
A spittoon on a foreign website costs 400 yuan, and after knowing its use, Chinese smiled ...

author:Cod 11

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Recently, I saw an amazing piece of news. Traditional Chinese spittoons are sold on Amazon for a whopping $61.96. Although Chinese goods have gone global, the use of this spittoon is ironic. Under the introduction of the extranet platform, this spittoon is known as an antique handicraft in China, and can be used as a fruit plate, ice bucket, and even a food container, and the picture makes people reverie. Chinese netizens expressed disbelief because the spittoon was once used in China to collect cigarette butts, food scraps and even as a urine pot for children. I don't know how foreign netizens will feel.

Perhaps many people have the impression that foreign imports are the most popular and popular. However, in fact, in recent years, China's exports of goods abroad have increased, and Chinese elements have gradually integrated into the daily lives of foreigners. However, due to information asymmetry, there may be deviations in understanding. For example, the ancient tradition of China's underworld currency has actually entered the world stage and become an underground "hard currency", and foreigners even gave it a down-to-earth name - "ancestral money", which is really eye-opening. The reason why foreigners pursue Hades coins is mainly because "wishes come true", and some people even shared magical experiences, saying that burning Hades coins did work and became a treasure where wishes come true.

A spittoon on a foreign website costs 400 yuan, and after knowing its use, Chinese smiled ...

When it comes to popular Chinese food, I have to mention the "old godmother". In the United States, this has become a luxury item that only the rich can afford, with prices as high as $10-20. Shockingly, some "old godmother" fans have also creatively applied it to various foods such as pudding, ice cream and fruit salad, showing the variety of uses.

In addition to food, some traditional Chinese items have also become fashionable abroad. The snakeskin bag, once loved by the aunt, is now on the LV runway, and even deriving peripheral styles, showing a new fashion atmosphere. At the same time, elements such as Chinese face gini and ink paintings have also been popular abroad. This phenomenon highlights the influence of Chinese culture on the international stage.

A spittoon on a foreign website costs 400 yuan, and after knowing its use, Chinese smiled ...

In addition, foreigners have also shown great interest in Chinese tattoos and TCM cupping. They see Chinese tattoos as a unique and handsome expression, while TCM cupping has become a popular treatment and restorative method. This love for traditional Chinese culture has gradually made Made in China become synonymous with international excellence. We should be confident in domestic products, and believe that more and more people will love domestic products in the future.


In recent years, Chinese traditional culture and goods have gained more recognition and attention in the international market. This highlights the growing influence and attractiveness of domestic products. First of all, it illustrates the importance of cultural exchange. Traditional Chinese culture has had an impact internationally, but there is also a need for greater communication between the two sides to avoid misunderstandings and stereotypes. Secondly, domestic products represent the quality and value of Made in China, which makes us full of confidence in our own domestic products. Finally, this phenomenon also reminds us that we must actively advocate and promote excellent domestic products, so that more people can understand, recognize and choose Made in China.

A spittoon on a foreign website costs 400 yuan, and after knowing its use, Chinese smiled ...


This article describes the astonishing performance of traditional Chinese goods such as spittoons, Hades coins, old godmothers, etc. in the international market, and how Chinese elements have become part of international fashion. Observing this phenomenon can lead to several important conclusions. First of all, Chinese traditional culture has a wide range of appeal around the world, not only in goods, but also in tattoos, cupping and other fields. Secondly, the rise and popularity of domestic products shows that Made in China not only has a good cost performance, but also has been recognized for quality. Third, cultural exchanges and communication are essential to dispel misunderstandings and allow the international community to better understand Chinese culture. Finally, we should be full of confidence in domestic products, promote excellent Made in China, and let more people like and choose domestic products. This phenomenon not only shows the unique charm of Chinese traditional culture, but also wins more opportunities for Chinese manufacturing in the international market.

A spittoon on a foreign website costs 400 yuan, and after knowing its use, Chinese smiled ...


This news presents an interesting phenomenon, Chinese traditional culture and goods are stepping into the international market, and are welcomed and loved by foreigners. There are several important revelations behind this. First of all, cultural exchange and diversified channels of communication are essential. The reason why Chinese traditional culture can go abroad is largely due to the convenient communication in the era of globalization, coupled with the wide dissemination of social media and other platforms, so that Chinese elements can be seen, understood and accepted by the outside world. Secondly, creativity and packaging cannot be ignored. Traditional Chinese cultural goods can stand out in the international market, and are often inseparable from unique creativity and packaging. In addition, the rise of domestic products also shows the improvement of China's manufacturing industry and the improvement of quality, we should take this as a confidence to encourage more innovation and creativity, and promote excellent Made in China. Most importantly, this phenomenon reminds us to cherish and inherit our traditional culture, combine it with modern creativity to exert greater influence, and at the same time be good at learning from the needs and tastes of the international market to launch internationally popular products.

A spittoon on a foreign website costs 400 yuan, and after knowing its use, Chinese smiled ...


The emergence and popularity of Chinese traditional culture and goods in the international market shows that China's manufacturing and cultural level is constantly improving. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, the first is that globalization and the facilitation of cultural exchanges have given Chinese elements more opportunities to showcase. Secondly, creativity and packaging are important factors that attract international attention. The creativity and packaging innovation of traditional Chinese culture make goods stand out in the international market. Moreover, the rise of China's manufacturing industry has won a good reputation for domestic products and demonstrated the strength of Chinese manufacturing. Most importantly, we must cherish traditional culture, combine creativity to launch more popular domestic products, and strengthen international market understanding, in order to promote more excellent Chinese manufacturing to the world. This phenomenon fully demonstrates the attractiveness and innovation of Chinese traditional culture, and also allows us to see the possibility of the rise of domestic products on the international stage.

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