
Sun Zhuo was sentenced to five years in prison for traffickers, and Sun Haiyang once said that he would appeal: if only five years is too light

author:Ogawa talks

On October 13, 2023, the Nanshan District People's Court of Shenzhen made a public verdict on the abduction of Sun Zhuo and Fu Jiantao. The court sentenced defendant Wu Moulong to five years' imprisonment for child abduction, while defendant Wu Mouguang was sentenced to two years' imprisonment for the crime of harboring. At the same time, the court also ordered Wu to compensate Sun Zhuo and Fu Jiantao's parents a total of 840,000 yuan.

Sun Zhuo was sentenced to five years in prison for traffickers, and Sun Haiyang once said that he would appeal: if only five years is too light

However, Sun Zhuo's father, Sun Haiyang, was not satisfied with the verdict. He had previously made it clear that if the defendant Wu Moulong was only sentenced to five years in prison, he would appeal. Sun Haiyang believes that a five-year sentence is too easy for a human trafficker, which will encourage the human trafficker and pose a greater threat to the security of society.

Sun Zhuo was sentenced to five years in prison for traffickers, and Sun Haiyang once said that he would appeal: if only five years is too light

"If a five-year sentence can free traffickers, then they will have no scruples and will even become more rampant." Sun Haiyang said in an interview, "We need stricter laws to protect our children and not let these criminals go unpunished." ”

Sun Zhuo was sentenced to five years in prison for traffickers, and Sun Haiyang once said that he would appeal: if only five years is too light

In this case, Wu Moulong was found to have abducted Sun Zhuo and Fu Jiantao in Nanshan District, Shenzhen on October 9 and December 28, 2007, and took them to Wu Mouguang's residence to hide. Subsequently, Wu Moulong handed over the two victims to his fellow villagers or relatives to raise. On September 27, 2021, when the public security organs questioned Wu Mouguang, Wu Mouguang deliberately made false proof of circumstances that were significantly related to the case, intending to shield Wu Moulong.

Sun Zhuo was sentenced to five years in prison for traffickers, and Sun Haiyang once said that he would appeal: if only five years is too light

The Nanshan court held that the defendant Wu Moulong abducted a minor under the age of 14 and separated him from his family or guardian, and his behavior constituted the crime of child abduction. The defendant Wu Mouguang knew that Wu Moulong had committed a criminal act and gave false testimony to cover up, and his behavior constituted the crime of cover-up. Based on the facts, nature, circumstances and confessions of the two defendants, the court rendered the above-mentioned judgment.

Sun Zhuo was sentenced to five years in prison for traffickers, and Sun Haiyang once said that he would appeal: if only five years is too light

The outcome of this case has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. Many experts, scholars and the public have said that child abduction is an extremely serious crime, which not only brings great physical and mental harm to trafficked children, but also seriously threatens social security and stability. Therefore, the crackdown on human traffickers needs to be continuously strengthened, and at the same time, it is necessary to crack down on the cover-up of crimes.

Sun Zhuo was sentenced to five years in prison for traffickers, and Sun Haiyang once said that he would appeal: if only five years is too light

Legal experts pointed out that the fight against child trafficking crimes requires the joint efforts of the whole society. The government should strengthen the formulation and implementation of relevant laws and regulations, so that the legal system is more perfect, rigorous and powerful. At the same time, all sectors of society should also actively participate in countering trafficking, strengthen publicity and education, and raise the public's awareness of law and security.

Sun Zhuo was sentenced to five years in prison for traffickers, and Sun Haiyang once said that he would appeal: if only five years is too light

The outcome of Sun Zhuo's abduction case has aroused widespread social concern, which also reflects the strong voice of all sectors of society for cracking down on child abduction and trafficking crimes. I believe that with the joint efforts of the whole society, we will be able to more effectively combat the crime of child abduction and trafficking and protect the life and safety of every child.

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