
Nian Xinyao gave the pregnant concubine to the scholar when he was about to die, telling the child not to be surnamed "Nian" but to be surnamed "Sheng"

author:Looking back at the stars of history

The Qing dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history and the pinnacle of feudal autocratic rule.

And the Yongzheng Emperor undoubtedly pushed the feudal autocracy to a new height by setting up the Military Aircraft Department.

Yongzheng's throne was not easy, and Nian Xinyao, who had the merit of the dragon, made great efforts in the process of Yongzheng's succession, and he and Colondo were crucial to Yongzheng's accession to the throne and even the throne.

Nian Xinyao gave the pregnant concubine to the scholar when he was about to die, telling the child not to be surnamed "Nian" but to be surnamed "Sheng"

However, in the fourth year of Yongzheng's accession to the throne, he made up his mind to dispose of Nian Xinyao.

Why is that?

To put it simply, there are two reasons for the objective aspect, one is that the birds are all in hiding, and Nian Xinyao's role in consolidating political power at this time has been fully played. Second, the merit is high, and Nian Xianyao's prestige in the imperial court is too high.

The subjective aspect is also due to two reasons, one is that Nian Xinyao does not know how to advance or retreat, is too arrogant and domineering, and has no one in sight. Second, Yongzheng was too suspicious, and he always felt that Nian Xinyao, who had outstanding achievements and held great power, would definitely oppose.

Everyone understands the objective laws of history, and the subjective Yongzheng's suspicions needless to say, since ancient emperors have been called "oligarchs", naturally no one believes, can only be a loner.

The same is true of Yongzheng!

When it comes to Nian Xianyao's lack of progress and retreat, there are many examples.

For example, Nian Xinyao especially liked to cultivate cronies, so he often influenced the appointment and dismissal of imperial court officials, and once circulated that officials had "annual elections".

Personnel power is the core power of the emperor, and Nian Xinyao's involvement naturally makes Yongzheng suspicious.

Speaking of Nian Xinyao's arrogance, one thing must be mentioned: that is, he slept at night to find a concubine room to serve him, and Xueyongzheng actually turned over the cards every night.

This kind of sign, in the eyes of Yongzheng, who was already very suspicious of his heart, Nian Xinyao would definitely not be able to stay.

This naturally led to Nian Xianyao's tragedy.

Nian Xinyao gave the pregnant concubine to the scholar when he was about to die, telling the child not to be surnamed "Nian" but to be surnamed "Sheng"

But, it's too late to repent!

After sensing that the emperor was going to kill himself, Nian Xinyao knew that he would not be able to escape, so he began to urgently arrange the aftermath and keep the queen for himself.

It was 1726, and Xianyao was just 47 years old.

At that time, Nian Xianyao's favorite concubine had just been three months pregnant.

In order to protect her own flesh and blood in the concubine's belly, Nian Xinyao promised her to a poor scholar in her house.

The scholar felt Nian Xianyao's grace of knowledge and vowed to protect General Nian and his woman.

The next day, Nian Xinyao held a wedding for the pregnant concubine and scholar in the palace, and then arranged for them to go out of Beijing and return to their hometown overnight.

Before the scholar left, Nian Xinyao repeatedly told that when the child was born, he could not be surnamed "Nian", but changed his surname to "Sheng"!

The purpose is only to hide people's eyes!

Seeing that the scholar promised to come down, Nian Xinyao put down his heart and sent them away.

The scholar's family was already poor, and the ancestral house of his hometown was dilapidated, and the family was surrounded by disciples.

Just when the scholar was worried about his future life, the concubine took out a box, which was that Nian Xinyao had already prepared money, which was enough for them to live in peace for a lifetime.

Nian Xinyao gave the pregnant concubine to the scholar when he was about to die, telling the child not to be surnamed "Nian" but to be surnamed "Sheng"

When the scholar saw these money, he thought of the lonely scene of Nian Xinyao and the grace of knowing himself, and he couldn't help himself for a while, and cried loudly.

At the same time, he also cherished the relationship with his concubine even more, and took care of Nian Xianyao's orphan more attentively.

Sure enough, soon after, the imperial court listed 92 crimes against Nian Xinyao. On December 11, the third year of the Yongzheng Dynasty (January 13, 1726), Nian Xinyao committed suicide.

It is precisely because he has long anticipated the end of death that the only thing Nian Xinyao cared about in the last moments of his life was to leave a future for the Nian family and continue the incense.

Therefore, he promised his pregnant concubines to scholars, and left enough money for them to live in peace in a foreign country.

Nian Xinyao gave the pregnant concubine to the scholar when he was about to die, telling the child not to be surnamed "Nian" but to be surnamed "Sheng"

There are now two main theories about the descendants of Nian Xinyao:

One is that there is a small village near Yangzhou, and most of the people in it have the surname "Sheng", which is more consistent with the instructions of Nian Xinyao when he was lonely.

Another said that it is a place in Gansu where the surname "Lian" gathers, although it is not "Sheng", but it is close to Nianyin. Moreover, the armor worn by Nian Xinyao has always been enshrined there, and the family tree also regards it as an ancestor.

No matter which way of saying it, it shows that Nian Xianyao's deathbed care should be successful, and the incense of the Nian family is afraid that it has not been broken.

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