
Zhang Wannian called Xu Shiyou: I arched forward while it was hot, and Xu angrily reprimanded: You touch your head is not hot

author:Laid back hill JoF

Title: Icebreaker! The results of the 127th Shi Luping battle were revealed, but they angered Xu Shiyou

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Article content:

One day at the end of February 1979, tension on the battlefield filled the Eastern Front command. At that time, Xu Shiyou was anxiously waiting for the war report. At this time, Zhang Wannian, the commander of the 127th Division, sent a telegram that shocked Xu Shiyou. After receiving this telegram, Xu Shiyou quickly called Zhang Wannian.

Zhang Wannian looked excited on the other end of the phone, and discussed the content of the telegram he had just sent with Xu Shiyou: "Chief, let me arch forward while it is hot, maybe we can take Langshan in advance?" However, Xu Shiyou's reaction was unexpected by Zhang Wannian, he was furious, reprimanded Zhang Wannian if it was hot when he touched his head, and asked him how many degrees he was now.

So, why did Zhang Wannian excitedly send a telegram, but angered Xu Shiyou? To understand this, we need to go back to the Luping battle of the previous day.

On February 27, 1979, the 127th Division led by Zhang Wannian and its supporting units easily broke through the enemy's heavily guarded town of Luping. This victory made Xu Shiyou breathe a sigh of relief. He warned Zhang Wannian in advance, and intelligence showed that the enemy had placed heavy troops in Lupingbu and expected to fight a bloody battle, but he would take it anyway.

Zhang Wannian made thorough preparations before conquering Luping, and he even personally led scouts to the front line for reconnaissance. However, what he did not expect was that the Vietnamese army's defensive strength was not as strong as they advertised. When Zhang Wannian's troops launched a fierce attack, the enemy quickly retreated. This result made everyone happy, and I believe that the next battle will be smoother.

However, Zhang Wannian's thinking turned to another question - whether to strike while the iron was hot and launch an attack on Langshan. He summoned other division leaders and operational staff officers to study the possibility of breaking into the Lang Son area. Everyone agreed that it would be wise to strike while the iron was hot, gain time and take the initiative, and send the vanguard to attack Lang Son Lang Shan.

Zhang Wannian immediately sent a telegram to Xu Shiyou, requesting that an advance force be sent to attack Langshan, and when the large forces were assembled, the whole division attacked. However, Xu Shiyou became angry at this and asked Zhang Wannian to stand still, recharge his strength, and wait for the best time.

There were two reasons for Xu Shiyou's tantrums: first, he was too easy to conquer Luping, making him wonder if the enemy had deliberately designed to lure the enemy and launch a counterattack while our army attacked Langshan; Secondly, if the vanguard of our army enters Lang Son but the large force fails to arrive in time or the enemy deploys in advance, our army may not be able to receive timely support and face the risk of being counterattacked or even reoccupied by the Vietnamese army.

In the end, Xu Shiyou's consideration was correct. After the assembly, our army launched an attack on Lang Son Lang Shan, but due to the cunning of the Vietnamese army and the use of Huaxue weapons, the first wave of our attacking forces had to retreat. Xu Shiyou immediately ordered the concentration of 300 artillery pieces to bombard Langshan, almost razing Langshan to the ground. Our army finally captured Lang Son on March 4, and Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, was exposed to our army.

Although our army did not continue to advance, our goal was achieved, and the troops immediately withdrew to China. The victory in this battle proved the accuracy of Xu Shiyou's strategic decision-making, and also warned Zhang Wannian and other commanders not to underestimate the enemy. This experience also had an important impact on later war decisions.

Xu Shiyou's strategic vision and comprehensive consideration of the war situation have become our indispensable and powerful support in the war. Victory over Vietnam and national reunification require calm, composure and decisive judgment on the part of every commander. The victory in this war is not only the brave struggle of the soldiers, but also the wise strategy of every decision-maker. We should remember the heroes of this great period and pay high tribute to them!

(913 words)

Zhang Wannian called Xu Shiyou: I arched forward while it was hot, and Xu angrily reprimanded: You touch your head is not hot
Zhang Wannian called Xu Shiyou: I arched forward while it was hot, and Xu angrily reprimanded: You touch your head is not hot
Zhang Wannian called Xu Shiyou: I arched forward while it was hot, and Xu angrily reprimanded: You touch your head is not hot
Zhang Wannian called Xu Shiyou: I arched forward while it was hot, and Xu angrily reprimanded: You touch your head is not hot
Zhang Wannian called Xu Shiyou: I arched forward while it was hot, and Xu angrily reprimanded: You touch your head is not hot
Zhang Wannian called Xu Shiyou: I arched forward while it was hot, and Xu angrily reprimanded: You touch your head is not hot
Zhang Wannian called Xu Shiyou: I arched forward while it was hot, and Xu angrily reprimanded: You touch your head is not hot