
Memoirs of a Veteran: The Afrika Korps under Rommel of the "Desert Fox", the cleanest battlefield

author:Ao Ao 5514337

Desert Fox: Rommel's desert war with the Afrika Korps In December 1940, the British defeated the Italians in North Africa, and the Afrika Korps was formed to directly face the British army. Hitler appointed Rommel commander of the newly formed Afrika Korps. Rommel became a legend for his boldness. People called Rommel the "Desert Fox". He was extremely beloved in the Afrika Korps for his wit, fearlessness, and spirit of sharing hardships with his soldiers. Rommel (second from right) inspects soldiers in the summer of 1942. In the year that the African Legions arrived in Libya, the desert war was fought in a series of fierce and bloody battles, and neither side could completely defeat the other. Equipment is crucial. During the invasion of France in 1940, Rommel demonstrated his ability to command armored warfare as commander of the 7th Panzer Division. But in Libya, he quickly realized that large-scale tank warfare was futile. The F-Type III made a contribution to its passage across the western desert during Operation Gachara, in June 1942. The North African battlefield is considered the only "clean" battlefield in World War II, thanks to Rommel's integrity.

Memoirs of a Veteran: The Afrika Korps under Rommel of the "Desert Fox", the cleanest battlefield

"I never saw any Nazis in my time in the African Corps," Schneider, Rommel's driver, once said. Once, in Buerab (a small town in western Libya), a German soldier, not from our team, raped a local woman. Rommel had the soldier shot, and the sniper was part of our team—we had 12 men in total, but only 6 had live ammunition for their rifles. ”。 Schneider recalled that shortly after joining the combat squadron, he began to see Rommel's "correctness." At one point, Schneider drove Rommel to check the location of some tanks. Schneider alerted the commander that a car was approaching. As the car approached, they saw through the dust that it was a British ambulance. "I was on patrol and accidentally drove the ambulance to the location of the German tank." Schneider recalled, "I was terrified. Schneider estimates that about 20 combat squadron members and Rommel speak English. They ordered the ambulance driver to get out of the car. "He came out with 20 rifles pointed at him, and Rommel said 'stand upright, in front of you is a German general'." Schneider recalled, "Then Rommel asked him where he came from.

Memoirs of a Veteran: The Afrika Korps under Rommel of the "Desert Fox", the cleanest battlefield

The driver said he was an ambulance driver who was lost. Rommel asked him if he had a compass, and the driver said no. "After searching, there were no weapons on the ambulance. Rommel then asked the driver where he was going. He said he was going to a hospital, but he had long since left his usual familiar path. "Rommel pointed him in the right direction for him, and then the driver left." Schneider recalled. The driver survived the war. Rommel won several battles, such as an offensive in February that brought the Confederate forces back into the defensive strip, extending south from Jazala to Bir Hakem. The Jazara Line, as we know it, was occupied by the Afrika Korps a few months ago. However, in November-December 1941, a British offensive drove out the Afrika Korps. This is the characteristic of desert warfare: constant repetition. Special vehicle Type 222 reconnaissance vehicle. Life in North Africa is undoubtedly more difficult for the Afrika Korps than for their enemies. The Allies had ample supplies and were able to rest and recuperate in the more developed cities, as well as eat good food, which the Germans dreamed of.

Memoirs of a Veteran: The Afrika Korps under Rommel of the "Desert Fox", the cleanest battlefield

"Unlike the British troops who occupied Alexandria and Cairo, which were full of restaurants, bars and other places to relax, and we did not capture such a city," Schneider said, "so it is impossible to have a chance to escape the battlefield for a few days." "Even in a few German-controlled towns, such as Benghazi and El Aguila," ... By order of Rommel, it was forbidden to enter restaurants with Italian soldiers. If you do not obey Rommel, you will be punished". In Africa, flying dust and sandstorms are common, so some soldiers protect their faces. In a letter to his wife, Rommel wrote: "... The enemy resisted too tenaciously, and we were exhausted. ”。 The Afrika Korps had forced the Allies back to Egypt, but the Afrika Korps were running out of supplies and stamina. "After the capture of Tobruk, we received orders to cross the Libyan border and attack the port of Matru as Rommel's personal combat unit." Schneider said, "Advancing towards El Alamein was one of Rommel's biggest mistakes, and he should have retreated to the Egyptian border again." Less than 4 months later, General Montgomery launched an offensive at El Alamein, ultimately winning the desert war for the Confederates.

Memoirs of a Veteran: The Afrika Korps under Rommel of the "Desert Fox", the cleanest battlefield

Looking back on the entire desert war, Rommel's command skills and the courage of the Afrika Korps undoubtedly left a deep impression. Despite their scarcity and harsh conditions, they maintained perseverance. Rommel won the respect and affection of the soldiers for his bravery and integrity. The title of Desert Fox is the best interpretation of this legendary commander. Looking at today's wars, we can draw some lessons from Rommel and the Afrika Korps. First of all, although equipment is important, it is more the wisdom and courage of the commander that determines the victory or defeat. Rommel's tactical dexterity and decision-making on the Libyan battlefield were key to his victory. Second, integrity and discipline are important qualities of an army. Rommel's zero-tolerance attitude towards the Nazis and his actions in Buelab demonstrated his requirements for a code of conduct for soldiers. Finally, in the face of difficulties and pressures, perseverance is the key to victory. Rommel and the Afrika Korps faced scarcity and harsh conditions, but they persisted in fighting and eventually achieved a series of important victories. Looking back on history, we should pay tribute to Rommel and the Afrika Korps, who showed tenacity and excellent fighting ability in the desert war.

Memoirs of a Veteran: The Afrika Korps under Rommel of the "Desert Fox", the cleanest battlefield

At the same time, we should also learn from them and continuously improve our command and combat capabilities to cope with today's complex and changeable war situation. What do you think the performance of Rommel and the Afrika Korps in the desert war taught you? How do you evaluate their fighting spirit and courage? Please leave your thoughts in the comment area.

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