
Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

author:Historical Amway Officer

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On October 12, bad news suddenly spread in the entertainment industry, and director Mr. Guo Baochang passed away in Beijing at the age of 83!

Just mention that Guo Baochang may not be known to some people, but most people must know his "Mansion Gate".

The screenwriter of "The Gate of the Mansion" is him, the director is him, and even that is his personal experience.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

A legendary work carrying the family's history and wishes

"The Gate of the Mansion" is set in a Chinese medicine shop "Hundred Herb Hall", connecting the love and hate between three generations of the medicine family Baifu.

This work is not only a family entrepreneurial history, but also a gripping life legend.

Guo Baochang's creative road can be described as tortuous and bumpy.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

He grew up in Lejia, however, as a bought adopted son, he has always felt the identity of an outsider, which has made him deeply reflect on his life in the house.

Guo Baochang is gifted and intelligent, can sing at the age of 5 and writes articles at the age of 8.

At the age of 16, he first conceived the prototype of "The Gate of the Mansion".

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Unfortunately, his adoptive mother saw it and felt that he was exposing the family scandal and ruined his manuscript.

He tried to create several times, but the turmoil and family changes made his script impossible to complete.

However, the dream of "big mansion gate" in his heart has never been abandoned.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

It was not until 1994 that Guo Baochang, who was 54 years old, took up his pen for the fourth time, and after an eight-month retreat, he finally wrote his dream of nearly 40 years into reality.

He firmly believes that if the wish of "The Gate of the Mansion" is not fulfilled, he will not be able to live peacefully in this life and die without blindness.

When the script was finished, he suddenly felt severe pain and almost went to the hospital.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Then, he suddenly remembered that his adoptive mother objected to him writing about the Tongrentang family, so he turned out his adoptive mother's photo and muttered: "Mom, you won't let me write it, but I finished writing it, you see, you are also very beautiful." ”

After saying these words, miraculously, the pain disappeared.

Eventually, he finished the script and changed it to "The Gate of the Mansion".

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

But the Le family still did not recognize him, thinking that he was a wild breed and not an authentic Lejia bloodline, and he was not allowed to use the name of Tongrentang.

Guo Baochang changed the Tongrentang into the Hundred Herbs Hall.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

The big guide gathers the tricks

In 1995, after nearly 40 years of preparation, Guo Baochang finally began to shoot his brainchild TV series "The Gate of the Mansion".

But the investor did not plan to continue investing after filming 3 episodes, and snatched the script, resulting in Guo Baochang saddling a debt of up to 3 million.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Chen Baoguo originally received a salary of 90,000 yuan, but he insisted that as long as it was not directed by Guo Baochang, he would not participate.

Many well-known directors, such as Zhang Yimou, have refused to replace Guo Baochang in directing.

As a result, the filming of "The Gate of the Mansion" was interrupted.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

It was not until 2000 that Guo Baochang's production director Yu Shengli successfully pulled CCTV's investment for the crew and resumed filming.

Chen Baoguo, who had been waiting for a long time, did not go to accept other film contracts, waiting to play the role of Bai Jingqi and selling houses to make a living.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Therefore, when CCTV proposed to invite Jiang Wen to play the role of Bai Jingqi, Guo Baochang strongly disagreed.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Chen Baoguo waited three years to play Bai Jingqi, and Siqin Gaova lost 18 pounds in order to play the second grandmother, which is one of the reasons for the success of the series.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

In casting, Jiang Wenli's story is also impressive.

Despite the opportunity to play Yang Jiuhong, the daughter of the Qinglou, she insisted on playing Bai Yuting with fewer roles, because Bai Yuting's role touched her.

The dedication and professionalism of these actors adds a lot to the series.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Another interesting story is that the fifth generation of directors gathered at the Huairou Film and Television Base and made a cameo role for Guo Baochang's "The Gate of the Mansion".

Directors have expressed that they want to cheer for Guo Baochang to play the role for one day, and this proposal has been enthusiastically responded.

At the shooting site, many big directors personally made cameos, among which Jiang Wen, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, etc. performed well, making the atmosphere of the crew extremely hot.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Guo Baochang's persistence and persistence, as well as the support of many great directors, eventually made "The Gate of the Mansion" a classic.

The series has been loved by audiences since its premiere in 2001, and won Guo Baochang the 29th Huading Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2020.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

At the beginning of the play, there is a scene of an ink painting where a person kneels.

Guo Baochang said that it was himself, because of his mother's undisclosed background and experience as a dog maid, but these were all put on the screen by him.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Support for five generations of directors

When Guo Baochang was kicked out of the crew and Zhang Yimou refused to film, Zhang Yimou said such a sentence, don't you know what relationship I have with Baoye?

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

So what is the relationship between Zhang Yimou and Guo Baochang? And why are so many big directors willing to play small roles in "The Gate of the Mansion"?

Zhang Yimou once gave the answer to these two questions, saying that without Guo Baochang, there would be no fifth-generation Chinese directors.

In 1982, the 78th class of students of the Beijing Film Academy graduated.

Among the graduates of this batch are a group of outstanding directors, such as Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Xia Gang, Li Shaohong, Gu Changwei and Huo Jianqi.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

At that time, graduates still entered different film studios in accordance with the rules of the state for assigning jobs.

Tian Zhuangzhuang was assigned to the Beijing Film Studio, while Chen Kaige went to Beijing Children's Film Production.

Zhang Yimou, He Qun, Zhang Junzhao and others were assigned to Guangxi Film Studio together.

At this time, Guo Baochang was already the director of Guangxi Film Studio.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

So this group of young directors regarded Guo Baochang as a mentor and affectionately called him "Baoye".

In May 1983, Guangxi Film Studio officially set up a team called "Youth Film Crew", their first film was "One and Eight", directed by Zhang Junzhao, Zhang Yimou as the cinematographer, He Qun as the artist, and Guo Baochang silently served as the art director.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Guo Baochang greatly appreciates the talent of these young directors and fully supports their creation.

Less than a year after graduating from film school, this group of young directors began to shoot films independently, which was "unprecedented" in the Chinese film industry at the time.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

With their own ideas and courage, they resolutely photographed their own works.

However, when they happily completed the film, they were not recognized by the studio leadership, but were severely criticized.

But Guo Baochang stood up and tried his best to get out of the crowd, saying, "It's not easy for young directors to make a play, change it, I think I can act!" ”

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

It was this sentence that made "One and Eight" finally released, becoming the pioneering work of the fifth generation of directors, and also made photographer Zhang Yimou famou.

In 1985, Guangxi Film Studio prepared to shoot "Yellow Earth", but at first could not find a suitable director.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

He Qun recommended his classmate Chen Kaige, and Guo Baochang also did his best to successfully seconded Chen Kaige from Beijing to Guangxi.

This time, Zhang Yimou served as the cinematographer, He Qun was in charge of art, and Chen Kaige was the director.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

After its screening at the Hong Kong International Film Festival, the film "Yellow Earth" was quickly highly praised by local and international film critics, and won several awards, including the Golden Rooster Award for Best Cinematography, the Silver Leopard Award at the Locarno International Film Festival in Switzerland, and the Sattland Cup Director Award at the London and Edinburgh International Film Festivals.

This film directly established the status of the fifth generation of directors in the Chinese film industry.

Guo Baochang has a deep influence on filmmakers such as Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige, and his knowledge is remembered by them.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

But his adoptive mother did not forgive him until death

Guo Baochang, formerly known as Li Baochang, was born in 1940 in a poor family of workers, and his father unfortunately froze to death on the street.

When he was 2 years old, he was sold by his mother for only 80 pieces of ocean to the Wu family, the station manager of Shacheng Railway Station in Hebei, and his surname has since been Wu, called Wu Baochang.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

But Guo Baochang's third aunt felt that 80 oceans was too cheap, borrowed money to redeem him, and then sold them to Guo's family in Beijing's Goldfish Hutong for 200 oceans.

Although this Guo family has an ordinary appearance, it has an amazing background.

The Guo family is the maiden family of Guo Rong, the wife of Le Siye, the richest man in Beijing, the chairman of Tongrentang.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Guo Rong was sold to Lejia since he was a child, but he was favored for his intelligence and beauty.

She learned how to behave in the world and how to use wisdom for her own benefit.

Later, Guo Rong married Le Siye, who was over seventy years old, and became the wife of the main house.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

But since Le Siye could not give birth, Guo Rong needed a child to inherit the property.

She bought Li Baochang for 200 oceans, fostered him in Guo's house, changed his name to Guo Baochang, and called Guo Rong "aunt".

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Guo Bao often grew up in Guo's family and did not leave until he was 12 years old.

He received a special education, including early drinking, smoking, and social skills and fighting.

All this in order to gain a foothold in the gate of the mansion in the future.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

He became the adopted son of Le Siye and changed his name to Guo Baochang, the prototype of Li Tianyi in "The Gate of the Great Mansion".

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Guo Baochang loves to listen to the stories of the fourth master, and dreams of writing the family story into a novel for future generations to read.

In "The Gate of the Mansion", Bai Jingqi exchanged a bag of for more than 2,000 taels of silver, which was told to him by Fourth Master Le.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

But his mother, Guo Rong, did not allow him to write about her early experiences.

She regarded these as "family ugliness" and was not allowed to spread them.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

During the special period, Guo Rong was raided because of his family's good fortune and moved from the big mansion to a small house of only 7 square meters.

When Guo Baochang went home to visit his adoptive mother, he proposed that he wanted to visit his birth mother, and the adoptive mother agreed on the surface, but she was very sad in her heart.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Guo Baochang returned home after visiting his birth mother for 5 days and heard his adoptive mother say to herself, "I raised a wolf."

Guo Baochang went to see his birth mother, just to see what kind of person was willing to sell his child, but he did not explain his intentions to his adoptive mother, which became his lifelong regret.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

In 1973, Guo Baochang worked in Guangxi, and in 1978 he learned that his biological mother was critically ill and rushed back to Beijing, but her biological mother had died.

The adoptive mother also died soon after, leaving only the words "no concern" on her deathbed, expressing her hatred for Guo Baochang.

Guo Baochang deeply regretted that he had hurt his adoptive mother, and if he could explain it to her, maybe she could forgive herself.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Three marriages and wives

It was 1984, Guo Baochang was invited by Shenzhen TV to shoot his first TV series "Love in the Restaurant" in Shenzhen.

In the crew, he met Liugeg, who was 15 years younger than him.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Liu Gege was working at Shenzhen TV Station at the time and often participated in some TV dramas.

Although the two fell in love at first sight, because Guo Baochang was still in his second marriage, he was initially regarded as an ordinary friend.

In 1990, Guo Baochang ended his second marriage.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

In order to prepare for the TV series "Huaiyin Hou Hanxin", he specially found Liu Gege to play the heroine.

On the phone, Guo Baochang directly expressed his love for Liu Gege, which caught the other party off guard.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Although the process was somewhat awkward, it became an important turning point in the heating up of the relationship between the two.

During the filming of "Huaiyin Hou Hanxin", Guo Baochang's sincerity moved Liu Gege.

The two got along in Huaiyin, which made their feelings heat up rapidly, and "Huaiyin" also became a place where they made love.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

After 8 years of long-distance love, Guo Baochang and Liu Gege finally became families.

Their stories have become a good story in the entertainment industry.

Guo Baochang once lamented that the most important thing between husband and wife is mutual understanding and support.

Liugge was the noble man on his life path.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Passed away yesterday

Yesterday, there was a shocking news in the entertainment industry, Mr. Guo Baochang passed away in Beijing on October 12 at the age of 83.

It's hard to think back two years ago, when Guo Baochang was still full of energy and promoting his new book.

In September, he signed his new book, but died a month later.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Director Zhang Yimou also posted a memorial, saying that Heaven still has "The Gate of the Mansion".

In fact, Mr. Guo Baochang was not in good health in his later years, but he always insisted on studying opera and literature and art.

He even wrote a book in his 80s called "The Great Game," which talked about the abandonment and loneliness of Peking Opera.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

The old gentleman once said that you should hurry up and do what you want to do, because if you don't write again, the opportunity will disappear.

However, his death is regrettable and shocking.

Mr. Guo Baochang planned to finalize the novel "The Gate of the Mansion", but after his wish was fulfilled, he died suddenly.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

Regarding the reason for his death, the media and his family did not disclose, respecting the wishes of him and his family, the funeral was very low-key, and there was no farewell ceremony for the remains.

This highly respected artist has achieved the realm of not competing for fame and profit.

Director Guo Baochang passed away and was involved with "The Gate of the Mansion" for a lifetime, without which there would be no fifth-generation director

The death of Mr. Guo Baochang is not only a loss for the audience, but also for Chinese TV dramas.

He was a true artist, and his departure is not the end, but the continuation of the heritage.

His work and spirit will continue to influence and inspire us.

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Wen 丨 Historical Amway Officer

Editor丨History Amway Officer