
"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

author:Dream sister Aaaki

Do good people deserve to be bullied? A father gave up his seat to an old man on a bus and was photographed by the woman behind him.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?
"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?
"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

The woman did not praise the kindness of this father, but accompanied the text: This eldest brother's clothes are really unique, I am Grandma Liu when I see it for the first time in the Grand View Garden, and I feel so uncomfortable when I think about it.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

As you can see, a strange tag has also been added to the woman's video.

Such a naked mockery of others, or a kind person who has just given up his seat to the old man, this practice is inevitably chilling.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

The funny thing is that the woman's title also added a tag, and I don't know if I will be scolded if I am discovered.

Sure enough, many people criticized the woman's approach, but some people echoed him.

"If your dad gives me a seat, I definitely won't sit either, my white skirt might get dirty."

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

"I can't sit when he gives me a seat, and I wear a real bag."

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

Seeing such remarks, Sister Meng's fists hardened.

The father returned home and swiped the video posted by the woman, held it for several days before telling his daughter, and said in a half-joking tone, "Girl, I'm angry." ”

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

My father had little culture, but he had a kind heart.

But such a good person was bullied by others, and her daughter's hands and feet were cold with anger.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

What makes his daughter even more distressed is that the father is still persuading his daughter, thinking that this matter is not a big deal, and he is like that.

In her daughter's heart, her father is the best person in the world, and she can't stand others hurting her father.

So she contacted the secretly filmed woman to delete the video, but she didn't expect the other party to refuse to delete it.

The daughter had to send a video asking for help, sharing her father's experience.

At this time, the secretly photographed woman was scared, saying that there were many people scolding her, and netizens were really terrible.

Strangely, the secretly photographed woman in turn made the victim apologize, thinking that it was all the fault of the other party that netizens accused, and then posted a picture of reporting the other party.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?
"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?
"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

The father was secretly photographed by others, and he had to apologize to the secretly photographed woman, and the daughter only felt ridiculous.

At present, the social account of the secretly photographed woman has been banned.

The daughter is as kind as his father, and she posted a post hoping that everyone would not scold the woman for secretly taking pictures, let alone involve each other's families and create some bad photos.

The kindness of her daughter has been supported by many netizens.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

"My dad wore the same thing, a piece of clothing for eight years. What is abnormal are those who casually judge others, and what is abnormal is those who are self-righteous. Dare to gossip and scold back, they are not qualified, they are nothing. ”

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

"My parents worked hard to provide for us and provide us with the best material conditions, but they were reluctant to buy a decent dress. My father even had a piece of clothing that he couldn't throw away if he was worn. I can be spurned, but my parents can't. ”

As netizens said, parents really pay too much for their children.

For the happiness of the child for a second, no matter how hard and tired it is, it is worth it.

I don't know if everyone remembers Xing Wanqiang, the father of migrant workers

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

In order to go home to see the children, Xing Wanqiang stood on the train for more than 40 hours, and did not close his eyes for two days.

He was plainly dressed and dark-faced, and he was the standard image of a rural migrant worker.

The station staff asked him what he had for lunch?

Xing Wanqiang replied, eating instant noodles.

In fact, his instant noodles have long been eaten, and he has been hungry for a long time.

The staff was very unhappy after listening to it, and went to help him cook three meals and five chicken legs.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

After receiving it, Xing Wanqiang pinched the bag containing the meal with his hand, mixed the rice with bean sprouts, and gobbled it up.

He finished a chicken leg in seconds and then told the staff that he hadn't eaten such a drumstick in a month.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

In fact, there was a lot of food in the bag next to Xing Wanqiang, but it was a snack for the child, where was he willing to eat.

Xing Wanqiang is a microcosm of Chinese fathers, who may not be very good themselves, unable to wear expensive clothes or say anything earth-shattering, but they face their children with absolutely no reservations and no hesitation.

In the face of such a father, how can you be embarrassed to say that they are nested?

There is such a fable that is thought-provoking

A tree loves a boy deeply, and the tree loves the boy to climb on him, pick fruit, swing.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

To the tree, the boy is its world.

But as the boy grew older, he spent less and less time with the tree.

Feeling lonely, Shu asks the boy to stay, but the boy says he needs to work and earn money.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

The tree says I don't have money, but you can pick my fruit and sell it for money.

The boy did.

Seeing the boy happy with the money, the tree also felt real joy.

After a long time, the boy came again, and the tree invited him to play with him, but the boy said I want a house.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

The tree told him, you can cut my branches and build a house out of wood, if you do so you will be happy.

The boy cut off the branch with an axe and happily left with the wood.

When the boy returns a few years later, he tells the tree that he is old and tired, and wants a boat to see the distance.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

The tree asks him to cut off his torso so that the boy can sail away and the boy will be happy.

After a long, long time, an old man came over, and the tree recognized him as the boy at a glance.

The tree was sorry, it had no fruit, no branches, no torso, and nothing more to give to the boy.

The boy told the tree that he just wanted to find a place to rest.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

So the tree made him sit on top of him.

At this moment, the tree's heart was filled with joy.


This tree is our father, who sacrifices himself and constantly fulfills the wishes of his children, and does not care whether the children can understand their own hardships.

For fathers, as long as the child is happy, everything is worth it.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

In the face of such a father, we should give respect, not cynicism, and try to set off our own greatness by attacking the flaws of others.

Everyone has their own aesthetic of dressing, and there is no need for others to judge them.

We often say that women are free to dress, but men also need it.

I don't know when polo shirt and trousers became synonymous with greasy, as if tucking a shirt into your pants is inferior.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

But when we turn back the gears of the times and go back to the era in which our fathers lived, you will find that everyone is dressed like this.

This is not greasy and old-fashioned, but a kind of dressing culture belonging to middle-aged people, and it is a memory of their times.

Middle-aged people have their own culture, and young people have their own new aesthetics, and the two are not in conflict.

"Nest Father" rushed to the hot search, do good people deserve to be bullied?

What people need is to shut their mouths when necessary and express less about others.

Everyone is free and does not need your evaluation.

I am Sister Meng, thank you for your likes and attention, see you in the next issue.