
NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel

author:Brother Xiaopeng on global affairs

To be honest, previously on NBA star Kyrie. Irving didn't have any good feelings, always felt that the ideas in his head were contrary to the public concept, such as the boycott of the new crown vaccine, everyone hit, on he resolutely refused, at that time I thought that he was greedy for life and afraid of death, and did not believe in science, but until recently, he has completely changed his view, because of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, he actually publicly condemned Israel's bombing of the Palestinian Gaza Strip, which impressed me, you know, in the United States NBA stars who dared to openly oppose the Jews, he was the first, Even the NBA star LeBron, who often wears a crown for himself and is known as the Little Emperor. James confessed.

NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel
NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel
NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel
NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel
NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel

Why is Irving's opposition to Israel so remarkable in the United States? That's because he is really very bold, dares to voice his inner voice of justice, to speak out for the weak Palestinian people, he is not engulfed by the Jewish establishment in the United States, he still follows his true thoughts, he is definitely one of the few true heroes in American society, and I will definitely pay attention to his games in the future.

NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel

But Irving also got into big trouble, just because he was openly opposed to Israel, the owner of his team was already strongly dissatisfied with him, and I heard that he would be traded to the Lakers next season, but it didn't matter, anyway, no matter which team he went to, I would watch the team with him play.

NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel

Owen and his current Lone Ranger boss Cuban

This is the result of daring to openly oppose Jews in the United States, which means being resigned, unemployed, blocked, and killed by society, because in the United States, the Jewish elite has almost controlled the entire upper class, such as the last 6 Fed chairmen, 5 of whom are Jewish, far from it, as far as Biden's US administration, finance, justice, diplomacy, intelligence, science and technology, homeland security and other departments are basically controlled by Jews, like the well-known Secretary of State Blinken, staff chief Klein hidden behind the back, There are also female Treasury Secretary Yellen, Homeland Security Secretary Mayorcas, Director of National Intelligence Haynes, Attorney General Garland, Science and Technology Advisor Rand, Assistant Secretary of Health Levin, see clearly, they are all Jews, of course, there are many key positions, but also installed Jews, because of the large number, not all of them, and when you know these truths, your back will definitely chill, you can conclude that the United States politics, military, diplomacy, finance and other important fields, More than 90 percent of it is in the hands of the Jews, what a horror!

NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel
NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel
NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel

Not only do they work in national government agencies, but they also dwell in culture, sports, and entertainment, which seem to be less important, such as well-known studios, Disney, Time Warner, HBO, Columbia, Universal, Paramount, etc., and the bosses behind them are Jewish, some magazines we often read, ESPN, People, Fortune, Sports Illustrated, Time Magazine, no doubt these are also full of their lingering shadows, and The New York Times, Boston Globe, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, these are the American news outlets we often hear, they are still Jewish, saying that they manipulate the public opinion of the entire Western world, and they are not wronged at all, even the recently developed Internet social software Facebook, its founder Mark . Zuckerberg is also a Jew, so if you dare to say "no" to Jews in the United States, the consequences can be imagined.

NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel

Jews control almost everything in the United States, and they will not tolerate anyone discussing Jews, so Irving, a blue-collar worker who just plays basketball, dares to risk the world's condemnation and publicly condemn the criminal acts of Israeli Jews against the Palestinian people in Gaza, this spirit of defying power and daring to speak righteously, is the idol of fans around the world, he is a real man.

NBA star Irving is not afraid of the Jewish-dominated American society, and he still condemns Israel

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