
13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

author:Yue's mother's kitchen

As a foodie, visiting night markets is my favorite thing to do. Going out for a meal is waiting in line and crowding with all kinds of people, the day is getting colder, and I don't want to go out at night, after all, street food can be made at home! Today, I recommend 13 street foods that you can make at home, and homemade at home is really cool and very clean.

1. Octopus balls

When you go to the roadside stall, you must order octopus balls, and now you can make them at home!

The outside is crispy and tender inside, the filling is rich, and the thief is happy in one bite~

Ingredients: Octopus whiskers, potatoes, cabbage, chopped nori seaweed


1️⃣Steam and press potatoes into puree, cut cabbage and octopus, put 2 spoons of starch, a little salt and crushed black pepper, stir well and knead into a ball

2️⃣Knead into small balls, put in the air fryer and bake at 175 degrees for 15 minutes

3️⃣Squeeze with salad dressing and tomato sauce, sprinkle with chopped seamoss, and eat~

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

2. Grill the squid

The low-calorie version of grilled squid made with an air fryer is burnt and fragrant, spicy and enjoyable, which is really not inferior to the outside!

This recipe is really thief-like! Hurry up and do it~


1️⃣ Clean the squid and cut into chunks

2️⃣Add minced garlic, 2 spoons of cooking wine, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of paprika, half a spoon of cumin powder, a little sugar, mix well and marinate for half an hour

3️⃣Put it in the air fryer and bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, turn it halfway, and sprinkle paprika and white sesame seeds out of the pan~

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

3. Cheese toast sticks

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

4. Mille-feuille patties

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

5. Corn shrimp dumplings

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

6. Spicy bean skin

This spicy bean skin is really delicious!! The bean skin is covered in sauce and is spicy and enjoyable! The rice tastes so fragrant! Seconds on the table ~ simple method must try ~


1⃣️The bean skin is soaked in warm water until soft, and then rinsed with clean water

2⃣️Minced garlic, sesame seeds, chili noodles, cumin powder, Sichuan peppercorn powder Add some oil and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in the bean skin

3⃣️ Sauce: 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, 2 spoons of Korean hot sauce, half a spoon of white sugar, stir well, stir-fry over low heat evenly, sprinkle with chopped green onions before leaving the pan

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

7. Sweet and sour potato ham sausage

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

8. Potato sausage rolls

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

9. Chicken patties

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

10. Mini potato tart

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

11. Blossom and kiss the intestines

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

12. Meat skewers

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

13. Mini pizza

13 night market snacks made at home, clean and delicious, no need to run downstairs to eat!

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