
Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

author:Wise Petrel 88Q

The wound of the soul behind the aura of the entertainment industry Preface: Recently, actor Zhao Mingyuan passed away unexpectedly, which attracted the attention and mourning of all walks of life. His death once again reminds us that behind the aura of the entertainment industry, there are countless pressures and scars of the soul.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

1. From the outside world, celebrities enjoy wealth, fame and honor, and seem to be the envy of all people. However, the story behind it is not so rosy.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

2. Zhao Mingyuan's dynamics before his death show him gathering with friends, speculating that he may have suffered misfortune due to excessive drinking. This reflects the fact that some celebrities choose to release in various ways because of the pressure of work and life, but sometimes these choices can bring them fatal damage.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

3. Under the shining light, the actors stay up late and work overtime for years for the sake of art and career, their physical functions are seriously challenged, and irregular lifestyles are easy to cause various health risks.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

4. In the face of huge public expectations, celebrities have to work hard and deal with various criticisms and comments, and the mental pressure is immeasurable.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

5. Some celebrities have chosen to quit the entertainment industry due to mental health problems, or passed away more extremely. Such examples occur from time to time, causing social attention to the mental health of celebrities.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

6. In the new media era, celebrities have little personal space. Every action and every word of their can be amplified, bringing greater psychological pressure.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

7. In order to maintain competitiveness in the entertainment industry, celebrities often neglect their physical and mental health, resulting in aggravated psychological problems.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

8. When celebrities encounter difficulties, sometimes they choose to avoid, silence or isolate. This approach is not the right way to solve the problem.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

9. Society's attention and expectations of celebrities make it difficult for them to find real talk and help in the face of difficult situations.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

10. The relationship between celebrities and fans is also a double-edged sword. The support of fans is what drives them forward, but sometimes excessive attention and demands can also become their baggage.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

11. When celebrities are caught in controversy, the extreme behavior of fans may exacerbate the conflict and bring them more psychological pressure.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

12. While celebrities pursue their careers, they are also susceptible to fans' expectations, causing them to go against their original intentions and beliefs.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

13. As role models for the public, celebrities act not only about themselves, but also affect many fans, especially young people.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

14. When celebrities face difficulties, they need to be more clear about their positions and responsibilities and avoid making wrong choices due to impulsivity and emotion.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

15. Entertainment companies and agency teams, as the backbone of celebrities, have a responsibility to support and help them with their physical and mental health.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death

Conclusion: Behind the light of the entertainment industry, stars have the same feelings and challenges as everyone. The stress and pain they endure may be unimaginable. As a member of society, we should provide them with more understanding and care, and celebrities need to pay more attention to their physical and mental health and take responsibility for themselves and those who love them. I hope that the future entertainment industry can become a paradise for every artist to grow up physically and mentally.

Liu Neng actor Zhao Mingyuan died! 3 days ago, Hu ate and drank, and the insider revealed the specific cause of death