
My grandchildren came to see me, I gave my grandson 200,000 grandchildren two apartments, daughter-in-law: Dad, you are not sick

author:Review Fengyun

Oral description: Uncle Cui

Author: Xiaoya

My grandchildren came to see me, I gave my grandson 200,000 grandchildren two apartments, daughter-in-law: Dad, you are not sick

I am 73 years old and currently live with my wife.

My wife and I have three children, two sons and a daughter, the daughter is 51 years old and has made a home in a foreign country, the eldest son is three years younger than the daughter, died of illness 10 years ago, and the youngest son is 46 years old this year.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, my youngest son's family of three returned to my hometown to see me, although my daughter did not come back, but my grandson came, and I was pleasantly surprised that my grandchildren and grandchildren brought their girlfriends back to see me.

My grandson is 27 years old this year and has never been married, and I have asked him more than once about his marriage, and my grandson said: "Starting a family, I think men should first work hard for their careers, and then think about starting a family when their income is stable." When he has achieved something, he is embarrassed to ask the woman. ”

My grandchildren came to see me, I gave my grandson 200,000 grandchildren two apartments, daughter-in-law: Dad, you are not sick

My grandson introduced me with a smile, saying that this is his girlfriend who met through a blind date, and the two are in a match, and the woman graduated from 211 like him, and her ability is no worse than him. I nodded in satisfaction, thinking that the two of them were a good match and would be a good affair.

My grandson, 23 years old this year, also introduced his girlfriend to me: "Grandpa, the two of us are college classmates, we have been together for three years, and we are planning to get married. ”

I agreed with a smile, and my daughter-in-law told me: "Dad, I have met Qianqian's parents (my grandchildren's friends), they want 100,000 bride price, and they also ask to buy a house in the provincial capital." I discussed with Cui Yong (my youngest son), not wanting to put too much pressure on my two children after marriage, and wanted to buy them a house in full, which would cost about 1 million. ”

My grandchildren came to see me, I gave my grandson 200,000 grandchildren two apartments, daughter-in-law: Dad, you are not sick

I understood what my daughter-in-law meant, just wanted me to sponsor a sum, I interrupted my daughter-in-law, got up and entered the bedroom, opened the cabinet, and took out a black bag.

I sat back in my chair and said to my grandson and grandson with a smile on my face: "I am very pleased to see that you are all starting a family, and I hope you will continue to work hard and let me see the next generation sooner." You are getting married, and it is not good for me as an elder not to express some intentions. ”

I first took out a passbook and handed it to my grandson: "Xiaohao, there are 200,000 here, which my grandparents have saved over the years, and they have all been given to you, you take it to buy a house, if it is not enough, you can only ask your parents for it." ”

My grandson took the bank card, quickly thanked me, and said a basket of sweet words, but I knew that my next move might make my son's family feel angry.

My grandchildren came to see me, I gave my grandson 200,000 grandchildren two apartments, daughter-in-law: Dad, you are not sick

I took out a real estate certificate and handed it to my grandson: "Xiaojie, this is the real estate certificate of the house in the opposite community, it is written on your mother's name, it is given to you, you take it and sell it, use this money to marry your wife!" ”

My grandson looked at me in surprise, did not take the real estate deed, I took out a real estate deed, and said to my grandson: "By the way, although the real estate certificate of the house I live in now is written in my name, it is also your mother's, you tell your mother, I will make a will to write the situation clearly, and when I die, you will inherit this house!" ”

As soon as my words fell, my daughter-in-law couldn't sit still and yelled at me: "Dad, you are sick!" Both houses are given to grandchildren, only 200,000 for grandchildren, are you suffering from Alzheimer's and mistaken? ”

My grandchildren came to see me, I gave my grandson 200,000 grandchildren two apartments, daughter-in-law: Dad, you are not sick

My son first scolded his daughter-in-law "How do you talk", and then also anxiously asked me if I was mistaken, my grandson looked at me without saying a word, and my grandson's face was gloomy.

I calmly shoved the real estate certificate into my grandson's hand, pointed to the house and asked: "How did this house come about, do you think that if you pretend to be confused, you can get it for nothing?" You think that as long as you have the surname Cui, even if you don't honor your parents, you can get all the property, even the property that does not belong to you, right? ”

Both houses are given to my grandson, only 200,000 yuan for my own grandson, I seem to be confused, in fact, I just act according to my conscience and return what originally belongs to my daughter to my daughter.

My grandchildren came to see me, I gave my grandson 200,000 grandchildren two apartments, daughter-in-law: Dad, you are not sick

I'll start at the beginning! In the past, I had the idea of emphasizing sons over women, and I always felt that raising children to prevent aging, sons are the roots of the old Cui family, daughters have a presence, and after marriage, they are also outsiders, not people from the old Cui family.

Therefore, although I did not overly prefer sons and did not treat my daughter harshly, I only raised my daughter for her to study until she graduated from high school, and did not give my daughter much love, nor did I ask too much after my daughter got married.

I put all my heart and energy into my son, saved food and money for him to study, took out my life savings to marry my son's wife, brought a baby to my son with the old woman, and contributed money to my son's family, thinking that when my grandson grew up, we would be able to live a life of fancy for my grandson.

My grandchildren came to see me, I gave my grandson 200,000 grandchildren two apartments, daughter-in-law: Dad, you are not sick

I firmly believe in the idea of raising children and preventing old age, and I think that everything is worry-free with a son, so 10 years ago, when my son asked us to sell the ancestral house in my hometown on the grounds that we needed capital turnover, although I felt sorry for the old house, I still agreed.

I sold my old house, which was my only shelter at the time, and gave all the money to my son, in exchange for what? It was the unfilial and ungrateful daughter-in-law who crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and it was they who drove our old couple out of the house as if they were abandoned.

Until now, I remember that day, in the cold winter month, I just said a few words to my daughter-in-law, let my daughter-in-law, who had been unemployed for more than half a year, go out to work early, and she was driven out of the house by using the problem to play a role, and the two of them were locked at the door with my wife and shivered.

We knocked on the door for three hours, and even the neighbors were alarmed and called them unfilial, and they thought they hadn't heard. At that time, my son was also in the house, but he ignored us crying in the cold wind.

My grandchildren came to see me, I gave my grandson 200,000 grandchildren two apartments, daughter-in-law: Dad, you are not sick

In desperation, my wife and I had to call our daughter's phone, and after my daughter found out, she immediately rushed over, kicking the door and my son and daughter-in-law did not dare to open it, and my daughter had to pick us up.

My daughter wanted to keep us for retirement, but we didn't want to live under the same roof with our in-laws, and we felt that we were outsiders, and it was embarrassing to live here.

However, we didn't know where to go, although my wife and I had pensions, but not much, besides, the houses were sold, and we had no land to go.

In the end, my daughter took out a sum of money, contacted a fellow who lived in an area close to the county seat of her hometown, bought his house, and gave it to us as a retirement house, so that we had our own place.

My grandchildren came to see me, I gave my grandson 200,000 grandchildren two apartments, daughter-in-law: Dad, you are not sick

As for the two houses I want to give to my grandson, they are the demolition compensation houses of the house my daughter bought. Seven years ago, the high-speed rail in my hometown county was built, and this area was selected, so it was demolished, and we got two sets of compensation houses.

After learning the news of the demolition, I asked my daughter to come back to deal with this matter, after all, the house was bought by her, and the demolition house should also be hers, but my daughter insisted that this was a pension house bought for our old couple, and the demolition house was also ours.

In the end, my daughter and I each took a step back, and one of the two houses had my daughter's name written on it, and the other with my old woman's name written on it as our retirement home.

Since we were kicked out, my son's family of three did not show up for three years, and it was not until the news of the demolition came that they became very attentive, came back at least twice a year, and wanted us to live in the past, but I refused without hesitation. As for the old woman, her heart softened and she was woken up by my scolding.

My grandchildren came to see me, I gave my grandson 200,000 grandchildren two apartments, daughter-in-law: Dad, you are not sick

Over the years, my son and daughter-in-law have been quite "filial", giving us alimony every month, and sending things every three to five, I accepted them all, just because I raised him, this is their obligation, don't do it in vain.

As for their real purpose, I know very well these two houses, but I have already made it clear to the old woman: "If you don't want to taste the taste of being kicked out of your house again in the cold winter and the moon, don't be biased again." What to raise children to prevent aging? Isn't it also anti-aging to adopt a daughter? The daughter is so filial, we chill her heart to please the unfilial son, isn't this digging a grave for ourselves? ”

After recalling these things, I was too lazy to talk nonsense with my son, and told him bluntly: "The reason why I gave Xiao Hao 200,000 is because the child is innocent, he is my grandson after all, I will not count your unfilial behavior to my grandson, these 200,000 are our savings, how I deal with it is up to me." However, these two houses are Xiaojie's mother who honors me, and I just live temporarily and have no right to dispose of them, so don't think about it. ”

The son and daughter-in-law looked at the old woman, the old woman wanted to open a lot, told them that she also thought so, the son's family was angry, and there was no way, so they had to slam the door and leave.

After they left, Xiaojie thanked me and said that I had something to contact them in time, and his parents said that I wanted to come to the door to retire and welcome them at any time, and I smiled and nodded.

There is a filial daughter, quite good, at least don't worry about life in old age, as for the son, the children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and the rest of the things have nothing to do with me.

My grandchildren came to see me, I gave my grandson 200,000 grandchildren two apartments, daughter-in-law: Dad, you are not sick


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