
Dear readers, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has attracted much attention recently. "Taiwan independence" forces on the island and foreign situation

author:Optimistic Kodi 4y0p

Dear readers, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has attracted much attention recently. The collusion between the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island and foreign forces has always been the root cause of the Taiwan Strait issue. China has never tolerated collusion between Taiwan independence elements and external forces, and we have always firmly demonstrated our confidence in victory on the Taiwan issue. Just on October 12, an American P-8A anti-submarine patrol plane sailed through the Taiwan Strait and publicly hyped it, and the PLA immediately counterattacked!

Dear readers, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has attracted much attention recently. "Taiwan independence" forces on the island and foreign situation

It is reported that when US military planes pass through the airspace over the Taiwan Sea, China's Eastern Theater immediately organized fighters to monitor and be vigilant. Senior Colonel Shi Yi, spokesman for the Eastern Theater, said that the theater troops maintain a high degree of alert at all times and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and security and regional peace and stability. The behavior of the US military has aroused people's doubts, after all, the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continue to escalate, and the outside world is increasingly questioning the "strategic overload" of the US military.

Dear readers, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has attracted much attention recently. "Taiwan independence" forces on the island and foreign situation

To prove its strength, the United States has chosen to provoke China and let its Indo-Pacific allies and those who question U.S. power see its true strength. We have never doubted the strength of the US military, but at this stage, the US military is facing more and more challenges, and the strength also needs to be tested. After the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, many military experts said that the United States was bound to ignore the incident. In fact, the U.S. military does face the problem of excessive workload.

Dear readers, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has attracted much attention recently. "Taiwan independence" forces on the island and foreign situation

However, China firmly believes that common development and prosperity can only be achieved by maintaining regional peace and stability. We will continue to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and security and ensure peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region. At the same time, we call on the international community to pay attention to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and promote the settlement of disputes through dialogue and negotiation to achieve lasting peace in the region.

Dear readers, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has attracted much attention recently. "Taiwan independence" forces on the island and foreign situation

In the current complex international environment, we hope that all parties can remain calm and rational and promote the relaxation and stability of the regional situation. China will continue to respond to various challenges in a peaceful manner, maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region, and resolutely safeguard its core interests. Let us work together to achieve peace and stability in the region.

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