
In rural areas, this vegetable does not die of heavy snow, is known as the "king of vegetables", and calcium is several times that of beef

author:A boy chasing dreams in the wind

In the vast land of the countryside, there is a special vegetable that remains verdant in the snowy season and is known as the "king of vegetables". What's even more amazing is that its calcium content is several times that of beef. This amazing vegetable is - snow red.

Snow red, also known as snow red seedling, belongs to the cruciferous family. Its vitality is extremely strong, even in the harsh winter, it can grow tenaciously and become a unique scenery on the rural table. After the heavy snowfall, everything withered, only the red in the snow remained verdant, becoming a delicacy for rural people.

In rural areas, this vegetable does not die of heavy snow, is known as the "king of vegetables", and calcium is several times that of beef

It has been determined that the calcium content of snow red is as high as 139 mg/100 g, which is several times that of beef. Moreover, snow red is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin B family, carotene and other nutrients, which has high nutritional value. Eating more snow red can not only supplement the calcium needed by the human body, but also enhance physical fitness and prevent diseases such as colds.

In rural areas, this vegetable does not die of heavy snow, is known as the "king of vegetables", and calcium is several times that of beef

In the countryside, there are many ways to eat snow red. It can be eaten stir-fried, cold mixed, and pickled into pickles, which is one of the main vegetables in rural families in winter. Especially after pickling, the snow red has a delicious taste and unique flavor, and is deeply loved by rural people.

In rural areas, this vegetable does not die of heavy snow, is known as the "king of vegetables", and calcium is several times that of beef

However, despite its high nutritional value, few people in the city know about its existence. This is mainly because snow red is mainly grown in rural areas, and people in cities rarely have access to it. Therefore, in order to let more people understand and eat snow red, rural people need to increase the publicity of snow red to let more people know about this amazing vegetable.

Xueli red, the "king of vegetables" that grows in the vast land of the countryside, is rich in calcium and is a delicious dish with great nutritional value. It is hoped that in the future, it can go out of the countryside and into a broader market, bringing health and deliciousness to more people.

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