
A spittoon on a foreign website costs 400 yuan, and after knowing its use, Chinese smiled

author:Zhang Qirui

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Recently, a series of seemingly incredible phenomena have attracted widespread attention, showing the emergence of traditional Chinese cultural elements on the international stage. From the spittoon becoming a fruit bowl, the currency turning into a wish tool, to the popularity of old godmothers around the world, to the entry of Chinese elements into the fashion industry and the emergence of Chinese medicine in international medicine, this series of events reveals the influence and unique charm of Chinese culture in the context of globalization. This article will analyze the reasons behind these phenomena and explore the implications for them.


The internationalization of traditional Chinese cultural elements is no accident. First of all, the quality of Chinese manufactured products has gradually emerged, not only cost-effective, but also demonstrated a high level of manufacturing capabilities in many fields. This provides strong support for Chinese goods to win word of mouth in the international market. Secondly, the asymmetry of information leads to prejudice or misunderstanding of Chinese culture among foreigners, so they tend to feel novel and curious when they come into contact with the real Chinese culture. Most importantly, Chinese culture has a unique charm that can touch people's emotions and wishes, such as the "wish come true" represented by the Hades coin and the delicacy of the old godmother.

A spittoon on a foreign website costs 400 yuan, and after knowing its use, Chinese smiled

Personal opinion:

This series of phenomena shows that Chinese traditional culture has strong attraction and market potential. As a Chinese, I am proud of the spread of Chinese culture internationally. However, we should also note that internationalization brings cultural mobility and integration, and it is necessary to protect and pass on one's own cultural traditions, while also respecting and understanding other cultures. In addition, the rise and quality improvement of China's manufacturing industry is a positive signal, and we should continue to promote technological innovation and brand building to further enhance the international competitiveness of Chinese goods.


First of all, culture is an important part of a country's soft power, and it should actively disseminate and promote its own culture and enhance its international influence. Second, we must make full use of the convenience of the information age and transmit cultural elements to the world through various channels. Finally, it is necessary to continuously improve the level of manufacturing and pursue excellent quality in order to win the recognition of the international market.

A spittoon on a foreign website costs 400 yuan, and after knowing its use, Chinese smiled


The phenomenon of internationalization of traditional Chinese cultural elements shows the charm of Chinese culture and the potential of the international market. This trend reminds us to cherish and inherit our own cultural traditions, and at the same time actively embrace globalization to promote the development of China's manufacturing industry. Through the dissemination of culture, we can better understand and respect different cultures, and promote international exchanges and cooperation. Only in this way can Chinese culture continue to shine on a global scale.

The phenomenon of internationalization of traditional Chinese cultural elements lies deeper thinking. First, this trend reminds us that the spread of culture is no longer tied to national borders, and that the global Internet and digital media have made the transmission of information faster and more extensive, and cultural exchanges more convenient. Therefore, countries should pay more attention to the preservation, transmission and innovation of culture in order to maintain cultural diversity and better integrate into the globalization process.

A spittoon on a foreign website costs 400 yuan, and after knowing its use, Chinese smiled

Second, the success of the internationalization of Chinese culture also hints at the importance of cultural self-confidence. Part of the reason why traditional Chinese cultural elements are attractive in international markets is the confidence of local Chinese consumers in their own culture. Therefore, we should encourage people to know more about and cherish their cultural traditions, so that they can better represent China on the international stage.

In addition, this phenomenon also reminds us to look at international cultural exchange with an open mind. Culture should not be used to draw boundaries or create prejudices, but as a link between civilizations. China's cultural export is an opportunity for the world to better understand China, while also being willing to listen and learn from the cultures of other countries.

A spittoon on a foreign website costs 400 yuan, and after knowing its use, Chinese smiled

Finally, the success of the internationalization of traditional Chinese cultural elements has given China's manufacturing industry a distinctive mark. This shows that China's manufacturing industry has moved from the stage of low cost and low quality to the stage of high quality and high added value. We should continue to encourage technological innovation and quality improvement to ensure that Chinese goods remain competitive in the international market.

All in all, the internationalization of traditional Chinese cultural elements is not only an interesting phenomenon, but also a phenomenon full of enlightenment. It teaches us that culture has unlimited power to promote understanding and cooperation across borders. At the same time, it also reminds us to cherish cultural traditions and maintain cultural self-confidence in order to better shape our international image. In the wave of globalization, Chinese culture will continue to play an important role and contribute to the diversity and prosperity of world cultures.

A spittoon on a foreign website costs 400 yuan, and after knowing its use, Chinese smiled

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