
Niigaki Yui Hoshinogen has not yet cohabited Male: I want to respect the opinion of the woman in terms of home improvement

author:Beiqing Net
Niigaki Yui Hoshinogen has not yet cohabited Male: I want to respect the opinion of the woman in terms of home improvement

According to the Japanese media "FRIDAY", Hoshino Andei Andi Shingaki announced their marriage in mid-May, but now they have not yet begun to live together, living in their own homes. Hoshino said: "If you decide to live together, choosing furniture and appliances will respect The opinion of Yui Niigaki. It is reported that Yui Niigaki is a person who loves to stay at home, and people familiar with the matter said that Hoshino's decision should take into account her mood, hoping that she will choose her own furniture and home appliances to create an environment where she can stay at home comfortably.

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