
US military bases were attacked, Houthi missiles were intercepted! Saudi Arabia accused Hamas and Iran wanted to expand the war


Since Hamas attacked Israel and the Israel Defense Forces entered a wartime state, Hamas's supporters, allies, and Iranian-affiliated forces have finally moved.

US military bases were attacked, Houthi missiles were intercepted! Saudi Arabia accused Hamas and Iran wanted to expand the war

According to "CCTV News", a number of US military bases in the Middle East were attacked, and the Associated Press, citing unnamed US officials, reported that the US military bases that were attacked by suicide drones were Assad Air Base in western Iraq and Harir Base in the north. Among them, a suicide drone successfully hit the Assad air base, some soldiers were slightly injured, Assad air base near Baghdad International Airport, where the US military has been training Iraqi troops, has been attacked by Iranian armed forces, it is unclear whether the injured are American troops or Iraqi soldiers.

U.S. bases in Syria have also been attacked, suicide drone attacks have hit Tanf bases on the border of Syria, Iraq and Jordan, and rockets have hit U.S. bases in Deir ez-Zor province. The attack on the US military base in Syria, the damage is not clear.

Iranian forces, including Kataib Hezbollah, including the Allah Brigade, claimed responsibility for the attacks.

In addition, the Pentagon revealed that the US Navy destroyer USS Carney, deployed in the Red Sea, intercepted three land-based cruise missiles and multiple suicide drones launched by the Houthis, which were flying north along the Red Sea at the time, possibly targeting Israel.

US military bases were attacked, Houthi missiles were intercepted! Saudi Arabia accused Hamas and Iran wanted to expand the war

The Houthis acknowledged the Pentagon's claims and called on the MSL to defend Palestine around the world, reminding the U.S. government that the group has ballistic missiles with a range of more than 2,000 kilometers and the equipment needed to launch them, and that the interception of the destroyer Carney is only a warning.

And inside Iran, local residents have detected movements in the deployment of Revolutionary Guard missiles.

US military bases were attacked, Houthi missiles were intercepted! Saudi Arabia accused Hamas and Iran wanted to expand the war

Since Hamas's attack on Israel, the Revolutionary Guards and the Iranian-affiliated forces they support have not publicly reported any major actions, at most the Lebanese Allah Party and Iranian-affiliated militias in Syria (and possibly the Revolutionary Guards) firing at Israel, rockets or mortars, these provocations have been resolutely retaliated by the IDF, which is said to have fired thousands of shells at the Allah Party forces in southern Lebanon.

Now, as the attack on the Gaza hospital becomes clear, despite the bad influence of Hamas's fooling the media, the Arab world, including the Arab world, realizes that things are not at all as Hamas says, that the attack on the Gaza hospital is likely the work of Hamas or the JHD, that Saudi Prince Faisal has publicly denounced Hamas as undermining Saudi efforts to "resolve the Palestinian dilemma" peacefully, and Egyptian Foreign Minister Shoukairi called on all parties to "return to the negotiating table."

US military bases were attacked, Houthi missiles were intercepted! Saudi Arabia accused Hamas and Iran wanted to expand the war

As for the West, US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said that in the Gaza hospital bombing, "for six hours, the whole world unfairly blamed Israel" and Hamas was "full of lies"; Many media outlets that have not been confirmed or even logically discerned for authenticity, such as The New York Times, have been widely blamed for being the only source in the bombing of the Gaza hospital and for misleading readers with mistaken photographs.

Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Eldan, directly demanded that UN Secretary-General Guterres apologize to Israel for the bombing of the Gaza hospital, "Any information provided by Gaza is a lie, just what Hamas wants you to hear!" In today's Security Council discussion, I condemn the UN Secretary-General for believing the lies of the Baby Killer Terrorists without asking them! The Secretary-General has forgotten that he must establish the facts before he dares to condemn us. But maybe when it comes to Israel, other rules also apply ?! I demand an immediate apology from the Secretary-General. Disgrace! ”

US military bases were attacked, Houthi missiles were intercepted! Saudi Arabia accused Hamas and Iran wanted to expand the war

It is in this context that the Revolutionary Guards are likely to realize that the bombing of the Gaza hospital has not only failed to have the expected effect, that is, it cannot prevent the IDF from entering the Gaza Strip on a large scale through international pressure, but may be counterproductive, and will direct the Iranian armed forces it supports to launch a series of attacks in an attempt to expand the war between Israel and Hamas to other parts of the Middle East, especially Syria and Iraq, turning the war into a war between the YSL world and the United States.

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