
The visit of the Taiwan group to the Yasukuni Shrine caused public indignation, and netizens bitterly criticized: The situation in the Taiwan Strait is not good!

author:Yukiko Oye

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The historical memory of the Chinese people is often closely linked to the vicissitudes of the past and the bloody storm. Seventy-eight years ago, on August 15, the Empire of Japan announced its unconditional surrender, marking the end of World War II. However, it was on this day that an incident occurred that angered Chinese. A group of Taiwanese, escorted by the Rising Sun Banner, entered the Yasukuni Shrine, which enshrined Japanese war criminals who had slaughtered their compatriots, and paid their respects. The unexpected move sparked widespread controversy and outrage.

The visit of the Taiwan group to the Yasukuni Shrine caused public indignation, and netizens bitterly criticized: The situation in the Taiwan Strait is not good!

So, how exactly did it happen? Why did these Taiwanese make such a move? What are the problems and challenges behind this incident? This article delves into this complex issue, dissecting its historical, cultural and international relations dimensions.

The visit of the Taiwan group to the Yasukuni Shrine caused public indignation, and netizens bitterly criticized: The situation in the Taiwan Strait is not good!

The betrayal of history: Taiwanese go to the Yasukuni Shrine

On the same day, the group of Taiwanese called themselves the "Taiwan Memorial Group to Japan" and wore ribbons bearing this title. Immediately after arriving at the Japanese airport, they displayed a banner reading "Taiwan to Yasukuni Shrine Condolence Festival." The group claimed that they would never forget the sacrifices made by the Japanese military to defend Taiwan, and regarded Japan as a hero of their mother country.

However, controversially, their destination turned out to be Yasukuni Shrine, a place dedicated to Japanese war criminals who once killed millions of Chinese. When they entered the Yasukuni Shrine, the Yasukuni Shrine unexpectedly played the militaristic songs of the Japanese army during the war of aggression against China. What is even more infuriating is that next to them stood a row of Japanese wearing the uniforms of the Japanese invading China and holding high the flag of the rising sun and the plaster flag, welcoming these Taiwanese.

The Taiwanese who visited the shrine were mainly middle-aged and elderly, as well as some young people. When they entered the shrine, they acted extremely respectful, as if they were worshipping their ancestors. However, it is worth pondering that they worshipped the Japanese troops who had killed their own compatriots. There are even people wearing the traditional costumes of Taiwanese aborigines, claiming that this is to show Taiwanese loyalty to Japan and regard Japan as the true mother country.

When the group of Taiwanese walked through the Yasukuni Shrine's gates, the Japanese took pictures and uploaded them online, describing them as "friends of Taiwan who came together to pray for the heroic spirit of the empire." This incident immediately aroused widespread concern and anger, and people couldn't help but wonder, what kind of historical cognition and national sentiment are hidden behind this?

The visit of the Taiwan group to the Yasukuni Shrine caused public indignation, and netizens bitterly criticized: The situation in the Taiwan Strait is not good!

Controversy: The impact of Taiwanese visits to Yasukuni Shrine

The visit of the Taiwan group to the Yasukuni Shrine caused public indignation, and netizens bitterly criticized: The situation in the Taiwan Strait is not good!

The outrage and controversy over this incident is not just a simple act of paying homage, but also a complex issue involving history, national identity and international relations. First, a visit to the Yasukuni Shrine can be seen as an indirect endorsement of Japan's historical aggression. The shrine is dedicated to war criminals who massacred millions of Chinese, including many innocent civilians. The act of paying respects at the Yasukuni Shrine seems to be a disregard for the suffering of those who suffered, and thus will cause secondary harm to those who suffered in the war of aggression against China.

Second, the Taiwan issue has always been a sensitive issue in Sino-Japanese relations. The behavior of Taiwanese at the Yasukuni Shrine may be regarded as a political statement on Taiwan-Japan relations, which may trigger waves in international politics. Such a move would exacerbate regional tensions and inflame popular sentiment in China and Japan.

Third, Taiwanese visits to Yasukuni have a negative impact on their international image. Such behavior could be a way for Taiwan to unite with Japan's political ideology, which would also raise international questions about Taiwan's true intentions.

Finally, the incident could exacerbate social divisions within Taiwan. Many Taiwanese strongly oppose this act, believing that it is contrary to historical justice and disrespectful to the victims. This will lead to more debates about historical perceptions and national identity in Taiwanese society.

Taiwanese visit Yasukuni Shrine: problems and challenges reflected

To some extent, the incident of Taiwanese visiting the Yasukuni Shrine reflects the complex attitude of some Taiwanese towards history, culture and national identity, and also confirms to a certain extent the delicate relationship between Taiwan and Chinese mainland.

First of all, visiting the Yasukuni Shrine is a selective understanding of history, which ignores the atrocities and killings committed by the Japanese army in the war of aggression against China. This behavior reflects the incomplete understanding of historical events by some Taiwanese, which may be due to location, education or other factors that cause them to ignore the painful part of the historical truth.

Second, visitors at the Yasukuni Shrine showed their loyalty to Japan and regarded Japan as a true home country. This behavior reveals the confusion among some Taiwanese over national identity, and as Chinese, they not only have no feelings for China, but even blindly worship Japan and are eager to become a part of them. It is clear that they lack a sense of national identity.

Finally, visitors refer to Japan's surrender day as "the anniversary of the end of the war," possibly suggesting that they want to strengthen ties with Japan in international relations. This can also be seen as an attempt at Taiwan's international status, and they are trying to find supporters on the international stage.

Sticking to the bottom line of history: China has taken multiple measures to strengthen cultural self-confidence and historical understanding

It should be noted that such incidents are only the actions of individual Taiwanese and should not represent the whole of Taiwan. Taiwan has a rich history and culture, and the vast majority of Taiwanese still cherish the historical truth and respect international law and morality.

However, in order to prevent similar situations from occurring, China has taken various measures to strengthen people's historical awareness, cultural inheritance and national self-confidence. From the perspective of strengthening history education, China emphasizes correct history education in the education system, especially the part on the history of aggression and national resistance. Through textbooks and classroom teaching, China strives to ensure that the younger generation has an accurate understanding of historical events, rather than receiving a distorted or altered history education.

From the level of commemorative activities, China holds various commemorative activities, such as the "Victory Day of the War of Resistance Against Japan", to emphasize the country's historical victory and unity. These activities deepen the people's understanding of history through publicity, cultural performances, commemorative ceremonies, etc.

From the perspective of protecting historical and cultural resources, China attaches importance to the protection of historical and cultural heritage and makes it a part of national culture. These legacies can remind people of historical truths and values and strengthen the historical understanding of the people.

From the level of media regulation and propaganda, China regulates the media to ensure that historical facts are accurately reported and to avoid the spread of distortion and disinformation. At the same time, through various channels, such as television, film and the Internet, the correct concept of history is promoted.

From the perspective of international diplomacy, China strives to win the understanding and support of the international community through international diplomacy and avoid international remarks and behaviors that undermine the historical truth. At the same time, disseminate a correct view of history through the international arena and strengthen international influence.

In addition, China encourages citizens to participate in civic education activities to enhance their awareness of the country's history, culture and values. This education can help people better understand the history and culture of the country and resist bad influences on an individual level.

To sum up, the behavior of these Taiwanese is undoubtedly a kind of harm to the dignity of the country, and no matter what factors they are influenced by, this political position is extremely incorrect. It also tells us that the wounds of history should not be lightly ignored or distorted, but should be remembered so that we can learn from them and move together towards a peaceful and friendly future.

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The visit of the Taiwan group to the Yasukuni Shrine caused public indignation, and netizens bitterly criticized: The situation in the Taiwan Strait is not good!

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