
"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"

author:Yojun theory
"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"

Text/Editor: Xiao Ning

Detachment is a thought-provoking film that explores a thought-provoking theme with beautiful graphics and a philosophical plot:

Absurdity is far more than emptiness.

Set in a modern city, the film tells the story of the protagonist Alex's pursuit of absurdity.

Alex is a successful businessman with all the worldly wealth and status, but he feels empty and lost.

He leads a highly planned and predictable life, everything is in order, lacking passion and excitement.

"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"

After encountering a series of incredible events, Alex gradually realizes the power of absurdity.

Absurdity means breaking conventions, subverting tradition, and even going against logic.

In this film, the absurd becomes Alex's bridge out of emptiness.

Through absurd experiences, he rediscovered the joy and freedom of life.

Compared to emptiness, absurdity gives Alex a unique experience that transcends the everyday.

"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"

Absurdity breaks the conventions of Alex's life and makes him re-examine his values and the meaning of life.

People often seek stability and security because these give people a sense of steadiness and peace of mind.

However, when we blindly pursue security and neglect our inner desires, we fall into an endless emptiness.

Emptiness makes people depressing and disorienting, making life meaningless.

On the contrary, absurdity gives people the opportunity to expand their possibilities and make life interesting and fulfilling.

"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"

Absurdity can be thought of as a spirit of rejection of comfort and conformism, which challenges conventional ways of thinking and behaving, making us think about the nature of life.

Not being afraid of absurdity and having the courage to accept challenges is the only way to get rid of emptiness and pursue true happiness.

Traditionally, happiness has been associated with elements such as stability, comfort, success, and material comfort.

However, Alex, the protagonist of the film, finds true happiness by experiencing a series of absurd events.

This happiness differs from happiness in the traditional sense, and its roots lie in Alex's obsession with comfort and stability, and courageous adventures and self-pursuit.

"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"

Absurdity gives Alex a sense of freedom and vitality, freeing him from the shackles of traditional norms.

He rediscovered the balance of body and mind and the meaning of life.

In the midst of absurdity, he experiences the infinite possibilities of life and learns to accept and appreciate everything around him, whether it is ugly or beautiful, whether it is hope or frustration.

Absurdity makes him a more real and free person.

The film points out to us that happiness under the traditional definition is somehow empty and illusory.

"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"

We often seek success, money, and social status in the belief that these will bring happiness.

However, when we pursue these goals, we often lose sight of the true needs of ourselves and our hearts.

We fall into the chase of outside judgment and gradually lose ourselves.

On the contrary, absurdity reminds us to get rid of this false pursuit, return to our inner voice, and pursue happiness that truly belongs to us.

However, we cannot simply understand absurdity as a departure from reality and a denial of all conventions and rules.

"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"

Absurdity is not a complete indulgence and escape, but a balance to be found.

While accepting the absurd, we still need to have a plan and purpose for life.

Absurdity makes us more sensitive and active in the present moment, but it does not mean the pursuit of emptiness and nothingness.

The pursuit of happiness is different for everyone.

We need to be clear about our inner needs and bravely pursue happiness that truly belongs to us.

Perhaps some people think that comfort and stability are happiness, while others pursue adventure and excitement.

"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"

Whichever way you choose, it's important to find a state that truly makes you feel fulfilled and happy.

The movie "Detachment" has the theme that absurdity is far more than emptiness to make people happy, which triggers us to think about happiness.

It reminds us to bravely accept the absurd, to break free from the shackles of convention, and to pursue happiness that truly belongs to us.

Absurdity makes us live more authentically and freely, and fills life with infinite possibilities.

Only when we have the courage to face absurdity can we find our own path to happiness.

"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"

In this fast-paced and competitive world, people often pursue external material and success while ignoring their inner spiritual and emotional needs.

The film Detachment shows us a path to true happiness by exploring the power of absurdity.

Absurdity makes us think about the bondage of convention and tradition, and it encourages us to see uncertainty and gray areas in life.

We often cling to self-defined frameworks and fear of taking risks and failing, so we stifle opportunities for freedom, creativity, and happiness.

Absurdity teaches us to dare to face the unpredictable and find fun and growth in it.

"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"

Absurdity can also break our pursuit of goals and success.

We often over-suppress, sacrifice, and strive for perfection in order to achieve our goals.

The film reveals the emptiness and anxiety behind this pursuit.

In contrast, absurdity encourages us to let go of excessive seriousness and pursuit and enjoy the pleasure and pleasure of the process.

It reminds us to take a break from our goals, enjoy the experience of the moment, and face life with a more relaxed and comfortable mind.

However, absurdity does not mean casual and laissez-faire. It is a process of inner balance and self-exploration.

"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"

We need to find our bottom line and principles in the absurd to avoid falling into excessive freedom and confusion.

Absurdity requires us to have the wisdom and insight to identify what is truly valuable and meaningful and to make conscious choices.

All in all, the film Detachment challenges our traditional definition and pursuit of happiness by exploring the power of absurdity.

Absurdity teaches us to dare to face uncertainty, let go of excessive pursuit and inhibition, and experience life with an open mind.

It reminds us to bravely pursue our own unique path to happiness, get rid of emptiness and anxiety, and find our true happiness and satisfaction.

Let's think outside the box, meet the ridiculous challenge, and find the true meaning and happiness of life.

"Absurdity" is far more than "emptiness" should make people happy - talking about the movie "Detachment"


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