
Pity! It can not only replenish qi and remove garbage from the body, but it is considered waste and thrown away

author:Shangyang Chinese Medicine Dr. Wan

A major problem common in the body of modern people is that there is a lot of garbage, but there is not enough qi, and what I share with you today is a baby that can both manage garbage and replenish qi, which is bran.

Some might say, what, this counts as a baby? It is clear that the waste we discard, at most used as feed, how can it be given to people?

To explain this, it's a long story, let me tell you slowly.

01, I am a northerner, I remember the steamed buns, noodles, dumplings, flower rolls, flapjacks we ate when we were children, all of which were dark and yellow, in addition to what sorghum rice, sorghum noodles, cornmeal, millet, brown rice... are common staple foods on the dinner table, and then unknowingly, families ate white noodles, white rice, at that time it was generally believed that these highly processed foods not only grew beautiful, tasted better, easier to digest and absorb, and more importantly, rich in protein, everyone believed that this was the embodiment of improved living standards. It stands to reason that if you eat well, people should be healthier, but now the situation is just the opposite, how high blood lipids, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, allergies... and other diseases are dozens of times higher than before.

Modern nutrition has found that the gluten diet is an important reason that cannot be ignored.

Gluten is a group of proteins in grains, especially wheat, which is the product of people processing grain and wheat. In the past, people did not have the ability or consciousness to refine food. After harvesting wheat, the whole wheat grain is ground into flour, and then directly made into various types of pasta; Cereals are also, after the rice is harvested, after threshing to separate the grains in the rice ear from the rice husk, it is generally not milled so finely, so in the past, the people ate the most brown rice with light yellow color and rough taste. And the later emerging finishing is to extract the part of whole wheat grains and brown rice grains with more protein, that is, gluten, and remove the part that does not contain protein, that is, bran, the so-called "take its essence, remove its waste".

02, and it was not until recent years, when people ate gluten purely for decades, that nutrition found that this diet has great problems.

Because gluten is highly nutritious but extremely tough, it takes a lot of effort to digest it. Studies have now found that celiac disease is directly linked to gluten, and the single largest cause of leaky gut is also a gluten diet, and non-celiac gluten sensitivity is also caused by the intake of gluten foods.

The main symptoms of celiac disease are chronic diarrhea, weight loss, edema, iron deficiency anemia, abdominal distension, etc. From the point of view of Chinese medicine, typical spleen deficiency diarrhea.

Leaky gut as the name suggests, is intestinal leakage, specifically the permeability of the small intestine abnormally increased, so that intestinal toxins and undigested food particles into the blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, inflammatory factors spread throughout the body, thereby causing some symptoms, at present, leaky gut is considered by Western medicine to be the source of all diseases, including osteoarthritis / rheumatoid arthritis, stiff spondylitis, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, Crohn's disease, etc. Abdominal cramps, acne, attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity, asthma, brain fog, chronic nasal mucus/nasal congestion, constipation/diarrhea, dark circles, depression, eczema, fatigue, abnormal food cravings, gas, bloating, headaches, ineffective weight loss, joint pain, moodiness, muscle pain, psoriasis, sinus fever, rash, throat clearing, etc.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity includes symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, constipation, headache, fatigue, joint pain, rash, depression or anxiety, anemia, loss of appetite, and growth retardation in children.

So now the Western nutrition community is scorning the gluten-free diet, and in recent years, gluten-free has also emerged in Western society, and many people in our country have begun to advocate a gluten-free diet.

03. What is more intriguing is that the bran that was discarded due to lack of nutrition has now become a fragrant food in the nutrition community.

Pity! It can not only replenish qi and remove garbage from the body, but it is considered waste and thrown away

A large number of clinical trials have shown that wheat bran contains a lot of dietary fiber, promotes intestinal peristalsis, thereby alleviating constipation, and can also improve glucose metabolism and insulin secretion, thereby inhibiting blood sugar rise, treating diabetes, and lowering cholesterol and preventing arteriosclerosis. Delay aging, prevent cancer, improve immunity.

That is to say, many of the harm caused by gluten to the body can be saved by gluten.

In fact, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, whole wheat grains and rice grains that have not been refined, do not matter bran, wheat, originally a whole, yin and yang, yin and yang harmony, rich in vitality, so it can nourish people, when they are artificially divided into gluten and bran, not only have no vitality, but also have a bias, naturally will cause harm to the human body.

I have to say that many things in modern people are always unwilling to go with the flow like previous people, and they have to do it excessively, and as a result, after tossing around, many new problems appeared, only to find that the so-called progress is really clever but clever and mistaken.

04, since decades of gluten diet have pulled our bodies off, if you want to balance this bias, you can use bran.

Bran is also a medicine in Chinese medicine, wheat bran, sweet, light, flat, also said cool, into the Yangming stomach meridian, has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, tonifying and invigorating qi.

Traditional Chinese medicine in the preparation of medicinal materials, including the method of bran stir-frying, using bran to fry some spleen-strengthening medicinal herbs, can increase its spleen strengthening effect, such as wheat bran fried yam, white art, with wheat bran fried cangshu can also ease the dryness of cangshu.

Because bran is the skin of seeds, it can also nourish our skin, plus the five elements of the upper spleen native lung gold, so it is very helpful for regulating digestive and respiratory problems caused by weak spleen and lungs.

Especially for some allergies and various incurable diseases, it is especially good, because these diseases are because of eating too much processed food resulting in the spleen and stomach or the five internal organs are too weak, as long as the qi is replenished, the symptoms are good.

Because it can replenish qi and has some astringency, it can also regulate qi deficiency and sweat, yin deficiency night sweats, and stop diarrhea.

And from the fact that it contains a lot of dietary fiber, it can promote intestinal peristalsis and eliminate garbage in the body, which shows that it has the same properties as vegetables. Therefore, it can be supplemented and eliminated, and it is energy that is replenished, and garbage is eliminated.

05. The best diet is to eat whole grains like the ancestors, try to eat less, and do not eat refined rice noodles. But sometimes when we make some food, it is inevitable to use refined rice noodles, at which point we can add some bran to balance.

In addition, in life, we can also use more bran, such as using bran to boil porridge, make tea, boil soup, add bran when cooking rice, and put some bran into it when making steamed buns, flower rolls, steamed cakes, bread and other pasta, as well as use bran to make biscuits, jam, etc.

However, although bran has various benefits, but can not be overeaten, especially people with weak spleen and stomach, try to add little by little, in order to make bran digestible better, you can soak for 2 or 3 hours before use.