
More than 400 gun battles broke out in two days, and the United States was reduced to a battlefield, and Trump was inept and furious

author:Open river ghQ

According to the Chicago Tribune, US President Trump said in an internal meeting of the White House that some large cities, including Chicago, are experiencing extremely serious problems of criminal violence. "While I hate to say something like that, the situation in Chicago is worse now than in Afghanistan, worse than in all the conflict zones we've been involved in," Trump said. Trump noted that in the past week alone, there have been 88 shootings in Chicago, resulting in 22 deaths. In the two days of the Independence Day holiday, there were more than 400 shootings, killing more than 136 people. Indeed, as Trump has said, the situation in the United States has become serious enough to exceed the risks of most U.S. troops in international conflict. At present, the number of casualties in the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq is high, but the annual casualty figure is only about 10. However, in just two days on Independence Day, more than a hundred people were killed in domestic shootings. It can be said that the United States has fallen into a situation similar to a war zone.

More than 400 gun battles broke out in two days, and the United States was reduced to a battlefield, and Trump was inept and furious

Trump believes that only by deploying troops to maintain law and order can there be hope to reduce the occurrence of violence. In Trump's view, the military seems to be a universal tool for solving problems. Previously, Trump had called for the use of the military to resolve protests in Washington. However, leaving all the problems to the military demonstrates Trump's incompetence. Trump's anger over the violence appears to be just a manifestation of his incompetence and loss of control. It is precisely because of Trump's careless work in fighting the epidemic and his inaction in the Floyd incident that the domestic situation in the United States has fallen into chaos, and a large number of Americans and protesters against racial discrimination who have been bankrupted by the epidemic have eventually evolved into violent criminals. The root of the problem lies with Trump himself, but instead of addressing it, he has contributed to the chaos, frequently proposing the use of military forces to suppress the situation.

More than 400 gun battles broke out in two days, and the United States was reduced to a battlefield, and Trump was inept and furious

Although Trump is president and nominal commander-in-chief, the use of the military remains subject to the Pentagon's decisions. Earlier, the Pentagon rejected the White House's order to use the military to suppress the protests. Under the U.S. Constitution, the military has no right to interfere with local security issues in the states, which should be referred to the militias of the states. Only when an insurgency breaks out in the United States can the military take military action against the country.

More than 400 gun battles broke out in two days, and the United States was reduced to a battlefield, and Trump was inept and furious

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