
Volodin, chairman of the Russian Federation Duma, who frequently appears: tough like Putin, can he take over?

author:o Oh oh East

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Against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian war, a name frequently appears in the media, a familiar but unfamiliar face, that is, Russian Duma Chairman Volodin. His appearance seems to herald a new change in Russian politics, so let's take a closer look at his experience and influence.

First, let's review some recent events. On April 20, Volodin ordered a study of the need for Russia to remain in the WTO, the IMF and the World Health Organization, which was interpreted as a response to Western sanctions. He noted that some international organizations seem to have become tools of Western countries, and that the United States can change the rules at any time, as long as it is in their interest.

Volodin, chairman of the Russian Federation Duma, who frequently appears: tough like Putin, can he take over?

The following day, Volodin vowed to recover the assets of the Central Bank of Russia frozen by the West, saying that these assets and territories belong to Russia and should not be illegally frozen. Behind these events are the sanctions imposed by the West on Russia, which have put Russia under unprecedented pressure.

Volodin's life is also a magnificent history. He was born in Russia in 1964 to a devout Orthodox family, where his father was a captain of a river fleet. Growing up, he worked as a harvester driver on a farm and developed a keen interest in machinery. Later, he was admitted to the Faculty of Agricultural Machinery, where he was actively involved in various activities as a student, graduating with a master's degree.

Volodin, chairman of the Russian Federation Duma, who frequently appears: tough like Putin, can he take over?

Entering the nineties, Russia faced great social changes, and Volodin was actively integrated into politics and business. With his family background, he served as a representative of the city council, deputy mayor of the city, etc. But soon after, he resigned as deputy mayor, reportedly because of a conflict with the old leader.

After that, Volodin came to Moscow and quickly rose to prominence, becoming a major shareholder in a large company and showing business acumen. His mother also made a difference in the business world, and her company achieved a prominent position in the food industry. This achievement is not just a coincidence, Volodin's political influence played a key role in it.

Volodin was not just a business elite, he also possessed great political talent. At Putin's instigation, he joined politics, became a deputy to the State Duma, and later held a key position in the United Russia party. The speed of his political promotion is remarkable.

Volodin, chairman of the Russian Federation Duma, who frequently appears: tough like Putin, can he take over?

But what is most concerning is his influence in Russian politics. He has deeply promoted Russian values and patriotism, advocated a tough crackdown on unauthorized protests, and proposed policies such as the Foreign Agents Act to strengthen domestic surveillance.

When it comes to Volodin's political future, some believe he is expected to be Putin's successor. However, Russian politics is fraught with uncertainty, and anything can happen. In this country, secrecy and political change are always unpredictable.

In short, Volodin's life and influence show the complexity and uncertainty of Russian politics, and whether he will become the next Russian leader remains unknown.

Volodin, chairman of the Russian Federation Duma, who frequently appears: tough like Putin, can he take over?


From Volodin's experience and political career, some revelations can be drawn that apply not only to Russia, but also to the political and social spheres of other countries:

Opportunity and ability: Volodin's political promotion is not only because of chance, but also because of his political talent and ability to work. This reminds us that no matter what field, only with sufficient ability can we seize opportunities and succeed.

From Business to Politics: Volodin's experience shows that a transition from business to politics or political careers is possible. His success proves that cross-experience between the private and public sectors can play a role in politics.

Volodin, chairman of the Russian Federation Duma, who frequently appears: tough like Putin, can he take over?

Loyalty and appreciation: Volodin achieved important positions under Putin's appreciation. This underscores the importance of loyalty and trust in politics. Leaders often tend to promote those who are loyal to them and able to perform tasks.

Social values: Volodin emphasized Russian values and patriotism. This suggests that politicians can enjoy broad support domestically when promoting and defending national values, but it can also spark international controversy.

Transparency and predictability: The uncertainty surrounding Russian politics underscores the importance of transparency and predictability. Transparency increases public trust in political decision-making and leadership succession planning.


Volodin is a high-profile politician in Russian politics, and his experience offers many valuable insights. First, his political promotion depends not only on chance, but also on his political talent and ability to work. This shows that success in the political arena is possible only with sufficient competence.

Second, Volodin's transition from business to politics demonstrates the usefulness of cross-experience between the private and public sectors. This experience can help politicians better understand the economy and how businesses operate, so they can make more informed policy decisions.

Loyalty and trust also play an important role in politics. Volodin's rise to the top with Putin's trust underscores the close relationship between loyalty and appreciation in the political arena. Leaders often tend to promote those who are loyal to them and able to perform their tasks.

In addition, Volodin's emphasis on national values and patriotism shows that the promotion and preservation of national values in the political sphere can command broad support in the country. However, it can also spark international controversy and require politicians to strike a balance between domestic and international.

Finally, transparency and predictability are essential in political decision-making and leadership succession planning. The uncertainty surrounding Russian politics underscores the need for transparency to increase public trust in the government. When it comes to leadership succession planning, clear political lines and plans can enhance political stability.

All in all, Volodin's political career provides us with many valuable lessons that can be applied not only to Russia but also to politicians and policymakers on a global scale. Political competence, loyalty and appreciation, values advocacy, transparency and predictability are all key factors in shaping successful politicians.

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