
Lu Yuxiao responded to star chasing Luhan Wu Shixun and admitted to chasing EXO with a good friend

author:Joke about folk affairs 635466

Lu Yuxiao bravely admitted in an interview that he had chased the Korean boy group EXO with his friends, and the news immediately attracted the attention and discussion of many fans. As an ordinary young man who loves music, Lu Yuxiao's star-chasing experience seems to be just an ordinary member of us, but it is thought-provoking.

Lu Yuxiao responded to star chasing Luhan Wu Shixun and admitted to chasing EXO with a good friend

Lu Yuxiao recalled the experience of chasing stars with his friends, his eyes warm and full of sunshine. The years slipped lightly between their fingers, and at that time they were still young and frivolous, chasing and catching up, supporting each other and feverishly pursuing their own stars. Together, they stepped into the temple of music, screaming and immersing in the ocean of music with many young people who love music. At that time, they were fearless, just to chase the true dreams and love in their hearts.

Lu Yuxiao responded to star chasing Luhan Wu Shixun and admitted to chasing EXO with a good friend

When he was a child, Lu Yuxiao's room was plastered with posters and photos of his idols, who seemed to be around him and became part of his life. He will seize any opportunity to buy the album of the idol, competing for autographs and group photos. Behind each album is the resonance of his heart, and every group photo becomes a testament to his life. Those precious memories have now become images of the past, but Lu Yuxiao always remembers them.

Lu Yuxiao responded to star chasing Luhan Wu Shixun and admitted to chasing EXO with a good friend

EXO, a group known for their cool and high-pitched dance, has a cult following, and their songs have taken Asia by storm upon their release. And these excellent musical works naturally attracted the attention of Lu Yuxiao and his friends. Two star-chasing teenagers began their EXO star-chasing journey. Whether it is a concert or a hot variety show, as long as EXO's figure appears, they are always the first to dodge, no matter the wind and rain and the hardships of the road, they cannot stop their enthusiastic footsteps.

However, behind the twinkling stars, the road to chasing stars is not smooth. Looking back now, those squeezed through the queue, the small noise nearby, the huge amount of ticket money, those moments that once made Lu Yuxiao and his friends tired and thoughtful, have now become precious memories.

Lu Yuxiao responded to star chasing Luhan Wu Shixun and admitted to chasing EXO with a good friend

"Since I say from this point of view, in fact, I have denied EXO's dance, lyrics, dressing, walking posture, I really don't dislike them, I am just dissatisfied," Lu Yuxiao said frankly. Lu Yuxiao's words revealed his thoughtfulness about the act of chasing stars. Although star chasing is a way to express love and support for idols, it cannot be blindly followed, and each individual should have his own pursuit and independent thinking. Star chasing is only a part of life, it is a short-lived passion, and we should focus more on our growth and dreams.

Lu Yuxiao responded to star chasing Luhan Wu Shixun and admitted to chasing EXO with a good friend

The encounter with the idol group EXO is just an episode in the growth of Lu Yuxiao and his friends, but their experience is worth pondering for each of us. When we are young, love and chasing are the driving force for us to grow, but becoming a better version of ourselves is always the most important thing. Idols are just a touch of color in a boring life, while our lives should be colorful.

Lu Yuxiao responded to star chasing Luhan Wu Shixun and admitted to chasing EXO with a good friend

With frank and true eyes, Lu Yuxiao bravely admitted in public the experience of chasing stars with his friends, which is undoubtedly an explanation of himself and the past. Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, this is just an ordinary star-chasing memory, but it is an indispensable existence on their way to growth.

Lu Yuxiao responded to star chasing Luhan Wu Shixun and admitted to chasing EXO with a good friend

The road to pursuing our dreams is not easy, but we can believe that as long as the passion burning in our hearts exists, we can overcome all difficulties. Like Lu Yuxiao, we have all had the experience of chasing stars, moments of love and persistence, and moments of working hard for dreams. This passion and obsession will immortalize our lives.

Lu Yuxiao responded to star chasing Luhan Wu Shixun and admitted to chasing EXO with a good friend

May every young person bravely pursue their dreams and perform their own chapter with passion and courage. Whether it is EXO or others as companions on our growth path, they are worthy of our respect and retrospective. Because star chasing is only an episode in our life journey, and the most important thing is how we sound the music of our lives outside of the episode.

Lu Yuxiao responded to star chasing Luhan Wu Shixun and admitted to chasing EXO with a good friend

Every effort, every attempt, will add moving notes to our music. Although there may be many hardships and difficulties on the road, it is these difficulties and challenges that make us feel the bittersweet and bittersweet of life and let us grow into a better version of ourselves. Every young person is a dancer of life, and we use passion and courage to freely fly on this stage and dance our own dazzling style. Our dreams are shining stars, dazzling, and we are to move towards them without fear.

Lu Yuxiao responded to star chasing Luhan Wu Shixun and admitted to chasing EXO with a good friend

May every young person bravely pursue their dreams and perform their own chapter with passion and courage. Whether it is EXO or otherwise, it is a ray of light in our lives, a beauty. Let us cherish our dreams, move forward courageously, and write a magnificent chapter that belongs to us with unlimited enthusiasm and firm faith. Because it is in this little pursuit of the universe that we can find the most true and beautiful self.

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