
From Qin Shi Huang's mother, to the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties: a solution to a social problem 0102030405

author:I love history

#敬老 #

Who would have thought that the invincible Qin Wang Yingzheng was also worried about his mother's pension problem.

Ever since the affair between Empress Dowager Zhao Ji and her lover Yan Yi was revealed, YingZheng had a fight with his mother.

After the rebellion of The Car Split and the killing of his and Zhao Ji's two sons, Yin Zheng ordered the empress dowager to be moved to the old capital of the Qin state of Yongcheng under house arrest, indicating that the relationship between mother and son was severed, and they would never see each other again in this life.

Yin Zheng ordered: "If anyone advises the empress dowager, he will be sentenced to capital punishment." As a result, 27 people were executed for counseling.

At this time, Mao Jiao, a native of the State of Qi, risked his death and said: "The King of Qin, Che Split False Father (Concubine Yi), has a jealous heart; the two brothers of the Bag Po have the name of unkindness; now they have driven their mother away, do not give her a pension, and there is no filial piety; the execution of the courtiers is the rule of The Emperor." If the people of the world know about your atrocities, they will be cold for the Qin Kingdom! ”

Mao Jiao's words touched Yingzheng.

From Qin Shi Huang's mother, to the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties: a solution to a social problem 0102030405

▲ After winning the government, he once broke with his mother. Source: Film and television stills

The King of Qin may remember the difficult years when he was young and his mother went into exile in the Zhao kingdom, or was forced by the pressure of the notoriety of "no filial piety", and finally welcomed his mother back to Xianyang, and Zhao Ji was able to spend his old age in peace.

The Qin and Han dynasties ruled the country and attached great importance to filial piety. The Qin Law has special preferential treatment for the elderly, and those who do not filial piety are despised, and those who are seriously punished will be sentenced to exile ("The father's filial piety ... The reason why the people in the township are chased away").

Han Chengqin system, "filial piety to rule the world", attach importance to the participation in grass-roots management of the "three old and five more" (the elderly with moral integrity and reputation), for the elderly to hold pension ceremonies, township drinking ceremonies and other activities to respect the elderly, but has not yet formed a set of strict pension system, the life security of the poor elderly in the folk is difficult to put in place.

By the Wei and Jin dynasties, China finally had a formal "nursing home".

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Regarding the elderly, Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, had discussions with students.

Yan Yan once asked Confucius, what is filial piety?

Confucius said, "The filial piety of today is said to be able to be nurtured." As for dogs and horses, they can all be raised, so why should they be different if they are disrespectful? ”

In Confucius's view, the so-called "filial piety" should not only be old-age, but also respect the elderly.

After Confucius's death, his successors continued to supplement and develop the idea of "filial piety" and generalized it into a kind of life standard, such as the book "The Book of Filial Piety", which was compiled by Confucius and his student Zengzi, and Mencius's famous saying: "The old man is old, and the old man is old." ”

In the Confucian classic Book of Rites, the earliest written records of ancient nursing homes appear:

There is the Yu clan raising the country to be old in the upper house, and the old man to be old in the lower house. The Xia Hou clan raises the country old in the eastern order, and raises the old in the western order. Yin people raise the country to learn from the right, and raise the old from the left to learn. Zhou ren raises the country old in Dongjiao, and raises shu old in Yu Yu...

In this text, from the ancient Youyu clan to the Western Zhou Dynasty, there are corresponding official pension places, namely "庠", "Order", "Learning", and "Glue".

The "national elders" here are equivalent to retired senior cadres and well-known people in society; "old people" are ordinary retired cadres and elderly sages in ordinary people's homes.

The Yu clan is said to be a tribe ruled by Shun, and the Xia Hou clan is dayu's tribe, dating back at least 4,000 years, but due to their age, these legendary "nursing homes" still lack historical evidence.

From Qin Shi Huang's mother, to the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties: a solution to a social problem 0102030405

▲Confucius statue of Nanjing Confucius Temple. Image source: Photo Network

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At present, the first official "nursing home" with historical evidence is the "Lonely Garden" founded by Xiao Yan, the Emperor of Liangwu, in the 6th century AD.

Emperor Wu of Liang himself was a long-lived old man and a firm believer in Buddhism.

During his 48-year reign, he sacrificed himself four times to become a monk at Tongtai Temple, asked his courtiers to raise huge sums of money to redeem himself, and also built hundreds of temples in the south, gave more than 100,000 monks and nuns, and gave himself the title of bodhisattva, so that the children of the prince were all commanded by the Buddha.

The famous Buddhist emperor issued an edict in 521 AD to establish a public "social welfare institute".

The edict says: "Whoever has a single old and lonely child cannot survive on his own, and the lord of the county and county adopts him, supports him with food and clothing, and gives him enough every week to live his life." ”

To this end, Emperor Wu of Liang set up a garden of loneliness in Jiankang,the capital of Southern Liang (present-day Nanjing, Jiangsu), to adopt both homeless orphans and widows who had no one to rely on, and if the old people died in the garden, they would also be responsible for their funerals.

From Qin Shi Huang's mother, to the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties: a solution to a social problem 0102030405

Emperor Xiao Yan of Liangwu (464-549). Image source: Network

Emperor Wu of Liang named the welfare home "The Garden of Solitude", which is a Buddhist allusion.

According to legend, in the ancient Persian kingdom, there was a famous richest man and a great benevolent man named Suda, who was called "to the lonely elderly" because he often helped some lonely and helpless poor people.

One day, Suda saw the prince's private garden and asked the prince to sell it to him, because he had seen the Buddha in a foreign country and wanted to invite the Buddha to come here to preach and use it for the benefit of the people.

The prince regarded the garden as a treasure and was reluctant to give it to him, but looked at Suda's face and put forward a harsh condition for him. The prince said, if you can fill the whole garden with gold, I will give it to you.

Unexpectedly, without the slightest hesitation, the local tycoon of Xuda immediately sent people to carry countless gold with elephants and began to pave the ground in the garden.

Touched by Suda's sincerity, the prince fulfilled his promise to cede the garden to Suda. Since then, this garden has become a well-known local welfare institution, known as the "Garden of Solitude".

Influenced by this story, Emperor Wu of Liang founded the Garden of Solitude, but the good times did not last long, and in the last year of Emperor Liangwu's reign, he made a fatal mistake, due to the wrong letter to surrender the general Hou Jing, which led to a great upheaval in the Southern Liang Dynasty.

After Hou Jing led the rebels to attack Jiankang, he entered the palace to see Emperor Liangwu, only to see the elderly Emperor Liangwu's appearance unchanged, as if it was sacred and inviolable. Even the capricious Hou Jing did not dare to look up at him, and he couldn't help but sweat profusely.

After that, Emperor Wu of Liang was placed under house arrest by Hou Jing and died of starvation. Since then, Nanliang has been in a slump and quickly collapsed, and the Garden of Solitude is also like a flash in the pan.

Before Emperor Wu of Liang founded the Lonely Garden, Xiao Yan's distant relative, Xiao Changmao, the Prince of Southern Qi, founded China's first private pension institution, the Six Diseases Pavilion.

Xiao Changmao was the eldest son of Emperor Xiao Zhao of Qiwu, who was a man of good charity, proficient in scripture, and advocated filial piety.

In his short life, the Six Diseases Museum can be called a strong stroke. Xiao Changmao and his younger brother Xiao Ziliang personally funded the establishment of six disease halls in the private sector, which specially accepted vulnerable groups such as the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled, and provided them with basic living and medical security.

Some scholars believe that the kindness of the Xiao Changmao brothers has created a precedent for private charities and private pension institutions in China's history.

However, Xiao Changmao was a tragic figure who died young. The talented crown prince died of a sudden illness at the age of 36, missing out on the throne that could have been reached.

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Whether it was the Six Diseases Hall founded by Xiao Changmao, the prince of Southern Qi, or the Lonely Garden founded by Emperor Wu of Southern Liang, it became a model for future generations to follow, and the charity was passed down to the Sui and Tang dynasties.

The Tang Dynasty formed a relatively complete nursing home system, and named the charity that provided relief to the poor old and young as "Sadian Courtyard", or "Sorrowful Field Nursing Workshop".

The term "Sadian" began in the Sui Dynasty and is also taken from Buddhist allusions.

According to Shi Zai, the Zhiqin monk received bodhisattva ordination for the Sui Emperor Yang Guang, and received as many as 60 kinds of alms, including compassion and respect for Ertian, which were used for charity.

At that time, the Buddhist family had the saying of "three blessing fields", that is, to provide for parents as entian, for the Buddha to respect the field, and for the poor is the sad field.

In the early Tang Dynasty, the Sorrowful Field Nursing Workshop, relying on the monastery, specialized in sheltering homeless elderly beggars, mainly presided over by monks, who were equivalent to the current directors of nursing homes.

The Misery Field Nursing Home not only provides food and accommodation for the poor and helpless elderly, but also has a nursing home for the elderly and a medicine hospital for the sick elderly. These features already have the shadow of modern nursing homes.

Due to the attention of the imperial court and the prosperity of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty, the Misery Field Nursing Workshop was able to develop rapidly, spread throughout the country, and was also supported by the government in terms of funding.

In the Tang Dynasty, there were two main types of funding sources for the Misery Field Nursing Workshop: one was officially run, directly invested by the government, and the land was allocated to the monasteries; the other was privately run, mainly relying on the income of the monasteries' own land and the donations of believers, as well as daily necessities, production tools, and grain given by the local government from time to time.

From today's point of view, these nursing homes have a bit of a "public private" or "private office assistance" nature.

In the middle and late Tang Dynasty, Tang Wuzong destroyed the Buddha, most of the monks and nuns in the world were ordered to return to the world, and the Sad tianyuan was not presided over for a while, but the charity did not stop there.

Emperor Wuzong of Tang specifically issued an edict to this end, stipulating that the sorrowful field monasteries in Chang'an and Luoyang should be allocated by the state from the confiscated monastic land as a source of relief expenditure, and the local state capitals should also allocate a part of the land of the local sadness field from the treasury for expenditure, and the local governors would appoint a highly respected old man as the "president" to be responsible for daily affairs.

From Qin Shi Huang's mother, to the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties: a solution to a social problem 0102030405

▲ Ming Zhouchen's "Nine Old Figures of Xiangshan", depicting Bai Juyi's late life with Hu Gao, Liu Zhen and other nine people feasting, when people called "Xiangshan Nine Elders". Image source: Network

The philanthropic measures of the Sadland Nursing Home have had a profound impact on future generations.

Su Dongpo, a great scholar of the Song Dynasty, once said to his family: "I can accompany the Jade Emperor on the top, and I can accompany the beggars in the Sad TianYuan, in my eyes, there is no one in the world who is not a good person." ”

Su Shi was able to look at the poor as equals, on the one hand, because of his free and frank personality, on the other hand, because he himself accumulated virtue and good deeds, and was keen on charity.

Shi Zai, when Su Shi was an official in Hangzhou, a plague unfortunately occurred in the local area.

Su Dongpo immediately made a decision, allocated public funds for rice relief, and purchased medicinal materials from his own pocket, invited monks who knew medicine to treat patients, and founded China's first public hospital open to the public, "Anle Fang".

In the past, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled could receive the soup medicine made by Su Shi, "regardless of whether the old or the young are good or poor, each took a large cup", and the infected people were treated, and the transmission route of the plague was cut off.

During his stay in Hangzhou, Su Shi also ran a "nursing home". Many years later, Su Shi had left Hangzhou, and a friend had been helped by him and gave him a reward of one hundred and fifty-two silver and five two gold.

Su Shi was not willing to accept this money, and he was embarrassed to refuse the kindness of his friends, so he transferred the money to Hangzhou for the public welfare of the elderly, "to help buy land and feed the poor people of Heaven and the people."

The Song Dynasty, where Su Shi lived, was an era of vigorous development of the pension industry.

From Qin Shi Huang's mother, to the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties: a solution to a social problem 0102030405

▲Portrait of Su Shi. Image source: Network

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In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, during the reign of Emperor Taizong of Song, there was a year of heavy snowfall, and this winter seemed to be colder than ever.

Song Taizong himself was "fully armed", hiding in the palace in heavy clothes, watching his close ministers shrink their hands one by one and tremble and tremble, maybe thinking about it, wouldn't it be more difficult for the people to survive?

Therefore, Emperor Taizong of Song issued a warm edict, "give the capital a high year, and the centenarian one person will be given a gold belt", that is, a bonus will be given to the elderly who are old in the capital, and each person over the age of 100 will be rewarded with a gold belt, which can also show the atmosphere of the imperial capital and the image of the emperor's benevolent king.

After the edict was issued, only to see the wind and snow, the weather was getting colder, Song Taizong looked at the snowflakes flying in the sky outside the main hall, and immediately decided to send another wave of welfare, sending people to reward the widows and widows in Beijing and the poor households with a thousand dollars and a number of rice charcoal.

After Song Taizong sent charcoal in the snow, the local widows and old people got charcoal fires for warmth, and finally had the hope of living.

Later, the emperors of the Song Dynasty followed the practice of Emperor Taizong of Song and sold the charcoal of the government every winter, so that the poor people could buy low-priced charcoal, "when the charcoal is expensive, the price of charcoal is often cheap."

In terms of social pension, the measures of the Song Dynasty are also very powerful, and in the more than 300 years of the Two Song Dynasties, the pension cause has reached a historical peak in ancient China.

A major feature of the charity organizations of the Song Dynasty was that with the increase in the scale of various types of institutions, the division of labor became clearer, among which there were "FutianYuan" and "Residential Nursing Homes" that specially received poor, sick, and orphaned elderly; "Nursing Homes" that mainly accepted sick and sick people; "Lifting Zi Warehouses" and "Salesian Children's Bureaus" that mainly took care of orphans and orphans; and "Leaky Garden" that buried the bones of unowned people and held funerals for those who had no burial land for their families.

Futianyuan is an official charity for the elderly, mainly distributed in Beijing, with a total of four hospitals, each with a capacity of hundreds of people.

Whenever severe winter comes, it is the busiest day in Fukuda-in.

At this time, the officials in charge of Futianyuan in Kaifeng Province had to patrol the streets and alleys to find those elderly people who were helpless or wandering on the streets, even orphans and hungry people, and they all took them into the Futianyuan to live together.

Usually, there is a fixed limit on the number of people who can be adopted in Futian-in, but in the cold winter or in the event of a famine, an additional number can be accommodated.

Every day, the steward in charge of Futian Temple was required to report the number and expenses of the hospital to Zhongshu Province, obtain the money and rice allocated by the national treasury, and only after the spring warmed the earth did the extra sheltered old people leave.

An edict from the winter of the second year (1069) of Emperor Shenzong of Song restored the work of Futianyuan:

Inside and outside the capital, in the midst of this cold snow, in response to the old, sick, orphans, and children who have no beggars to rely on, order the Kaifeng Government to detain and divide the sins in the Sifutian Courtyard, and adopt them outside the rated number of people in the present... Every day, according to the routine of the person in the forehead, the money is given to support, and there is no loss of place.

From Qin Shi Huang's mother, to the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties: a solution to a social problem 0102030405

▲ Song Mayuan's "Fishing Map of the Han River", there is an old man leaning over on a flat boat on a leaf. Image source: Network

However, the northern song philanthropy was propelled to the pinnacle by a pair of controversial monarchs, Emperor Huizong of Song and Cai Jing.

Another type of "nursing home" nursing home in the Northern Song Dynasty was founded during the song Huizong period, and Cai Jing and others promoted it to western Beijing, Hubei and other places, and then spread throughout the country.

At first, the nursing home was similar to the Futian temple, and the elderly were mainly "widows, widows, lonely, poor and unable to survive", that is, the elderly and poor families.

Unlike Futian-in, the nursing home's expenses came not only from imperial court appropriations, but also from the property of the "exterminators" confiscated by the government. The imperial court nationalized some uninherited property and used it for the cause of old-age care, which can also be regarded as "taken from the people and used for the people".

Later, Emperor Huizong of Song expanded the objects of the nursing home to the disabled and sick elderly, as long as it was the elderly who could not take care of themselves, they had the opportunity to stay.

Every elderly person in the courtyard can send one liter of rice and ten yuan of money every day, which can basically meet the needs of food and clothing, and in winter, they also send cold clothes and quilts as heating.

The ancients believed that longevity was a blessing. The elderly were rare in ancient times, so they were regarded as "human rays" and received special care.

In the second year of Daguan (1108), in the nursing home of Zhijiang County, Jingzhou, officials found a 101-year-old man Xiantong, and the jingzhou prefect who learned of this matter quickly reported to the imperial court and requested additional financial support for Xiantong, adding 30 yuan of meat money and pickle money every day.

Emperor Huizong of Song listened to Long Yan Dayue, agreed to this request, and ordered the national nursing homes to give the same care to the centenarians.

In this way, Song Huizong and Cai Jing did a great thing.

However, Cai Jing's measures during his reign not only revitalized the economy of the Northern Song Dynasty, but also buried hidden dangers.

During the reign of Emperor Huizong of Song, the imperial court spent a lot of money everywhere, and only the "Huashi Gang" alone made the people in the southeast complain, and eventually lost the hearts of the people, which triggered the Fang La and SongJiang uprisings, and in the last remnants of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Jin soldiers went south to become the nightmare of Song Huizong, and the end of Tokyo's prosperity was the humiliation of jingkang's shame, and those charitable undertakings were gradually forgotten.

From Qin Shi Huang's mother, to the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties: a solution to a social problem 0102030405

▲Cai Jing calligraphy works. Image source: Network

During the Southern Song Dynasty, there was a charity that combined rescue and medical treatment, the Sanatorium.

Sanatoriums are mainly distributed in Lin'an, Jiankang, Shaoxing and other places. Due to the large-scale migration of the people to the south in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, many beggars living on the streets and unattended in the major cities in the south appeared.

The sanatorium was responsible for including them, treating the sick, and cooking soup medicine for them, which was managed by monks, medical officers, and tongxing (teenagers who had not yet obtained the degree of enlightenment in the old point of entering the temple), and the specific standard of assistance was still "one liter of rice per person per day, ten yuan".

The Song Dynasty's pension cause has done a good job, but it has exposed many profound problems.

In these "nursing homes" managed by the state, there are some officials who have neglected their duties, who are either indifferent to the affairs of the elderly or do not pay the money and rice allocated on time, resulting in the poor elderly not receiving relief and dying of cold and hunger.

During the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty, when counting the data on pension relief, Wang Yu, a servant of the household department, found that "officials who have lost their plans should be harvested and abandoned, and they should be weak in order to be strong, or to reduce their strength and scatter, or to establish a false number of people.

This means that due to the negligence of some officials, many elderly people who should be accommodated have been turned away, some prime-age people who can support themselves have occupied their quotas, some officials have embezzled and withheld money and grain from the elderly, and some have falsely reported the number of people in order to eat empty wages. So many drawbacks must not be overlooked.

This is a common disease that is difficult to get rid of under the prosperity of the two Song Dynasties.

At the same time, folk charity and public welfare have become a common practice, and some charities that pursue "old-age charity and children" have come into being, the most far-reaching of which is the Fan's Yizhuang founded by fan zhongyan, a famous minister of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Fan Zhongyan became an official, led by example, lived a clean and honest life, and in the end there were no descendants to leave property, and he used the high salary paid by the imperial court for charity.

During the reign of Emperor Renzong of Song, Fan Zhongyan, who was over the age of a flower armour, dragged his sick body to Hangzhou to take up his post, and he wanted to do some good deeds for his clan, so he used his remaining family wealth to buy thousands of acres of good land in his hometown of Wu County, Suzhou, and donated it to the Yizhuang of the Fan clan, and formulated a strict system, requiring his children not to get any income or benefits from the Yizhuang.

Fan's Yizhuang has a righteous house where you can adopt homeless elderly people.

Fan Zhongzun left his property to his son, but future generations passed on his kindness from generation to generation, and constantly expanded the scale of Yizhuang, such as Fan Yunlin, the 17th grandson of the late Ming dynasty calligrapher fan, who donated 100 mu of land to Yizhuang, and Fan Yao, the prefect of Datong during the Qing Yongzheng period, donated 1,000 mu of land. Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, Fan's Yizhuang still had a field yield of 5,000 mu.

The righteous village created by Fan Zhongyan explains what is truly immortal charity.

As a model in the history of Chinese philanthropy, Fan's Yizhuang has flourished for nearly a thousand years.

From Qin Shi Huang's mother, to the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties: a solution to a social problem 0102030405

▲ Song Mayuan's "Treading Song Map" (partial), reflecting the happy scene of the old man of the peasant family walking on the field in the year of harvest. Image source: Network

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In 1279, Lu Xiufu, the prime minister of the Southern Song Dynasty, jumped into the sea with the little emperor Zhao Fu on his back, and the Southern Song Dynasty fell and the Yuan Dynasty unified the world.

Kublai Khan, the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, who was deeply influenced by the culture of the Central Plains, told the world that "houses of the congregation" be set up in various places to inherit the charitable undertakings of the past generations and adopt widows, widows, lonely and disabled elderly people who could not support themselves.

The nursing homes and sanatoriums left by the Southern Song Dynasty court were inherited by the Yuan Dynasty's Ji Congregation, which was also a favorable measure to appease the people.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, in addition to the clan pension service system represented by the folk "Yizhuang" and "Shantang", the imperial court also inherited the nursing home system since the Tang and Song dynasties, and most of the emperors of the dynasties attached importance to respecting the elderly and taking it as an important measure to win the hearts and minds of the people.

The Ming Dynasty set up a sanatorium, and whenever the emperor succeeded to the throne, the big wedding, the birth of the prince and other happy events, the number of pensioners would be increased. Three buckets of rice and one horse of cloth are distributed every month to maintain a minimum of food and clothing for the elderly.

Interestingly, because the treatment of the Ming Dynasty Beijing Normal Nursing Home was more generous than that of various states and counties, the elderly widows and widows near Gyeonggi often ran thousands of miles to Beijing, so that the number of elderly people in the Beijing Nursing Home far exceeded that of the locality.

According to some statistics, in the early years of the Wanli Calendar, because the Mingshen Sect first ascended to the throne, the Beijing Sanatorium expanded its scale and took in 1,080 elderly people, and later the emperor got married, adding 500 more. Among them, there are 5 people over 100 years old, 27 people over 95 years old, 52 people over 91 years old, more than 100 people over 85 years old, and there are already countless people under 81 years old.

This is not because the average life expectancy of the elderly in Beijing was high at that time, but the elderly in the surrounding area ran to the imperial capital for the sake of pension welfare.

From Qin Shi Huang's mother, to the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties: a solution to a social problem 0102030405

▲ In the Qing Dynasty, there were porridge factories to help the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled. Image source: Network

In the Qing Dynasty, there was a special institution for the adoption and relief of the elderly called "factory bureau", and until the late Qing Dynasty, there were 48 factories and bureaus in Beijing alone.

The most famous of these is the Pujitang Porridge Factory outside Guang'an Gate.

According to legend, during the Kangxi Dynasty, one winter, the lonely monk of the North Pole Nunnery in Guang'anMen saw the old and weak beggars who died in the ravines due to freezing and starvation outside the door, and they could not bear it in their hearts, so they bought 26 houses as a shelter for the widows and the elderly, which is "Pujitang".

A righteous man named Wang Tingxian saw it in his eyes, not only donated some of his family property, but also invited funders to donate money and grain every year, and those who did not eat were eaten and those who did not wear clothes were dressed.

In the forty-fourth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1705), Yin of the Shun tianfu made this matter known to the emperor, and the Kangxi Emperor was deeply moved, and personally gave the imperial letter "Anointing Ze Huichun" four characters as a plaque and gave it to Pujitang.

Yin Chan, who was still the Prince of Yong at that time, that is, the later Yongzheng Emperor, saw that his father attached so much importance to it and did not dare to be sloppy, and also gave Pujitang a thousand taels of silver every year to relieve the homeless old, weak, sick and disabled, and later became emperor, this fee became the norm.

After Jiaqing, Pujitang was specially managed by officials sent by the Beijing Shuntianfu and became a government-run charity.

In ancient times, although there was a category of people in the center of the empire and were favored by the emperor, they were destined to have no descendants to provide for them.

That is the eunuch, which is commonly known as the eunuch.

According to the eunuch system of the Ming and Qing dynasties, old and frail eunuchs had to leave the palace. But these eunuchs, even when they return home, have no relatives and friends to take care of them, and after they die, they cannot enter the ancestral graves, and there is not even a person who comes to worship and sweep.

Therefore, there was a special type of pension institution in Beijing in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which was dedicated to retiring eunuchs.

From Qin Shi Huang's mother, to the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties: a solution to a social problem 0102030405

▲Some temples around the Imperial City of Beijing are the retirement homes of Ming and Qing eunuchs. Image source: Photo Network

Most of the elderly eunuchs retreated to temples in and around the capital, and the imperial court provided chai rice clothing so that they could live for a long time. These temples are also surrounded by the graves of eunuchs, and eunuchs of higher status can build monumental pavilions after their deaths.

After hundreds of years of historical vicissitudes, a unique type of eunuch temple has appeared in Beijing, which hides the old-age culture of Ming and Qing eunuchs behind it.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the eunuch Xin Xiuming said in "Memories of the Old Eunuch": "The old capital temple is mostly related to eunuchs. "In Beijing's Babaoshan Mountain, there is a Temple of Zhongzhonghuguo, which used to be the place where eunuchs were raised and buried.

Relying on the old and living in peace in the old age is always the unchangeable yearning of China for thousands of years.

Years and years of heavy yang, now and heavy yang, respect for the elderly and gratitude, eternal unchanged.


Gao Chengyi: An Inquiry into the Culture of Respecting the Elderly in China, China Social Sciences Press, 1999

Zhang Wen: A Study on Social Relief in the Song Dynasty, Southwest Normal University Press, 2001

Xie Yuanlu, Wang Dingzhang: Ancient Chinese Customs of Respecting the Elderly and Providing for the Aged, Shaanxi People's Publishing House, 2004

Wang Xinguang, "Management Practice and Application of Elderly Care Institutions in China", China Business Press, 2018

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