
The 28-year-old woman had severe pain in her lower abdomen after having sex, and the doctor said after examination: there was blood in the abdominal cavity that required surgery

author:Dreams are not loved by anyone

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At three o'clock in the middle of the night, the emergency room of the hospital was quiet. The paramedics had just taken a break when a young couple burst in. The wife was pale and almost fainted in pain, and she clutched her husband's hand and moaned in pain. The doctor quickly stepped forward to ask about her symptoms and learned that she had abdominal pain and nausea. The couple thought that they might have eaten spicy dinner and caused stomach pain, but the situation was more serious. After careful examination and understanding by the doctor, it turned out that there was a hidden feeling in the abdomen, which was worrying. Emergency surgery was imperative, and the couple panicked and were anxious. It all started with their night life, a change of posture that accidentally set off an unfortunate chain reaction.

The 28-year-old woman had severe pain in her lower abdomen after having sex, and the doctor said after examination: there was blood in the abdominal cavity that required surgery

The corpus luteum, an unfamiliar term, is actually a temporary small organ in the female reproductive system. After ovulation of the follicles, the remaining cells form the corpus luteum, which is hyperemic and rich in yellow. And the accidental rupture of this small organ can have serious consequences, leading to massive and even life-threatening pelvic bleeding. The causes of luteal rupture are varied and may be cyst formation, coagulopathy, or specific triggers. Sex is one of the main triggers, female reproductive organs will expand and become congested in intense cases, and the corpus luteum is in a state of easy rupture. In addition, abdominal trauma, strenuous exercise, and hard coughing can also lead to luteal body rupture, so caution is required, especially for women who have a history of luteal body rupture.

The 28-year-old woman had severe pain in her lower abdomen after having sex, and the doctor said after examination: there was blood in the abdominal cavity that required surgery

In order to prevent the rupture of the corpus luteum, gentle movements can be made during intercourse during the luteal phase to avoid intense movement or external impact. Women should protect their abdomen from trauma, especially during the period of menstruation. Regular gynaecological examinations are especially important for women who have experienced a ruptured corpus luteum to detect problems and take action in a timely manner.

The 28-year-old woman had severe pain in her lower abdomen after having sex, and the doctor said after examination: there was blood in the abdominal cavity that required surgery

The follow-up treatment process was full of challenges and uncertainties, and doctors quickly began to respond. The surgery went smoothly, the corpus luteum cyst was removed and the crisis was resolved. However, things turned out unexpectedly. The woman had to undergo surgery due to the complexity of her condition and the urgency of the operation, and both she and her husband were in a heavy heart. Although the operation was successful, it was all an accident, and the couple did not expect such a thing to happen. The woman was depressed, tears welled up in her eyes, blaming her husband. The whole process makes people feel the fragility of life, and also makes people cherish ordinary happiness more.

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