
The drunken man took off his underwear and turned over the window to enter the house, and the female neighbor was shocked! The police finally gave a verdict...

author:Funny gossip spoiler agency
The drunken man took off his underwear and turned over the window to enter the house, and the female neighbor was shocked! The police finally gave a verdict...

The drunken man turned the window into the house and said that he would leave when he slept. It is understood that the man involved, Huang Moumou, is a neighbor living opposite Xiaoli's building. That night, Huang Moumou and his colleagues had dinner and drinking, and under the influence of alcohol, they had incredible behavior. He actually took off a pair of underwear, stepped over the balcony, and entered her bedroom through the escape window of Xiaoli's house. Xiaoli was alone at home, and in the face of such a scene, she couldn't help but feel panicked and shouted for help.

The drunken man took off his underwear and turned over the window to enter the house, and the female neighbor was shocked! The police finally gave a verdict...

What is even more surprising is that Huang Moumou also turned off the bedroom light "smoothly" after entering the room. This action made Xiaoli feel even more frightened. At this time, the drunken Huang Moumou said: "Don't bark, I just want to sleep for a while and then leave." After that, he walked straight to the living room. Fortunately, Xiaoli took advantage of Huang's departure to quickly contact her colleagues downstairs and inform her of the situation. The colleague quickly arrived and found that Huang was about to climb back into his room through the escape window, and immediately decided to call the police.

The drunken man took off his underwear and turned over the window to enter the house, and the female neighbor was shocked! The police finally gave a verdict...
The drunken man took off his underwear and turned over the window to enter the house, and the female neighbor was shocked! The police finally gave a verdict...

The next day, when the police came to investigate, Huang realized the absurd behavior he had done in a drunken state. He confessed to the police that he was drunk and had no memory of the events of that night. After a trial by a Shenzhen court, Huang was eventually sentenced to seven months in prison for illegally trespassing into his home.

The drunken man took off his underwear and turned over the window to enter the house, and the female neighbor was shocked! The police finally gave a verdict...

This incident has aroused widespread concern in the society and thoughts on personal privacy and security. More attention should be paid to the effects of alcohol and the behavioural changes it may bring. At the same time, it also reminds us to strengthen our awareness of security in our personal living environment to ensure that our own security and privacy are not violated.

The drunken man took off his underwear and turned over the window to enter the house, and the female neighbor was shocked! The police finally gave a verdict...

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