiving hospital, introduced:

This is the first time that barbs have caused such a serious infection in PICU.

After strict examination, Tutu did not have congenital immunodeficiency. It is likely that the combination of various factors such as the large number and virulence of the pathogens infected by the wound, coupled with the child's low immunity at that time, eventually led to serious consequences.

Barbs have serious implications

Doctor's Reminder:

Barbs are a very common phenomenon, and there is a scientific name in medicine called "reverse peeling". However, if not handled properly, it may cause more serious infections. There have been patients who had purulent dactymphitis caused by barbs and had to undergo surgery.

Repeated barbs on fingers, the main reason is that the skin around the nails is more special, here is different from other parts of the skin, there are no hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands, lack of oil and sweat moisturizing effect, so it has become the hardest hit area of barbs. The weather is cold and dry, without the protection of sebum, the skin is easy to lose moisture, and then cracking and peeling.

In addition, frequent hand washing, contact with chemicals such as hand sanitizer and laundry detergent, or playing ball may also aggravate barbs. Because detergents or physical stimuli can further remove the skin's oil, causing the stratum corneum to lose protection, exacerbating skin dryness and peeling.

Therefore, finger barbs are mainly due to dryness, and we can help improve the problem by moisturizing and replenishing oil. Don't pick, don't tear, in addition to pain, it will cause new skin damage and infection, and in severe cases, paronychia and periungual abscess, if fungi or bacteria spread further through the wound, it may cause more serious infections and even endanger health.

The appearance of barbs must be restrained from the idea of "violent" treatment


So how to deal with it?


You can soak in warm water at about 40 ° C for 3-5 minutes, you can also use moisturizer massage to soften the skin, then disinfect the skin around the barb with alcohol, use a disinfected tool to trim along the root of the barbed skin, and finally apply emollient milk such as vitamin E milk, allantoin, cod liver oil, etc., all of which have a good effect of protecting and moisturizing the skin.

Try to avoid excessive skin cleansing in daily life, reduce physical friction and correct bad habits of gnawing. Wearing gloves to protect the skin of the hands during housework can not only prevent barbs, but also reduce the occurrence of eczema on the hands.

If the barb is severe, vitamin B12 and vitamin A, compound glycyrrhizin tablets can be taken orally under the guidance of a doctor; Apply retinoids ointment or adapalene gel every night before going to bed, and also apply topical skin cream to hands in the morning; Avoid spicy, irritating foods.

If skin infections such as paronychia occur, it is recommended to use antibiotic ointments for care, and if there are repeated attacks, go to the hospital for further treatment as soon as possible.

Guangzhou Daily is synthesized from Henan Provincial People's Hospital, Guangzhou Institute of Dermatology Prevention and Treatment, and China Food and Drug Administration

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